Tags : rise

The Phoenix

The Phoenix

A Poem by Alex Walters

This poem has multiple meanings. On the surface, it's a source-less narrator talking a phoenix through reincarnation. However, on a deeper level, I fe..
Awake, Awake!

Awake, Awake!

A Poem by X

A bit dark. Hope it gets you all thinking. Enjoy!
Hear My Heart

Hear My Heart

A Poem by Mir

I don't know where this came from. It just came to me.
Autro-Man Rise of Bernardo

Autro-Man Rise of Bernardo

A Story by Eclips Studios

Here is the introduction pages of our first book. If you have an interest in sci-fi and/or drama then take a look. You won't regret it.


A Poem by Navara-Desen

What is waiting behind every shadow?
i'll be there

i'll be there

A Poem by jwenjwen

this is a load of experiences and hopes put together when you're facing what seem to be the darkest days of your life and someone comes along...


A Poem by em810

everytime I speak
The Contradiction

The Contradiction

A Poem by Christoph Poe

If you're not offended by strong language, go ahead. Thanks for viewing!


A Poem by Rommel Martin

My first attempt at a villanelle
love needs rest

love needs rest

A Poem by Rahul

love really needs some rest.
Poem 34.     I WILL

Poem 34. I WILL

A Chapter by Daisie Vergara (Dhaye)

From the misery you have brought to me, I will rise To take a safe journey into my paradise. From the chaotic beating of my heart, I wil..


A Poem by Mirko Galušić

It's about a sad story about the fall and rising of an angel... I've put a lot of emotion into it, it is inspired by a true story, and dedicated to m..
The Sun

The Sun

A Poem by Will

I watch the sun come up, and think of you and me. Only happiness and love, as far as the eye could see. The sun climbs up through the sky, ..
And She Rules The Day

And She Rules The Day

A Poem by Antoñyo

Mildly sensual...not meant to offend.
Rising From The Fall

Rising From The Fall

A Poem by Healing Star

The Fall was going from our Hearts to our Minds, it is time for us to rise and reenter our Hearts.
A Season

A Season

A Poem by Vyse Cross

Listen in.


A Poem by kublakhan27

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