That Day

That Day

A Poem by EnternalNight

Dont read if happy

There once was this little boy...
He had a secret, one he wouldn't tell anyone.
He used to always be happy...
Unaware of what was happening... 
Then one day on his way home he saw a puppy,
It was left in a box on the road.
He took it home and hid it in his room. 
The next day after he got home he found his father holding a beer and the puppy...
His father had killed it.
The boy cried, his father laughed.
His mother ran down the stairs and held the boy shouting at his father.
His father hit his mother.. 
She laid there and looked at the father a shocked expression... 
Next thing the boy knew fist were flying and there was lots of shouting... 
Then his mother hit the floor bleeding and bruised... 
The father started walking toward the boy... 
It wouldn't stop
The boy shouted
His father was still coming
His mother pulled the boy away and ran 
Up the stairs 
Foot steps 
The sound of a man loading a gun
Being found...
A shot fired
A body in front of the boy
He looks up and sees his mother smiling at him
"Be a good boy ok?"
She dies protecting the boy.
The boy shaking stands and looks at his father
No emotion on his face
His fists at his sides as he whispers
 "How could you!" the boy cried and cried...
His father was getting angrier 
That was the first time the boy was hit,
The first time he saw death
And this is the time the boy was no longer innocent.
Everyday he remembers what his mother whispered to him while they hid
"Be a good boy Sam, protect your sisters. and never forget who you are. I love you Sammy"
He was only 9

© 2011 EnternalNight

Author's Note

please ignore grammar....

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heart wretching ..

Posted 13 Years Ago

The things some people see, no matter the age, the violence in this world is reaching satanic proportions, it's a very sick world and your writing brings it out

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is such a sad told it in a very powerful way
I am very sad to read it is true...


Posted 13 Years Ago

This is an extremely sad story. Very powerful Kristina.
When I start a family of my own I will strive to be the kind of father my father was to me and my siblings. Loving and Caring, always there.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is why I have come to enjoy reading poetry as much as writting it. It isn't about general things like grammar or style or even format but the message in each poet that they share with everyone. Rather if someone is sad or happy this would be a good read for them.

I imagine anyone who reads this will feel for you and what you had to go through at a young age. There is no words of comfort that would help ease how you feel but now people can relate, understand and have compassion. Great write.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This really does happen. Thank you for emphasizing and bringing it forth...Your prose kind of flowed like poetry..good work..

Posted 13 Years Ago

good for you. I wish you the best and keep your head held high. Sounds like you are doing well and that is the most important thing. Without you, your sister would be lost I'm sure. This had to have taken a great deal of courage to get through it. Wishing you a peaceful and happy Christmas season.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow, quite and explosive story. I knew what was going to happen with the puppy but I didn't see the rest coming. This is a horrific story and I don't know if it is true or not but there are people in this world who have lived through that kind of torment and twisted reality. I am hoping the boy and his sister made it out and turned their lives around. The details are almost too overwhelming for me.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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20 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 8, 2010
Last Updated on January 2, 2011
Tags: abuse, hurt, anger, laughter, pain, protect, death




I'M ALIVE! sorry I've been gone so long! anyway I'm back and I'm writing again, so I hope you guys like the new poems! more..


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