Georgia, sweet Georgia,you are my dazzling fatality. Your sweet seduction lies withinthe world’s impartiality.Networks of entangled stringseclip..
The thunder days are growing longer.The hand sewn stitches of my blanketAre being torn. Colours fade awayWith each nights candid sleepYet another baby..
A strenuous love story of sorts.
Living alone had taken its tole on Arrow. Over the last tiring months, thin had gotten thinner and weak had gotten weaker. With his failing body, the ..
Mary skipped down the road, yellow line after yellow line appearing like a never ending trail to her destiny. The color radiated quite beautifully..
Standing upon the chopping block, Thaine didn’t know whether to feel proud or scared. He’d gained his right to be there, but hadn’t ..
Different people, different lives, different colors. You get to experience each and every one of them. Take the journey, reach out, and grasp your own..
I gaze intently, staring out my murky bedroom window, longing for all the things I can’t have. Thoughts collide together in my mind, creating a..
its not really a story, but not a poem either. just a small blip of knowledge that poped into my head :) hope you like it as much as I do ;)
I have to run.I have to leave.I've gotta get out of here.The feeling is like an itch,so strong and pressing.My nerves tingle,my legs strain.I want to ..