The Storm in the Night

The Storm in the Night

A Poem by Nick

A poem of getting hope when all seems to be crashing


From the mountain I watched all things below me

It seemed so simple and easy to handle life

Self-confidence and arrogance made me like unto a deity

The pains of the world and past seemed an unimportant strife

Convinced I could stand my ground through any trembling

I failed to sea the tsunami that came coursing across the horizon

The wave took me by surprise and suddenly my mountain was crumbling

The wave pulled me to the beaches where I managed to grasp a mizen

There I clung, feeling safe and securing just above the water’s surface

Yet the storm had begun in earnest and the waves kept crashing

I was pulled below and kicked my way up to resurface

Breaking through the waves I found myself drowned by the torrents slashing

Suddenly a hand reached down and pulled me out of the cold

Fate had seen fit to leave this amazing source of hope

So I fell coughing upon a ship’s sturdy hold

And there I lay clinging to my lifeline’s rope

My savior watched over me through the treacherous night

And eventually the storm began to ease and blow away

I opened my eyes to stare into the eyes of this most lovely sight

As the sunlight filtered down, I knew it was time to start anew this day

© 2010 Nick

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The imagery and metaphors are so vivid and alive here. There is that overwhelming sense of life, and the courage and faith that rises up to overcome. Powerful!

Posted 13 Years Ago

i really like it! it does give hope :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 19, 2010
Last Updated on September 19, 2010
Tags: storm, high, low, crash, mountain, ship, hope



Salt Lake City, UT

I'm just a normal person. I love writing stories, and just recently have gotten into poetry, of a sort. more..

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