A Love Hate Relationship

A Love Hate Relationship

A Chapter by The Skybreaker

   Kelsey had always loved the peace and tranquillity of the massive old oak tree on the corner of Mullberry St. and Cherry Lane. All the streets on this side of town were named after a berry or fruit of some kind. Kelsey lived at 76 Cherry Lane, in a modern home that was still somewhat remeniscent of the age old town in Virginia. Summer days down south always shone bright, cheery light through the parlor windows and lit up the light colored house like a lanturn in the dark. Today however, She had chosen to enjoy the sunshine by climbing one-handed into the topmost branches of the oak and settle in with her favorite book.

   Just as she got to the part of the original Dracula when the tingling in her spine made the warm day suddenly severely cold, Kelsey heard a shout of laughter and cat-calls from below. Peering through the turning leaves, she saw some of her least favorite people in the world heading towards the trunk of the tree. Jake Carding, Cole Mason, and Michael Jones were having a violent sword fight with three dangerous looking sticks just below her. Oh no, not them! Kelsey thought frantically. She held her breath and tried her hardest not to move.

   "Pathetic!" Michael was screeching. "You can't fight for your life!" 

   "Wanna bet?" Jake dared him, swinging his stick towards his friend's head. At the last second he swung away and rapped both other boys smartly about the knees. 

   "Alright, you win!" Cole gasped, hands on his knees.

   "Again..." Michael muttered. 

   "Hey, I wonder if that girl is here again today, the one with the blonde hair." Cole panted. "What's her name again?" Kelsey tensed in the tree, then began to slowly climb down, making as little noise as possible on the strong, rough branches.

   "Kelsey." Jake replied, just a little too quickly. The other two stared at him, teasing smiles playing across their lips.

   "Kelsey, huh? Is she your Giiirrrrlfrieend?" Michael asked, smiling evilly from ear to ear.

   "No!" exclaimed Jake, looking stricken. " I've been in her class since Kindergarten, so I know her name, that's all!"

   "Are you sure?' asked Cole, taking a step forward.

   "Yes, he's perfectly sure. Now can you please go away?" Kelsey asked, dropping silently to the ground just behind the boys. Cole and Michael jumped, startled. But once they saw it was her, their expressions or confusion were replaced with almost identical evil grins.

   "Oh, so you are still hanging around in this old tree. Hangin' and daydreamin' about Jake probably!" They both laughed, challenging Kelsey to contradict them.

   "No! I just-"

   "She just likes to be left alone, so lets go guys, we have better things to do than hang out with her all day." Jake cut in, grabbing his friends by the arm and pulling them back down Mullberry Street. They smirked, but followed him obediently. Kelsey stuck out her tounge at their retreating backs and swung herself back into the tree. Well, another afternoon ruined. She wouldn't be able to read now. Grabbing, hedr book and hitting the pavement, Kelsey began the short walk back home. She had almost reached the house when a familiar voice called her name from back up Cherry Lane. She walked a little faster, but Jake soon caught up.

   "Kelsey!" he gasped, hands on his knees. "I'm sorry for what they did today. It must be a rotten way to start off summer vacation, but they won't listen to me, and-"

   "That's perfectly alright." Kelsey sneered, allowing herself a quick glance at Jake's sweat-covered face. "Now please leave me alone." She said curtly. They had approached the gate into hedr front lawn, and her West Highland Terrier, Dixie, was jumping at the fence.

   "No, wait. I'm going to this party on Saturday, at the Genson's old place, and I want you to come with me." He said this all in a rush, as if once it was out there he would be whole. Kelsey looked at him curiously, and a red tinge creeped up his neck. "Only if you want to, I mean."

   "Will Cole and Michael be there?" asked Kelsey, already knowing the answer.

   "No, they're going to Cole's vacation house in Atlanta for the weekend." Jake replied, biting his lip.

   "Alright, I'll come. What time is it?" A wide smile spread slowly across Jake's face, and his eyes sparkled in delight.

   "It starts at six. There'll be hot dogs and ice cream, and barbecue and everything! Can I come by to get you around five thirty?"

  "Of course. See you then!" said Kelsey, smiling faintly at Jake as she opened the gate. He smiled back and turned away as she and Dixie headed inside.

   "See you then..." He whispered to himself, and began the short walk home to 417 Mullberry Street.

© 2008 The Skybreaker

Author's Note

The Skybreaker
this isn't done yet! check back l8r!

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Added on March 14, 2008
Last Updated on April 20, 2008


The Skybreaker
The Skybreaker

Oh, yeah, the world really needs to know that! Let's pretend I forgot, okay?, AK

I love to read, write, draw, sing, paint- basically any form of art I like! My favorite color is purple. Some people say I like animals more than people! (I do find them kinder and more rewarding to w.. more..

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