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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Hi, I'm Dani, I read, write, laugh, and I sometimes squeak. I hope you enjoy whatever I have to give you and any help is gladly accepted and most deffinitely welcomed with open hugs.

Some stuff to expect:
Hurt/Comfort romance
SciFi x90000000

The Traveling Bookman(book)-
Chapter 1 (Undone): 100% done
Chapter 2 (Redone): 30% done
Forgotten Fragmentation(story)-
42% done
Rocky and Willis, A Steampunky Era(book)-
Chapter 1: 88% done
Never Before(book)-
Chapter 1: 57% done

*I won't keep you updated on any poems I write simply because there's a lot of them. I'll probably give them their own little space in my profile once I have a good number of them uploaded.*

*note of caution* Sometimes I will have highschool and or colorguard related events going on for a while which takes time away from my writing. So expect chapters that come weeks or months after eachother. This won't happen most of the time, but if a chapter is delayed; I blame the reason above^

Some interests (just so you can get to know me):
I love writing,
I love English History
I'm currently in Colorguard at my Highschool
I am gay and very single and not looking to change that in any rush,
My fandoms are as follows: Loki, Pokemon, Sherlock, Sherlock BBC, Young Justice, Avatar TLA, Legend of Korra, Kpop, Furries, and Steampunk
(Yeah, I tend to fit into every fandom so I just enjoy them all and let live.)
My favorite books are the Hush, Hush saga by Becca Fitzpatrick and the Montmorency series by Eleanor Updale.
I dream of being a novelist and a proffessor in European History when I'm older, and until then I study and read as much as I'm physically capable of.

Feel free to ask me things, tell me about your day, complain to me about how horrible I am, compliment me on how awesome I am, critique my writing style, or all of the above!

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- Don't plan a whole book out before writing it. Sometimes the best planning comes from writing on the spot.
- When in doubt, use google (for spelling, grammar, or any of the sort)
- When you get writers block, it's best not to dwell on it. FACT: Thinking about writers block doesn't help writers block.
- Respect your characters; good, bad, fake, not fake. You should always have at least one thing you like about them. That way you won't hate writing about them either.

-I'll keep you posted on anything else that comes up!-


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Thanks for the friend request. :)