Becky : Writing

Little Sarah's Holiday Prayer

Little Sarah's Holiday Prayer

A Poem by Becky

I wrote this poem because every holiday in my father and step-mother's home, they would argue or fight with each other. The holidays were never a happ..
Untitled (any suggestions)

Untitled (any suggestions)

A Poem by Becky

Again there was no real inspiration for this poem either. The words just flowed out.


A Poem by Becky

I was watching a crime show and I began to think, what if the crime committed was an accident? The only reason to punish them would be out of malice f..
The Sad Affair

The Sad Affair

A Poem by Becky

There really wasn't anything that inspired me here. The words just flowed out.


A Poem by Becky

I got my inspiration for this from my own thoughts on a haven for the weary city living person.
Wandering Eyes

Wandering Eyes

A Poem by Becky

I wasn't so much inspired by anything as I was just lost in though one day and the words spilled out.
Spring (My Opinion)

Spring (My Opinion)

A Poem by Becky

I was inspired by a beautiful spring day outside my window.
Daddy Please "The Conversation"

Daddy Please "The Conversation"

A Poem by Becky

I was sitting in the truck and we passed a pet shop. I got to imagining what a conversation between a smitten father and his cute little girl.
In the Name of

In the Name of

A Poem by Becky

I have no idea what inspired me for this poem. I was just sitting around, and all of a sudden I was looking for paper and something, anything to write..
Who am I?

Who am I?

A Poem by Becky

I was inspired by my children. You know there is no such thing as a perfect parent. Including me. No matter what small thing I might have said or done..

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