shadow night

shadow night


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mansfield, OH
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About Me

i'm 18 and so young yet i am disgusted with humanity. i hope that future generations can make the world better. i belive we should treat the earth better and not kill each othere for the dumbest things. no im not a tree hugger and no im not a wimp. with my life and growing up this is what i have saw and wittnessed. i was adopted and had the worse child hood. and i still remain optimistic for the world to change..... im a witch or wiccan which ever you prefer no its not like people think it is thats why so many fear it. but it is the fastest growing religion right now. lol


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Posted 12 Years Ago

thanks for the review!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

so im only going to accept reader request from ppl that read my stuff and leave a comment

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thank you for the review.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

so this weekend with my brother wasnt as bad as i thought. i had fun. but saterday out of pitty and because of our mom he took me with him his wife and brotheringlaw his girlfriend to the board walk. he didint want to. but im glade i went lol i had fun love ya steven even if ya do hate me ^_^