Red Cloud Road

Red Cloud Road

A Poem by KWP

A poem written on a recent visit to America. Discovered leaving Nevada, through Arizona to California.

Kickin' up the dirt
At the end of Red Cloud Road
Day by day, scorching desert play
This life, nothing shall be owed

My father was the caretaker
Tending the old mineral mine
Shut down again, that was when
My family moved here for a time

My mother helped my dad
Our life never settled in
All around, from town to town
Gypsies chancing for a win

'Go outside and find some fun!'
Mother would always scream
'Other boys would forget their toys,
In this here playground like a dream.'

And so it was each day
Taking my lone self out to play
Desperate heat, no easy feat
Kickin' up red dirt all the way

The canyons would invite me
Offer shade and cool to sit
Climbing high, to touch the sky
Owning freedom for a bit

Adorning their best outfits
Friday shining in their eyes
Fantasy Springs, a casino that brings
Hope within it's gambling lies

They glance over their shoulders
I'm told not to leave the house
Locked and stowed, at Red Cloud Road
Scared and quiet as a mouse

They return home fueled with drink
No money left for dreams
In my bed, filled with dread
I listen to their screams

Escaping very early
My playground said to offer 'fun'
Kickin' dirt, not understanding hurt
Tears dry quick in desert sun

Silent gaze upon the distant road
Perched high on this desert rock
Trucks and cars, traveling far
My journey begs to leave this flock.....

The end of Red Cloud Road
Kickin' up dirt is where i'd be
Not for long, soon I'd be strong
To wander far and free

© 2014 KWP

My Review

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Those states are very hot, and your description of it is pitch perfect. Great job on a great piece.

Posted 6 Years Ago

I'm paralyzed at my computer! I can feel everything from the 'heat, to the sorrow, to the baking sun. This poem OVERFLOWS with emotion. I am not fond of the desert Southwest because I abhor the heat. A great poignant picture of a sad, lonely and (maybe bored) little girl kicking the dust up welled up in my mind. I think she was probably happy to finally escape (wink!)

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Hey Mari - so nice of you to take the time to read this - it was my first poem on this site all that.. read more
Mari' Emeraude

6 Years Ago

well ya picked a good one!!
Our life never settled in
All around, from town to town
Gypsies chancing for a win

--------- You have said too many things in these lines. Brutally honest write :)

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

hello my friend - its been a while :) hope all is well on your side and thanks so much for the read .. read more
Well, this writing was like a letter or a train of thought within a journal or just an effort to put into sense your young turning point of life. I was satisfied to see the reality of how your heart and mind came through this dry period in your childhood."Red cloud road" the title itself is so fitting for what you share here and I found the form; a two part play to be so dramatic and emotionally intense. the phrase "kickin up red dirt" really is a theme to the future casting away of empty and formless dust to simple go away later.. I also liked "friday shining in their eyes to no money left for drink. What a story this was!!! Thank you for sharing this vulnerable, beautiful, dark and fascinating write from your (I think your very young life.)
Bless you so vermuch.............................Kathy

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

Hey Kathy - I have also done the same thing with another poem called - um - wow whats it called - Si.. read more
Kathy Van Kurin

7 Years Ago

You do a good job! It takes some thinking I am sure and defineitly imagination. You have that as wel.. read more

7 Years Ago

It's a plan ... take a picnic :D
This is great. It seems you had quite a time in that southwestern desert. I spent some time there in my younger days, and will always remember the beauty of it--especially those sunrises!

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Hey There Samuel - so lovely to make your acquaintance :) - oh yes I had a great time trippin all ov.. read more
'And so it was each day -- Taking my lone self out to play -- Desperate heat, no easy feat -- Kickin' up red dirt all the way'

Decided to go back to your beginnings in the Cafe. And what have i found, this poem?! Have read it twice, now trying to paint pictures in my mind.. and you know, it's quite an easy thing to do. Why? You've coloured each line with such a powerful reflection of place, people, dialogue and for me, abject isolation. Tis a marvellous write, near perfect meter, a sense of being somewhere that shaped a child's life in so many ways..gave more strength, more adaptability, more of more. Tis sad but.. inspiring - , especially in those final five words.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

My pleasure whilst relaxing before work, trying to catch up on 2,999,000 owed reviews! Which remind.. read more

8 Years Ago

Oh so I am not the only one with that many reviews to get to ... Ahhhhhhh well X

8 Years Ago

Could beat you hands down and pen found! :)
On a southwest, red dust prairie, I once lived lonely too. You describe it beautifully and remind me of days long forgotten. Thanks, gypsy girl.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for reading V - I loved that part of the earth / in situde we can be found - if we allow it X.. read more
This is a very deep and a sad write. I pray you do not judge all of people and places lots of places are wonderful. Valentine

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Haha I have travelled far and wide and love and accept every alley way ... These words merely inspir.. read more
Well, that has so many highs and lows! You paint a great picture for the reader to see. An emotional ride of greed and money playing their toil, families trying to keep it together and the wide eyed dreams of getting out. I think I get you :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

What a journey of emotion. Just wonderful my friend. I loved the flow of the poem as it carried me through this story.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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22 Reviews
Added on January 22, 2014
Last Updated on October 10, 2014



Sydney, NSW, Australia

'The kernel, the soul — let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances — is plagiarism. For substantially all ideas are sec.. more..

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A Poem by KWP

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