MCS : Writing

A Portrait

A Portrait

A Poem by MCS

Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new. ~ Brian Tracy
Seven Winter Snapshots

Seven Winter Snapshots

A Poem by MCS

1. On this open road one drives on always on the outskirts of life today it’s not winter or spring yet the wheels turn and fuel burn..
Unfavorable Exposure

Unfavorable Exposure

A Poem by MCS

This earth is rough so often not a nice place too many coarse soulless bodies taking up space unaware and vulgar una..
Remembering You

Remembering You

A Poem by MCS

Incredible how worth while life can be when love is present and two souls feel as one
Under Pressure

Under Pressure

A Poem by MCS

A soul drags over the dirty sidewalks gathering up all that isn’t needed or wanted fatigue resentment scorching resignati..
White Walls

White Walls

A Poem by MCS

A dark studio where one comes to sit when the old demons come to visit and the haunting starts anew the silent white w..
Soundless Rage

Soundless Rage

A Poem by MCS

Soundless rage drags its gnarled fingers deep across one’s soul drawing blood such is the depth of this anguish ..
Low Tolerance for Thugs and BS

Low Tolerance for Thugs and BS

A Poem by MCS

Sorry excuse for a human proud of their trash existence contaminating the space they inhabit souring those around them Why ..
Winter Ends

Winter Ends

A Poem by MCS

Light lengthens March tapers into April lifting the chill as we tilt toward the sun heat returns with each stroke of t..


A Poem by MCS

The blackness a hole that leads to nothing but remains and torments standing so close to the edge where light canno..