Chapter 7 - The Meaning of Friendship

Chapter 7 - The Meaning of Friendship

A Chapter by Tim Holt, Author

Chapter 7 – The Meaning of Friendship


My parents didn’t hear me come in. I collapsed onto my bed and cried my heart out. I didn’t care anymore. I was ready to die. I abandoned my real friends for a girl and friends that had just left me to lie on the streets. I thought of apologizing to the crew, but then I asked myself if I would forgive me if I were them. My answer was no. Who would?


Then I thought of God, what God could love me?


Nothing can separate us from God’s love


I heard the phrase come up in my mind again. Could I believe that? It might be my only hope. If this didn’t work, I would have no God and no friends. I would die.


I kneeled awkwardly on the side of my bed and started to talk.


“God, I know what I’ve done. I don’t know how to get my friends back, I was a jerk. What am I supposed to do? I’ll turn back to you, please forgive me.” It seemed as if a great weight had been taken off of my shoulders. “What about my friends God, how can they forgive me?”


I looked up, as if for an answer and saw a small stack of papers. They were labeled Lily, Ian, Walt. On the top with a small sticky note attached to it was my THE CREW card.  On the sticky note was the word please. I smiled lightly, pocketed the card, and started to read the letters.




Dude I don’t know what happened, but you’ve changed a bunch. Dude we miss you, restaurant night won’t be the same without you man. Who will be the one I can blame when I flick potatoes at Lily? I will be praying for you man, please come back.




Tears started to brim in my eyes. I turned to Ian’s letter




You’ve always been my main man. Don’t keep going down the path you go on. We all went out to have coffee on Thursday. The weird thing was that I was so unhappy without you man. The reason that I’m always happy is because I have a crew that I can always be happy with. There’s no reason to be happy without you there man.




In the end little blurs appeared on the paper, the tears that had fallen from my face. Then I turned to Lily’s letter, and found it was written as if to someone else


He was always the guy I could be comfortable around. He could always talk to me or just hold me if I needed it. He was the brunt of all of my jokes. He gave us all something to smile about. He gave me someone to tackle in football. I really hope he comes back. I think I also loved him. I can’t be happy now.


I was frozen in shock. I had been with the people that I should have been around all of the time. I was around the girl that I should have been with the whole time. I had a mission. I got on my jacket and ran out the door.




At the door of her house, I hesitated knocking. Would she be up? Of course she would, she always stays up late. I knocked on the door. She stood there, the tomboy and girl of my dreams. She had obviously been crying.


“What?” she said with a raspy voice. And thus started the apology of the century.


“I’ve been a jerk, I’m so sorry. But I read your letter, and I am here asking for forgiveness. God has forgiven me, but my best friends haven’t. I feel half empty. If you don’t forgive me, I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t forgive me.” I looked into her deep green eyes. They stared into mine.


“Of course I forgive you, I love you.” And she took my hands and kissed me. I thought it would be the same as Kelly, but this was nothing like it. Kelly’s kisses had always felt good, but it was empty of something. It seemed that there was passion and something more in this one. After the kiss, there was no guilt at the end like there was with Kelly.


I laughed. “Ian and Walt will have a laugh about this.”


She laughed too, “Of course they will… but only once.”


This time I was glad I wasn’t Ian and Walt.





We laughed and each drank our exquisite drinks. I guess there IS nothing that can separate us from God’s love. We can run all we want, but God always wants us back. That to me is an awesome God.


A while ago, I would never have wanted to hang out with these people. But now, I wouldn’t have it any other way.



© 2008 Tim Holt, Author

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Yay :]

Hahahaha! I love this story. A lot.
In the first chapter, you changed her last name from Anderson to Evans.
Just letting you know. :]

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 16, 2008


Tim Holt, Author
Tim Holt, Author

Los Angeles, CA

My name is Tim Holt. I live in Southern California and I love Jesus!! He's a great guy. Im a huge guitar player. I also love to hang out with friends, and the best thing besides God is JUSTICE!!!!!!.. more..
