The worst thing in a person's life is losing your parent. Through death, divorce, or falling apart.
I don't know what I was writing! Just so thankful to have a close friend to confide in... trust is the key to a good bond.
Many people have asked me what anxiety feels like, the pain, discomfort and the roller-coaster ride of emotions. You will never understand to the exte..
It's all we can do. A sad face never helped anybody, but a small smile, a small act of kindness and appreciation towards somebody else, can. Smile! :)
A black hole in your heart, the constant nervousness in your stomach, the times where you cry for no reason, or over the tiniest of matters... this si..
Still in a really depressed, pressured mood. It's been 3 weeks... I hate this mental illness.
I've just been feeling overwhelmed with stress, pressure, tests, work, tutoring...
This is a song my group made in Elective History.. Based on Jane Seymour, Henry VIII's 3rd wife out of 6 aha thought I'd post the song up here :D The ..
I hope one day, I'll love myself.
So... this is going to kinda be like my own diary online! Hope some of you feel like you can relate to me in a way, any way... enjoy... uh, reading in..