CzatoftheMoon : Writing

Chapter 14: Yukina the Beautiful Assasin.

Chapter 14: Yukina the Beautiful Assasin.

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

The dangers of overdrinking are one thing but when somone sneaks in who'se more dagerous than poison, lives are at stake and somone may end up with mo..
Chapter 15: The Lighting Dragons Taunt.

Chapter 15: The Lighting Dragons Taunt.

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

Yukina the Ender and Karuo of Darkness . With now another person to speak to Hisao will learn the truth of the assassination attempt on him. (picture ..
Chapter 16: Eating away at Lightning.

Chapter 16: Eating away at Lightning.

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

Dago Ichuha the first lieutenant of Yoshihabe Norita the leader of the yellow dragons has been imprisoned in Tokyo Jail. He is scheduled to be moved ..
Chapter 17: Blood Seal Contract.

Chapter 17: Blood Seal Contract.

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

The Stage is set but will it be as it should?
Chapter 18: Bitten but were not broken.

Chapter 18: Bitten but were not broken.

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

*Shifting to their plans the ShinSianShu meet at the warehouse. The group looks seeing it stored with heavy weapons in crates but one thing that stand..
Chapter 19: Yellow Dragon's Arrogance.

Chapter 19: Yellow Dragon's Arrogance.

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

*Hisao arrives at the front of the tower and looks seeing it extend far in the sky. He walks in prepared to come out alive with the one he loves*
Chapter 20: The half of his heart that was Truth

Chapter 20: The half of his heart that was Truth

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

*If ever there were a time of darkness it was when manipulation was made. Asuga the Demon of Manipulation has fused with Hisao.*
Chapter 21: The Sour taste of Truth.

Chapter 21: The Sour taste of Truth.

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

The fight begins between the powerful demons but the past is not the only thing that haunts them.
Chapter 22: The Nakama's Secret.

Chapter 22: The Nakama's Secret.

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

A strange turn of events happen and Hisao regains his senses over Asuga but how?
Chapter 23: The Meaning of a Gokudo

Chapter 23: The Meaning of a Gokudo

A Chapter by CzatoftheMoon

Through these times of calm a storm will blow. Hisao's actions have shown how deep hes willing to go. The Shinsianshu take a moment to look at how str..