My name is Kayleigh. Also known as Chicagogirl11 and Midnight-dreamer11.
And I'm a High School Sophmore! =]

Photography. One of the many things I live for. That, writing, family, friends, and chocolate. :D

I discovered I enjoyed writing several years ago back. I was 10 maybe 11 when I decided to write my own songs. And I loved it. It really made me happy and I felt more confidence then I ever had. So, I continued to write. That is intil I got very ill and I had to stop doing the things I loved most...
Running, walking, writing, singing... I couldn't do any of it. I was so weak from being ill that I couldn't run, let alone walk. I could barely talk so I couldn't sing. And I was so weak at times I couldn't even pick up a pencil or pen to write. And during those times when I could pick up a writing utensil and write, my energy never lasted long enough for me to finish what I was writing. So, I just gave up on it. And everything else. And things went all wrong for almost a whole year. That is, intil they diognosed me with Severe Mono.
Severe Mono. It explained almost all of my symptoms. But, from former data of Severe Mono, Severe Mono could only possibly last up to six months. But, I proved them wrong. My case of Severe Mono lasted up to almost two years. After those two years though I wasn't all better. I now had to deal with Severe Depression, which I'm still dealing with. And I had a deathly allergic reaction that almost took my life.
But, writing helps me deal with all this. And so does photography. And several amazing fantsastic wonderful friends that are always there for me.
So, take a couple minutes or seconds to check out my writing and tell me what you think. Peace! =]
Oh, and my favorite movie is Juno! Best movie ever made!!! =)

And live your life, the way you want to live it.

Lets101 -