Tags : popcorn

An Oakley Afternoon

An Oakley Afternoon

A Chapter by Emily

The introduction of the main character and one of her friends.


A Poem by zainul

The poor popcorn seller looks happy
Scatter thought of a unique mind

Scatter thought of a unique mind

A Poem by Popcorn1894

One of many poems, I wrote when I was in prison
Popcorn Murder

Popcorn Murder

A Poem by Mystic_Angel

Kernels&CrumbsOn the floorspread like papers in an junky officeteared paper and butter crumbsfrowned face saying "Its no good"Poor little popcorno..
3) The Regret

3) The Regret

A Chapter by Ivy

Lucy has an internal argument about the pros and cons of marriage and ends up falling asleep watching a movie
7. Beating Around the Bush

7. Beating Around the Bush

A Chapter by Ivy

David surprises Alex by coming over and they have a movie night with Troy and Scar.
5) The Return

5) The Return

A Chapter by Ivy

John returns to the apartment to find Lucy sleeping (not really) and puts her to bed.
what hapens when shakespeare wrights Popcorn music.

what hapens when shakespeare wrights Popcorn music..

A Poem by aaron

Simply for the representation of tom-foolery, in outwards appearance of English symbols numbering three. "L-O-L" to the contemporary generation.
New Olreans

New Olreans

A Poem by Beautiful Intentions

Found this and thought, "I'm so weird..." From a trip in 2015.
The Crevasse

The Crevasse

A Poem by Miss Ithaca

Nonsense drips like popcorn.
Pop n' Popcorn

Pop n' Popcorn

A Poem by Anissa Ali

I wrote this for my creative poetry writing final portfolio.