Tags : secrets

But All Men Judge

But All Men Judge

A Poem by Susanna Correya

Judge thou not, and be not judged. Your eyes, though they see as much as A shadow from the viewing side of the screen, Are shoehorned to be self-..
Mighty Ones of Old

Mighty Ones of Old

A Story by Celie Rose

Ancient history eradicated?
The Thrill Of It All

The Thrill Of It All

A Chapter by Ravenclaw12211

I’ve never been excited about a dinner guest in my life. I look in my large bathroom mirror at my muddy clothes and my messy hair and I look h..
Secret World

Secret World

A Poem by rowanfaet

A tale of a dream so beautiful I long for it to be a reality.
silence is copper after all

silence is copper after all

A Poem by Patrick Schultz

Silence isn't really golden if there isn't value put to it.


A Poem by Earl Schumacker

Hidden love in the wilderness


A Chapter by livepoetssociety

PrologueThe only sounds in the air were the rapid pace of a heartbeat and the splashing of water. The scene is blurred but I make out a figure in fron..
Once Upon a Love

Once Upon a Love

A Book by Lina Savill

She has a past that very few know; He has a mission When these people meet, they fall into the desire of the other. If they discover the other's secr..


A Chapter by Lina Savill

My grandmother always told me that eye contact is way more intimate and powerful than words. With only one look to the other's eyes, you can see ..
A Welcomed Stranger

A Welcomed Stranger

A Poem by transentience

Can you feel These Rhythmic Waves Flowing through You Sung into The Voices in your brain Taste my craze in vib..
You're My Nightwind

You're My Nightwind

A Book by Hamna

Study. Work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. That is all that Hayla knows and wants to know. Until the day she gets accepted into Eppingswood Academy and has he..
This is who I am

This is who I am

A Story by lonewolf225

I've lived in fear for to long


A Chapter by Miss Shilly

Follow a boy named Michael as he unwillingly rediscovers his secret past and learns of forces he never thought possible all the while he must adjust t..


A Poem by Richard Mueller

I've got secrets

I've got secrets

A Poem by Lexi Wilkins

I've got secrets I'm telling you I'm f*cked up What else is new I'll tell you my sins You can watch as I bleed I like how it hurts As I fal..