Poetic Beauty : Writing

Dragon’s Approach

Dragon’s Approach

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Very sexual
Your Sanctuary

Your Sanctuary

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Allow her to be Your sanctuary Where the walls Stand strong And true Where a loving heart Waits patiently To envelop With ardent notes ..
Emotional Diet

Emotional Diet

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Closing out emotions The deeper ones That dwell within Blocking out the past Adding a brick To the crumbling wall Leaving the love Hidden..
The Pauses

The Pauses

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Between the spoken lines, there are pauses Listen carefully to the silence For there is a whole world of conversation Going on between those pause..
Hardcore Display

Hardcore Display

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

As the night closes in Comfort of memories Smooth the aching soul Massaging a quiet heart Reviving its rhythmic beat Energizing desires long f..
Etched on the Heart

Etched on the Heart

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Beneath this fleshy outer layer Underneath sinew and bone Lays a muscle that beats relentlessly Thumping a perfect rhythm Life sustaining beat O..
Destination Unknow

Destination Unknow

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Music is blaring Cranked to the max High beams gleaming Illuminating the road Wind whips through the windows Tangling long dark locks Green ey..
The RisingMoon

The RisingMoon

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

A brilliant full moon Rises prominently In the onyx sky Her beauty glowing Illuminating the earth With a bluish hue The world shrouded I..
Just Breathe

Just Breathe

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Just Breathe And listen carefully Between the lines To the pauses The respirations Just breathe Hear clearly The rapid drum That pulses qu..
Dance Laugh Understand

Dance Laugh Understand

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

Dance with me In the pouring rain Kiss me with wet lips As the sky cries Dance with me But for a moment Laugh with me But for a second Unde..