Roxie Martelli

Roxie Martelli


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Indio, CA
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About Me

Location: Southern California (Coachella Valley)
Education: Currently a Senior in High School

I really love writing, and am not quite sure what my style is at this point. I'm mostly about poetry, I love descriptive types of literature. To me, literature is feeling, its living, its being able to practically see and smell what your reading because of the words that bring you in and let you go at the end. Its about another world of thought to have a break from this one. If there's one thing I know, I have the utmost respect for the english language and the beauty it can capture. I've never claimed to be brilliant or anything close to it, but hopeful through my writing and talking to me, you'll understand that even if I may not be the best, I try.

If your visiting my page, and not sure of what to look at first (there are quite a few of em...)
Here are my listings of my personal top 10 favorites that I think you should check out to see what I write like and what I appreciate (be warned, my style does jump around a lot so since you read one piece, don't expect to know all of what I do write. But I believe thats a given)

1.The Musical Traveler-Poem
2. Starbucks Sociology (If you've read Emerson and Thoreau, you'll get a kick out of it I believe)-Script
3. Magic 13- Poem
4. Wait-Poem
5. December Winds-Poem
6. Seasons-Poem
7. Utopia Never Lasts-Poem
8. A Personal Experience-Story
9. When History Meets Infamy-Story
10. One Look-poem

Excerpt from "In Tune with God" By Grantly Morris

"A God of infinite abilities is worthy to be praised skillfully by accomplished musicians. A God who has given us His very best deserves our best.

Worship the Creator creatively
Skillfully praise His Excellency
Fanfare the conquering King
Serenade your Lover
Make melody to your Maker
Mightily Praise His Majisty
Glory in His splendor
Joyfully greet your Source of joy
Shout to the One who makes the sea roar
Whisper to Him who calms the storm
Sing endlessly to the endless Lord
Sacrificially praise the crucified Christ
Triumphantly exalt the risen Lord
Sing an old song to the Ancient of days
And a new hymn to Him who made today
Love the One who loves us all
Give to Him who gave his all
"Bless Him in harmony
Delight Him with symphony
Amplify His praise
Trumpet His fame
Applaud His perfection
Hail His holiness
Harmonise with His children
Synchronise His praises
Reflect His beauty
Joy in His power

The scope of praise is as vast as God Himself."



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Posted 15 Years Ago

Well, I have one published. It's kind of like a poem. D< BE GRATEFUL CRACKA.

xD You know, I might just whip one out of my a*s in a few minutes to appease you in a few minutes.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Here, I'll put you in my will requesting that you log into my account and publish my poems. :D lmfao

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey there chicka, you've got some talent!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Glitter Graphics & Comments

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Posted 16 Years Ago

On a stroll in the forest
Just you and the breath of spring
Look for the genuine
The honesty of life will surround you
The fake, the unreal will be far behind
Take a deep breath
You are among your own kind
----- Eagle Cruagh

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Another Chance

How often we wish for another chance
to make a fresh beginning.
A chance to blot out our mistakes
And change failure into winning.
It does not take a new day
To make a brand new start,
It only takes a deep desire
To try with all our heart.
To live a little better
And to always be forgiving
And to add a little sunshine
To the world in which we're living.
So never give up in despair
And think that you are through,
For there's always a tomorrow
And the hope of starting new.

~ Helen Steiner Rice

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Posted 16 Years Ago

PS check out my contest, may be something you are interested in:

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Oh no problem. Welcome to the site, and I'm glad you like my work. Thanks. I'll be sure to read some of yours as well and let you know what I think.
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