I Despise Whom You've Become.

I Despise Whom You've Become.

A Poem by A Risen Heroine.



Walking these streets in the gloomy dark

Listening to nothing but rain falling

Thinking of you and whom you used to be.



"I despise whom you've become,

Despise what you stand for,

Despise what you've done."



Written By: A Risen Heroine.

Date: 11th of September.





© 2012 A Risen Heroine.

Author's Note

A Risen Heroine.
A little something I came up with...
Honest Opinon and ignore grammar issues.

My Review

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it sounds to me, like a war-cry for our generations, that have no great war to fight... just a great war within... like a battle-cry to fix ourselves.,,, I really like this... and I usually don't like short poems... but this is the exception... .

Posted 10 Years Ago

That was a nice read..
well written :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

"I despise whom you've become,
Despise what you stand for,
Despise what you've done."
Great use of words. I like the directness of the ending of the poem. Thank you for sharing the excellent poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Simple yet very real and honest. I really like it and like how you can express the emotion with very little lines. I can totally relate to this feeling as well. Well done!

Posted 11 Years Ago

So is this for me? O.o

Posted 11 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on September 11, 2012
Last Updated on September 11, 2012


A Risen Heroine.
A Risen Heroine.


Hello my dear readers, I'm so sorry I won't post that much... God bless you all. (: ~A Risen Heroine~ more..


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