Meghan Frederick : Writing

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

A Chapter by Meghan Frederick

Kevin's POV:I was throwing clothes into a bag when I heard Pop open my door. I zipped my bag, feeling my anxiety build up inside me. "Are you sure I'm..
Chapter 11

Chapter 11

A Chapter by Meghan Frederick

Kevin POV:Sarah and I were cuddling on the floor in the living room watching a movie with everyone. Emma and Shawn were sharing the leather rocker, an..
Chapter 12

Chapter 12

A Chapter by Meghan Frederick

Maika's POV:​We approached the figure and saw familiar straight brown hair. As we got closer we saw a distressed Kevin who you could tell by the..
Chapter 13

Chapter 13

A Chapter by Meghan Frederick

Shawn's POV:I ran over to my sister and got rid of anyone who got in my way. I fell onto the ground beside her and looked her over. The dagger was sti..
An Angel with a Shotgun

An Angel with a Shotgun

A Book by Meghan Frederick

Dimitri decides to take a stroll around earth and finally get away from Heaven for a while. While on earth something happens he never thought would ha..
That First Meeting

That First Meeting

A Chapter by Meghan Frederick

"I am so done with this. I am so done with them. I'm not some kid anymore!" I grumbled to myself as I kicked a rock across the sidewalk I was walking ..
You're either with me or against me

You're either with me or against me

A Chapter by Meghan Frederick

Skyler rolled on top of me and smiled. "Good morning." I smiled back. "Good morning, beautiful," I kissed her lips gently and wrapped my arms around ..
Laying Low

Laying Low

A Chapter by Meghan Frederick

Skyler's eyes slowly opened and she smiled when she noticed me. She stretched but then stopped as she felt another presence in the room. "Don't freak ..
Their Final Warning

Their Final Warning

A Chapter by Meghan Frederick

I sat up in my bed, covered in sweat. I looked around my room and tried to control my breathing. 'They're coming. They're mad. They want Skyler,' I to..
Stop Freaking Out

Stop Freaking Out

A Chapter by Meghan Frederick

I sat Skyler on the counter and pressed a damp towel on the cut on her forehead. She winced slightly when I pressed too hard. "I'm sorry," I whispered..