Tags : sim

Code's Life

Code's Life

A Story by Scott Baker

The synthetic and dull trees, with their dimly lit lanterns, were especially beautiful on Omsday. This was the day in which the residents within the e..
FB3-05 "A Vow Of Murder"

FB3-05 "A Vow Of Murder"

A Chapter by dw817

Buford had a single slice of delicious looking cake and stuck a candle in the middle lighting it. Then he set it down in front of me, but something wa..
FB3-06 "A Very Sick Game"

FB3-06 "A Very Sick Game"

A Chapter by dw817

Buford raised his voice, "People, this is going to be an ALL-NIGHT party with Dev as our 'special' guest of honor. The rules to this game are posted o..
FB3-58 "Unfortunate Events"

FB3-58 "Unfortunate Events"

A Chapter by dw817

For now my Dad was transforming into something terrible. The black burns on his skin flaked away and underneath was a greenish color. His burned eyes ..
FB4-50 "Eep Opp Ork Ah-Ah"

FB4-50 "Eep Opp Ork Ah-Ah"

A Chapter by dw817

Ms. Arable spoke, "Now class. I'm also understanding that you have brought your cellphones and they have video games on them and you chat filthy to ea..
FB4-55 "The Girl With The Least Gifts"

FB4-55 "The Girl With The Least Gifts"

A Chapter by dw817

"Your blade is crap." Chard grumbled to Dr. Ferris, finally throwing it away where it clattered on the floor. Then he pulled out his own wickedly shar..
Know That I Too
We are never alone (a poem for mental health month)