facebook rant

facebook rant

A Poem by annie lee

I'll bet you hate these tactics too.




no, I don’t see Jesus in the cloud.

no, I don’t see Jesus on the pizza.

no, to me it’s just a cloud.

to me it’s just a pizza.

no, I’m not going to hit “Share”

just because you dare me to.

I won’t feel disrespectful or cruel.

yes, I love heroes and dogs and fluffy kitty cats.

yes, I am a law-abiding citizen.

BUT, whether you’re related to me or not,

I ain’t your tool,

and liking and sharing is my own damned business.


© 2015 annie lee

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Hrumph! I'm with you, for sure! I've always had trouble falling in line with the sheep. Actually, I had to leave FB for my health's sake. Just too much togetherness going on.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I would be grateful that you are aware that your sentiments are being manipulated … alas it is a sleepy world and most do not know this to be the case. Nice to read you again, Annie.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

annie lee

8 Years Ago

Thank you.

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2 Reviews
Added on August 14, 2015
Last Updated on August 14, 2015
Tags: #facebook


annie lee
annie lee

Prunedale, CA

I'm a tough old broad who spent almost 30 years at Ma Bell, and that is high level training for surviving in the jungle. Thank you for your patience. I am retired from the Unix and Linux world, but w.. more..

forbidden forbidden

A Poem by annie lee

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