Tags : spirits

Blood Of A Rhinestone: The Other Half Series

Blood Of A Rhinestone: The Other Half Series

A Book by Tiara Dyon

Drew Emily Red must face her biggest fear. Her Guardian. While her best friend Hooks Evning is inviting the darkness in, but Drew Red wants it gone. ..
The Gifted

The Gifted

A Story by Sydney

It's about a young boy by the name of Edwin, who is fifteen years old and he has a sixth sense. Meaning, in short, he can communicate with spirits.
The Spirit World

The Spirit World

A Chapter by Edwina

Valentine's Day is a hit at Miss Grayson's shop


A Chapter by Edwina

Gearing up for a seance, the mediums, and curious, converge at the Blundon House
Nothing To Fear

Nothing To Fear

A Chapter by Edwina

Harriet enjoys the seance when her childhood dog makes his presence known
Rain in my cup

Rain in my cup

A Poem by Stephanie

This is about finding beauty in the earths special things.
The Passenger's Side

The Passenger's Side

A Chapter by Edwina

Farleigh needs to connect with his deceased wife in any way that he can.
Ravens' Wings

Ravens' Wings

A Poem by Bright Ocean Star

A Friend-Inspired Poem
The meagre quarter

The meagre quarter

A Poem by Moonie

The past never goes away, we just stop seeing it.
The Old Man From Oak and Eve

The Old Man From Oak and Eve

A Story by Aphrodite's Author

A suspicious old man. A nineteenth century urn. Missing jewelry. Strange shadows and unnerving dream. People that were never there. Alice saw it all, ..
The Moon

The Moon

A Poem by Gypsy Dreamer

A comparison between the moon and man.