


todo fue equivocacion: yo creia que queria ser poeta, pero en el fondo, queria ser poema

entre Guatemala y Estados Unidos
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About Me

Esto es el perfil alternativo de la escritora Marie Anzalone. Para mi, el Espanol es el idioma del alma, y estoy tratando de mejorar mi uso de las formas y las palabras. Esto perfil sirve entonces para poner mis poemas en Espanol. Muchos tienen traduccion en ingles; otros, no. Toda la critica y sugerencia es aceptada y bienvenida. He publicado dos libros bilingues, y estoy trbajando el tercero.

Uds. pueden esperar el mismo nivel de calidad y profesionalismo que con mi otro perfil.

This is a profile for me to post my works in Spanish as I prepare for a life as a US citizen with residency in Guatemala. I will be posting works here in Spanish, and in both Spanish and English as I strive to get/ stay fluent in a second language. Please expect the same level of courtesy and professionalism as I give with my other profile. Al commentary designed to help me improve my writing is welcome. I have published two bilingual books of poetry, and am currently working towards the third.

I will NOT be using this profile to do stupid things like set up a contest so I can give myself a prize. Looking to connect with other Spanish speakers on site.

I have created what I believe may be the first WC group for bilingual writers/ He creado un sitio nuevo para escritores de Espanol, se puede verlo aqui:

Practicando Espanol

Please join us if you'd like to practice your language skills! (favor unirse con nosotros si quiere practicar sus tecnicos de escritura en Espanol)

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Posted 7 Years Ago

I was posting some stuff at hellopoetry. I just haven't been able to get past all the history here yet

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Posted 7 Years Ago

there doesn't seem to be a lot of people reading any more :)

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Posted 10 Years Ago

i have to get back in the habit of coming here . . .

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Posted 11 Years Ago

it seemed like a good idea at the time

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Posted 11 Years Ago

i got drunk, soooooo drunk last night

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Posted 11 Years Ago

muchas gracias

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Gracias. Y uds (tu? ;) ) tambien.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Pasando solo para desearte una excelente mañana! :)