Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Naomi

"Hey, Em!”

Ace’s voice brought me back to reality. “Y-Yes?” I stuttered, surprised. Ace was standing up next to me, looking a little annoyed.

“The bell just rang. C’mon or we’ll be late for science,” she said and walked out of the room.

I sighed. She didn’t even bother to wait for me. I hurriedly picked up my book bag and jogged to catch up with her. In science, we sat in our assigned seats (conveniently we sat next to each other). Instead of talking to Ace, I took out a sheet of paper and began to doodle on it. By the time class started, my doodle became a picture of the dream I had last night. The picture consisted of my father, my mother, and me. To be short, it was a very depressing picture. I quickly put it away before Mr. Leaber, our bio teacher, took it. Mr. Leaber was a very negative person; he always thought his life was a glass half empty and complained to us about how hard he had it. One time I had raised my hand in the middle of his pity speech and had asked whether or not the starving kids in Africa had it as rough as him. Mr. Leaber had turned a deep shade of red and told me to shut up, that I didn’t know anything. I sighed inwardly. God, humans were such a pain. And on top of that, Mr. Leaber was rude to us. He always called us stupid if we didn’t get a question right or slow if we asked a question during class. I got angry even thinking about how cruel he was.

Mr. Leaber even had the nerve to show up to class late!

I frowned and pretended to take notes while he droned on about genetics. Stupid bio class, I thought bitterly. Why couldn’t I have been put into an Honor class or something? I mean, I’m smarter than all these people anyways! I continued to think about this for most of his class until I felt my hair stand up. My breath came in short gasps and I felt the energy drain from me. I slowly moved my gaze towards the door window. There in the window, stood a Vampire Hunter. I glared at him—“it” for it had no gender—and quickly raised my hand. If I didn’t get rid of this monster soon, it would mean trouble, big trouble.

Mr. Leaber looked at me and sneered. “Yes, vermin? Do you have a question or something?”

I moved my glare towards him. “Why, yes, I do. Why are you such a prick?” He opened his mouth in shock and didn’t say anything. I took that as a good sign and continued on. “I have to go to the bathroom if you don’t mind.”

“I-I do mind in fact,” he said defensively, recovering from his shock. “What makes you think I’ll let you go to the restroom after your last remark? Are you really that slow?” His lips twitched up.

I narrowed my eyes even more and clenched my teeth. My. Leaber’s face became very pale and his eyes wide with fear. I guess my “evil” glare really did work. I stood up form seat and walked towards the door. With or without his permission, I would be leaving. I turned towards him and smirked. “I’ll be leaving now if you don’t have any objections.”

Poor Mr. Leaber, he was too scared to speak. So, instead of waiting there all day for a response, I opened the door and left. As I silently closed the door behind me, I scanned the hallway for any signs of the Hunter. My instinct told me to go left so I did. I ran along the hallway and took another left and then a right. I was in the math wing of our school, near the lowerclassmen. I cautiously moved forward, my eyes looking all over the place. Everything seemed normal to the human eye, but my vampire eyes told me something different. Instantly the hairs on my neck stood up. I snapped my eyes up towards the ceiling and saw the Vampire Hunter watching me with its white eyes and emotionless face. It smiled at me and I suppressed a shiver. From what I knew about Vampire Hunters, their motive is to search and destroy without mercy. I swallowed and took half a step back. And from what I knew about their armor, it was indestructible. Oh, what a fine day I was having.

© 2008 Naomi

Author's Note

Please tell me if I have any spelling/grammar/punctuation mistakes! I'd really appreciate it! Thanks! By the way, sorry for the short chapter. OODLES OF LOVE EVERYONE!

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Awesome chapter Nao. I was so into the story I became angry when you finished because I wanted to know what happened next. Keep up the awesome work!

Posted 15 Years Ago

your story was very nice and interesting but the settig didn't make sense to me
what do you mean by "Ace's voice brought you back to reality"
but i was very very nice indeed
and i'm serious and please reply me

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on September 23, 2008
Last Updated on September 23, 2008




Let's see... Well, I'm a sophomore in High School and I can write really gruesome stories about the circus. Other than that special "talent", I'm just a regular girl writing stories about nonsense a.. more..

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