chapter 2 the broken road

chapter 2 the broken road

A Chapter by the happy pickle

Get back in bed said mindy  jaaaaaake? Jake? Jakey she said her arms are around him you okay? You seem spacey mindy asks. Yea I'm just thinking jake says later that day 
Dear  jake,
I'm leaving you. Your no fun and I need to find myself please don't look for me  i took 5000$ from your savings i knew you wouldnt mind ~ mindy

Ugh that woman will be the death of me  

Mindy's pov 
that night 
Omfg I'm pregnant says mindy to her friend just get rid of it says her friend yeah I will go next week 
Nigt give the child to its dad or pain will come to you says a beat up young lady w who are you? Mindy asks I'm warning you mindy if you don't give the child to the father you will suffer a fate worse then death the young ghost says y-your that dead girl jane andams mindy turns to get her phone but when she turns back jane is gone and left nothing but  a poem 

I am the page that you read to fast, the shadow in the darkness the monster under your bed. Yet you stand before me  and say you would take a life but would not give your own, oh how the mighty have fallen isn't that what you told me the night I died? How dark must your heart be to turn away a child in the steets that's begging for you to care for them does your heart not feel pain anymore? You  be careful what you wish for 

I spent 300$ for makes costum I spent 3 months making it and its done jane thinks now I will just drive it over to jake's home. Someone ran a red light and hit the divers side of my car my car flipped and I was in a great deal of pain but I had to get out of there kick the window and craw out and grab jakes costum with me. Hey are you ok I called 911 please don't sleep the lady said hey what's your name? eilza jane andams I said. eliza okay where where you going? To my friends home to give him this I said pushing the bag to her please make sure he gets it I worked very hard 
1hour later  later jake this is janes dad  stop your stupid fighting and get to the hostpital jane isn't doing . 
Jake ran and he got there where where is she jake asks as they are in tears 103 he walks in to find a woman in bad shape in a hostpital bed with a faint heartbeat no no no no jane please don't leave me I love you I always will jake. Says. You know its your fault I died I hate you she says no jake a kind voice says. Its not your fault I died it was my time don't listen to your head listen to me I won't leave you I will be by your side til the end of time but now I bid you fellwell my dear. She is very strong a doctor says she should have died at inpacked yet she pulled her self out of the car and stayed awake until we got to her and she is still here even when she must be in a great deal of pain just so you could say goodbye and with that a long beeeeeeeep and janes grip on my hand fades and we all cry  hi are you jake handson the lady asks yes jake replails here she asked me to make sure you got it she gives him the blood stained bag and left. He hugged that bag it ment so much to him  thats the dream I've had for 8 month now and only I can see the poem mindy said what does the poem say? ask the doctor
I am the page that you read to fast, the shadow in the darkness the monster under your bed. Yet you stand before me and say you would take a life but would not give your own, oh how the mighty have fallen isn't that what you told me the night I died? How dark must your heart be to turn away a child in the steets that's begging for you to care for them does your heart not feel pain anymore? You  be careful what you wish for . H mm the doctor says did you want get rid of your unborn child? Ask the doctor yes I didnt think it was that bad 

© 2014 the happy pickle

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Good work keep it up pickle I wish more people would read your work you have only made 2 chapters and I'm already hooked and I love how you see a bit more of eliza in this and i love that poem

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 10, 2014
Last Updated on October 11, 2014


the happy pickle
the happy pickle

the land of aaa, the candy kingdom, United Kingdom

Hello I'm the happy pickle but just call me happy I love to write grim stuff and ask hard questions are you up for it? more..
