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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I am a 12 year old girl from the south-east. I love to write. I hate people who think that children can't write because it is obviously not true. I have a friend on here who is my age and is one of the best authors that I know. Don't underestimate kids--they rock!! If you have any ideas you won't me to write about, don't be shy to let me know!! haha. (:
For my stories, I like to write about everyday life. Things that could happen to real girls. Or boys, occasionally. I like to write in different times, occasionally, also. ENJOY!!
With love <3,


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey Evelyn! I was looking at my stories and I saw your review on Three Books, and Umbrella, and Samantha Hinds, so I created a sequel for you! (haha as your review said!) please read/review!


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Posted 15 Years Ago


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Posted 15 Years Ago

please please please post your stories. i wanna read them. or could u at least email them to me? to my gmail one. please?