chapter 3 the sunshine

chapter 3 the sunshine

A Chapter by the happy pickle

Every time I sleep I have the same dream and only I can see the poem she made. Mindy thinks as she looks down at her baby bump why does she care? Its my life is this because of what I said to her? Mindy thinks

                                         Eliza jane andams 1991 -2013 
Eliza known as jane was a great person to be with she  was very talented but very humble she was taken to soon but she always "said words mean nothing but it is how you act that says what words cannot" she did youtube and shared her life with the world she changed so many peoples lives in the sort 22 years she was here but I remember when someone asked her what would she do if she died in a week and she said I have never feared death I was perpared to die the moment I was given life. And I won't live my life how others see fit I live for the lord not tmz I would be ok with dying because I have something waiting for me. Jane loved so many people helped them and what she wanted most she couldn't have. Jane was a fighter we all know that she kick the car window out when she was in a great deal of pain and pulled herself out. And when death knocked at her door she told it to wait until she could say goodbye how tried you must have been my lil girl you shall be missed sleep well. 

Justins pov 

Mr. Andams? Speaking who is this the older man asks. This is the e.r  calling for your daughter eilza jane andams she was in a car crash you will have to come down we contacted mrs andams . The truth is I already stoped listening when she said my daughter was in a car crash. Iucus get to the e.r its your sister and with that we all go to the hostpital to see a beat up young lady but all I see is my little girl that slowly sliping away I hold her hand and cry jane baby its gonna be alright you will wake up and marry jake or whoever and you will have kids many many kids i said. now you and I know that's a lie dad said a kind voice jane? How are you? Im in your head to make you cope she says with a smile oh dad I love you thanks for taking care of me and she was puff. but I felt her sqeez her hand three times she used to do that when she was a kid it met I love you. Then milly my ex wife and tracy her wife and casey their daughter that was janes age that I never liked and her friend I dont know her name walked in casey went in to janes hostpital room . 

Casey's pov
Haha little miss goody too shoes is dead I said but I felt a bit sad at the fact jane was never mean to me or did anything to hurt me . Took her long enough mindy said oh how the mighty have fallen she said hey mindy she's my sister please be nice jeez 
I say I was all alone now.... jane was the one person that was there that never lefted me never juged me listened and confrorted me she was like a mom and and if she ...if she died I would.. its ok I hear then I feel arms around me. I'm always with you even if you where mean to me  j-jane? I ask . She looked the same she always had a glow around her like she was an angle but her glow seem to be even brighter but the shine in her eyes that always showed love and happiness  seem to lose it shine and show pain and suffering like she was in pain just sleeping there I couldn't help but cry and cry and cry mindy looked at me in ahhh that a ghost of a girl that has not yet died is here she looks at mindy and wispers something I couldn't hear her but whatever it was mindy looked scared mindy lefted and we never spoke again 
 I came out and all janes friends were here but jake which is wierd because they are like joined at the hip she did say something about going on a date with someone then jake being mad at her so he's to mad to see her before she dies? Oh hell naw she is my sister and my best friend and I will get jake so yo can rest easy I fell her sqeez my hand three times then I get in the care and drive to jake I find him he looks so sad HEY A$#hole jane is dieing in the hostpital and your watching advanture time? Really get in the car just then I hear wend phone go off I cant hear what they are saying but jake has gone pale now and his eyes are big with worry. Please hold on jane just a little bit longer we get there and jake runs to her room and just sits next to her holding her hand crying. A doctor comes in and jake and him talk but then jake starts to cry and he comes out with a sad face and says sh-she just died I can see everyone start to cry and noone care that grown men are weeping then a woman hold a bag go walks up to jake and give him the blood stained bag. The she leaves and jake hugs the blood stained bag he feel to his kneens at this point sreaming the one question that was on every ones minds why her god? She did everything you asked she was almost perfect why would you take her just then everyone looks as relived I to I feel her. Her warm hugs and her bright smile as if she was saying when you see the sunshine think of me and know I will always be with you even in the cloudy days when you think I am gone. 

© 2014 the happy pickle

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Added on October 11, 2014
Last Updated on October 12, 2014


the happy pickle
the happy pickle

the land of aaa, the candy kingdom, United Kingdom

Hello I'm the happy pickle but just call me happy I love to write grim stuff and ask hard questions are you up for it? more..
