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About Me

Just a guy who dabbles with writing from time to time.
Just thought I'd put this here for reference, and to possibly fend off any misunderstanding: I'm not in the habit of writing two word reviews. Doing so seems, to me, to be shallow and mostly pointless. What this means is that if I can't put my thoughts into words, or don't have anything to say, or just don't feel like writing a review, then I'm generally not going to. So don't take it personally if I don't review something, as it probably has nothing to do with you or the quality of your writing.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

hey hey, i just put up my own submission for the lesson... tried to be as dumb as i could allow myself :P

looking forward to seeing what you can come up with! :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

i'm going to copy the text of Blood and Silicon to a word document and critique it in-line (do you understand that?). it means i'm going to literally change/edit the text as i go, rather than commenting on what should be changed. i'll have that to you some time this weekend. care to send me an e-mail for me to send it to?

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Posted 14 Years Ago

and what would you like critiqued? :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

hey, and would you be interested in the following:

i've been sending messages and informing people, but i've lost track of who all got the messages. i got lost in the message system when sending a mass e-mail to all my friends, so i'm just covering my bases.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

thanks for the review, Franklin :) what should I take a look at on your profile, tomorrow?

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Posted 14 Years Ago

ALASKA!!!!!!!!! AK = Alaska! whoa!!! home of polar bears, Sarah Palin, and Franklin!!! :P

i'm a no one, and I know that. but you really should go see Inception in a theater, with a massive screen. sort of like Avatar, you need those screen proportions and blah blah. i'm just a huge sci-fi nerd, so... i don't know. watching Hot Tub Time Machine now...

I rephrase my question: what in the Hell is there to do in Alaska (a lot more than there is to do in Arkansas)?

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Posted 14 Years Ago

i'm great. on vacation in North NY with a bunch of family... we have a cottage on Lake Skaneateles. AND I just saw Inception yesterday, so i'm still riding that 'natural high'.

seriously, i felt like I was spinning the world beneath my feet when leaving that theater. have you seen that movie yet?

and; what the Hell is in Arkansas?

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Posted 14 Years Ago



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Posted 14 Years Ago

MmmmHmmm...sure... I believe you :)

You're welcome it was my pleasure, as always.

~ Onyx

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Posted 14 Years Ago

First off, let me thank you for your review of "Contentment" as always, I appreciate your time and your comments.

I'm glad I could be of help in my review of "Blood and Silicone" it really is an awesome story.

Have fun with the editing... I'm off for the night - work tomorrow.

Have a great evening and a Happy Monday :)

~ Onyx :)