Mike; The Lone Maverick : Writing

Nimble Winter

Nimble Winter

A Poem by Mike; The Lone Maverick

This is about the quick changing seasons and how it renders the immune system in disarray.
A Woman I'd Wish I'd Knew

A Woman I\'d Wish I\'d Knew

A Poem by Mike; The Lone Maverick

This is a poem I wrote in July about A woman I seen bending over at the mall. I could see everything behind the sun. I wanted to talk to her so badly ..
Flaming Treasures

Flaming Treasures

A Poem by Mike; The Lone Maverick

This is a new one that follows a narrative.
Abrasive Flowers

Abrasive Flowers

A Poem by Mike; The Lone Maverick

A surreal poem. The star poem of my first book of the same name
Patient In A Coma

Patient In A Coma

A Poem by Mike; The Lone Maverick

This was the poem I was going to exclusively put on here becuase I'm leaving my myspace profile and submitting new writings here only. But, the shutdo..
When The Clock Strikes Twelve

When The Clock Strikes Twelve

A Poem by Mike; The Lone Maverick

This poem is about life being at the helms of a clock.
The Morning Cleansing (4:45 AM)

The Morning Cleansing (4:45 AM)

A Poem by Mike; The Lone Maverick

This is a poem inspired by the poet laurate and an influence of mine Charles Simic
Lamentation of A Butterfly

Lamentation of A Butterfly

A Poem by Mike; The Lone Maverick

This is the poem that was published for my Campus's Press. This in my opinion and in the opinion of others is my magnum opus