Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

A Chapter by Lady of the Ring

Chapter Seven




alking side by side, Malinna and Daemon took their time getting to the throne room.  Finding the silence between them a little awkward, Malinna started asking questions. 

“How big is the castle?  From what I’ve seen and what I remember, it’s pretty big,” Malinna said. 

“The castle has one floor on the outside and three in the center,” Daemon said, “The first floor houses the servants’ quarters, the cooks sleep in a cottage outside the kitchen.  Jake, Cilissa and Chrisha will be the only ones with private rooms.  The second floor is all of the guest rooms.”

“I thought I was in a guest room?” Malinna stated, slightly confused. 

“You are, but the room you’re in is only for sorcerers,” daemon explained, “The top floor is my mother’s rooms and Cilissa’s room and the sentry station.  In addition, that floor has the only access to the tower houses.”

“What are tower houses?” Malinna asked. 

“Well the towers are pretty much just one floor with a small cottage sitting on top for the sentries to take shelter in during bad weather,” Daemon said, “The towers are used for a variety of things.  The South Tower is all mine.  I have my bedroom, an armory and a training area so that I can practice my swordsmanship and everything.” 

At that moment, they arrived at outside the throne room.  Malinna took a deep breath and let it out slowly.  Cilissa came around the corner and spoke to them. 

“Good, I got to see you before you went in.  Queen Lira won’t be able to join you, some other business came up.  So she wanted me to tell you, when you go in sit down where she was last night, and then I will escort Dukes Michael and Gabriel in.  Daemon, your mother wants you to be near her if she needs any help, but not where the dukes can see you.  So when they are about to come in you need to be in the hidden room behind the throne.  Any questions?” Cilissa stated. 

“No Cilissa, we’re good,” Daemon answered gruffly. 

Cilissa glared at him, and then walked away.  Daemon opened the door for Malinna and followed her in, shutting the door behind them. 

“What was that about?” Malinna asked. 

“Chronos had already told me all that she just said and she knew that.  Her job was to fetch the dukes when you were ready,” Daemon explained. 

“Who’s Chronos?” Malinna asked, frustrated by how easily she was becoming confused.

“Chronos is Sonya’s father and my mother’s assistant,” Daemon said. 

“Speaking of Sonya, where did she go?” Malinna said glancing around. 

“She probably went to take care of a few errands before you go to see your new rooms,” Daemon said. 

“I’m sure you’re right,” Malinna said. 

Malinna sat down on Lira’s throne.  Cilissa poked her head in to let her know that the dukes were ready.  Daemon kissed her hand for good luck, before retreating into the room behind her.  Malinna nodded her head and the footmen opened the doors wide. 

The dukes walked up towards the throne.  At about five paces until they reached the throne, they stopped, bowed and knelt in front of her. 

“The matter you two have brought before me was foolish.  Lira has informed me of your past petty arguments.  So in order to ensure that this will never happen again, I have decided that both of you will have something put on the line,” Malinna said, “If you ever bring something this petty before this court or any other, both of you will lose your titles and land.  This verdict goes for your children also.”

“But Princess, why must our children suffer for our mistakes?” Duke Gabriel protested. 

“Your children suffer from your mistakes because the hatred between your families has been bred into them for generations.  Your fathers and grandfathers also plagued this court with petty issues and we’ve had enough.  This ends here and now,” Malinna stated, glaring at the two men. 

“Yes, Princess,” Gabriel said. 

“Do you have anything to protest Michael?” Malinna asked. 

“No, Great One, I don’t.  I trust that you are fair and just in your actions.  I accept my fate," Michael said. 

“Out of my sight, both of you,” Malinna ordered. 

Gabriel all but ran out of the room in his hurry to be gone.  Michael backed out slowly, bowing after every few steps.  When he finally bowed his way out the door, Cilissa shut it quickly. 

“You did great!” Daemon said, startling her. 

“You approve?  I thought I was too harsh, but it was the only way to keep them from coming back,” Malinna said. 

“It was ingenious.  Mother is going to be so glad to hear that they won’t be coming back.  You are amazing,” Daemon praised. 

Malinna got up and walked toward the door with Daemon right beside her.  Daemon could tell she was fuming, just as he would be if one of his subjects openly questioned him.  So they walked in silence. 

“Distract me, “Malinna said after a few minutes. 

“With what?” Daemon asked in return. 

“Finish telling me about the castle.  I believe you had told me about the middle portion and the South Tower,” Malinna said. 

“The North Tower is the throne room.  We also use it as a ballroom when the East Tower is full.  The East Tower is our dining room and ball room.  The entry hall is between the East and North Towers.  Your current room is between the East and South Towers.  The kitchen is between the North and West Towers,” Daemon said. 

“Where does the small hallway by my current room lead to?” Malinna asked. 

“Nowhere at the moment, we are currently having a library built in that area.  Last year the outer wall was completed, so now we are building a library and starting our gardens,” Daemon answered. 

“And the West Tower?” Malinna urged. 

“It has been empty since my father passed away,” Daemon said. 

“Oh I’m sorry that must have been hard on you.  Was that his room?” Malinna stated. 

“No, my parents shared a room.  He said he was saving that room for a special sorceress.  He said that a queen would stay in that room,” Daemon said, “He told me to start remodeling it on my eighteenth birthday.  That was nearly a year ago.”

“What else did he say?” Malinna asked. 

“He told me that the sorceress would come the day before it was finished.  He didn’t tell anyone except me.  My father was an amazing prophet, for a long time he was the only sorcerer that I knew,” Daemon said, with a smile on his face as he remembered. 

“So when is the tower scheduled to be completed?” Malinna inquired. 

“Today,” Daemon said with a smirk, “The West Tower is your room.  It has shelves lining the entire training area.  Your room is spacious.  One of the windows is also a door to a private garden that you will share with me.  Nothing has been planted yet.  Carmenta wanted to help us plant.” 

Malinna smiled, “I can’t wait to see it.” 

“Why should you?” Daemon grinned, “The door is right here.”

“Really?  It’s done,” Malinna said, in disbelief. 

Daemon gestured toward a door made out of tiger-striped maple, and said, “See for yourself.”

Malinna opened the door to a colossal open room with Sonya hovering near the center of the room directing about a dozen maids and footmen in where to place furniture, clothes and other supplies.  Malinna was in total awe of how many shelves lined the walls.  There were shelves all the way up the thirty foot walls to the ceiling.  The only places that didn’t have shelves were the doorways, fireplaces and windows.  Looking to her left, Malinna saw a chair, two couches, and a coffee table placed around a medium sized fireplace.  In front of the center window was a desk and chair.  In the dead center of the room was a giant fireplace.  During her inspection, she noticed that there were three windows and two doors, one of which she was standing in. 

Without realizing what she was doing, she walked into the room, circling slowly.  She wandered, dazzled by the size of the room.  She walked toward the other door in the room and walked right into her bedroom.  She was stunned by the elegant simplicity of the room.  It fit her exactly.  Walking back out into the room, she saw three maids over by the left window sorting and shelving herbs, leaves, barks, and more that Malinna couldn’t identify. 

She walked back to the center of the room and spun around, laughing.  When she stopped, she saw Daemon was leaning in the doorway with a huge smile on his face.  She paused until the dizziness subsided, returned his smile, and walked toward him.  She could still hear Sonya barking orders at the help. 

“Judging by the smile on your face, I can assume that you like it,” Daemon said. 

“I love it!  It’s so open and bright.  It’s perfect,” Malinna gushed. 

“I didn’t know what color you would want, so Jake and Carmenta came up with a new paint for your room,” Daemon said. 

“Really?  Carmenta could have just told you my favorite color.  It hasn’t changed since she left,” Malinna said. 

“We didn’t know you were the sorceress we were waiting for.  My father never told anyone who the woman would be,” Daemon explained, “That’s why Jake decided that we needed a paint that would change color on its own, so that we wouldn’t have to paint over and over again.”

“How practical!” Malinna exclaimed, “Speaking of Jake, where are he and Carmenta?”

Malinna and Daemon walked over to the sitting area as everyone left the room except Sonya.  Sonya flew over, and landed on Malinna’s shoulder so that she could answer the question. 

“Carmenta and Jake have left the castle.  Jake went back to Encantada to fetch the rest of your things, and Carmenta had to take care of a few things in the DragonLands,” Sonya explained,” Carmenta should be back around eight, but Jake won’t return for another three days.”

“Why will he be gone so long?” Daemon asked. 

“He is escorting her guards and belongings the old fashioned way,” squeaked a new voice. 

Malinna saw a green fairy and assumed that it was JayJay. 

“Thank you,” Malinna said as she turned back to Daemon, “How long do we have before our other meetings?”

“Not long, but we won’t have to go anywhere.  They are all coming here for the meetings.  Malinna, I’d like you to meet JayJay.  JayJay, this is Princess Malinna Encantar,” Daemon said, leaning back in the chair. 

“Nice to meet you JayJay.  I’m so glad that we don’t have to run all over the place,” Malinna said. 

“We thought that after dealing with the dukes, you wouldn’t want to be running around,” Sonya and JayJay said in unison. 

“That’s a relief,” Malinna said. 

Knock, knock. 

“Enter,” both Malinna and Daemon said. 

A man entered carrying two boxes.  He came over to where Malinna and Daemon sat.  Malinna looked him over.  She wasn’t sure what to think of him. 

“I am Jeffrey, the castle candle maker,” he said, “Can I safely assume that you are Princess Malinna?”

“Yes I am,” Malinna said, “What do you have for me to choose from?”

He quickly set out his samples on the coffee table.  One of the boxes had candle holders and the other had color samples.  Malinna looked at the holders and found one that was absolutely perfect.  She picked it up to take a closer look. 

“What flower is this?” Malinna asked. 

“That is a tiger lily, Princess.  The candle is placed in the center of the flower.  That piece is in high demand in the DragonLands.  I am the only person who is making them,” he said. 

Malinna thought about it, and said, “I think these would do just perfect for my bedroom.  Not for out here though.”

“May I go look at your room, Princess?  So that I know how many of them I need to make for you,” Jeffrey asked. 

Malinna nodded and continued her search for the perfect candle holder for this room.  Jeffrey went to Malinna’s room with his notepad out.  He returned a few seconds later and Malinna hadn’t found one that she liked. 

“I don’t see one that would work for what I want this room to look like,” Malinna said. 

“Tell me your vision, Princess.  I might be able to create a candle holder that will meet your specifications,” he said. 

“I see this room as a sanctuary.  A place of dragons and magic.  I want a dragon directly seen in the candle holders,” Malinna said, “I don’t want them to look like this one.  It just doesn’t have the right feeling.” 

Jeffrey replied, “I will do my best to create something for you.  What color and type of candles would you like?”

“I want dark blue for my room and silver or white for in here,” Malinna said.  She picked up one of the dark blues and said, “This color of blue.”

The candle maker made a quick note and placed the sample Malinna had selected in a small velvet bag.  He also put the tiger lily holder in the bag.

“I will have sample holders to you as soon as I can, Your Majesty.  Prince Daemon, I was told you wanted to see me as well,” he said. 

“I need to replace the candle holders in my training area,” Daemon said. 

“Did you break them again, sir?” Jeffrey asked. 

“No, but I’d rather not wait until that point.  I want them all replaced with torch holders.  The same ones I selected to go in the soldiers training facility,” Daemon said. 

“I will have yours ready to be replaced by tomorrow morning,” Jeffrey replied. 

“That will be all, Jeffrey.  Have a nice day,” Daemon said. 

“You too, Your Majesties,” Jeffrey said, bowing and walking toward the door. 

Malinna smiled at Daemon as Jeffrey went out the door and a woman came in. 

“Princess Malinna, such a pleasure to see you, milady,” the woman said, “I am here to get your orders for the curtains and bed linens for your room.  My name is Allie, seamstress for household amenities.”

“Hello Allie,” Malinna said. 

“I have a brand new shipment of clothe coming in just for you.  Do you like silk?  I hope you like silk, because I just got an amazing assortment of brilliant colors,” Allie said in a rush. 

“Allie, relax,” Daemon said as he turned to Malinna, “Allie is quite a chatter box, Malinna.  She just can’t help it.”

“Sorry sir, terribly sorry.  I just get so excited thinking about all the pretty ways to decorate with cloth, that I get carried away.  Any way, I have samples of all the clothes and colors right here,” she said, holding a book out to Malinna. 

Malinna took the book and started flipping through it.  Malinna was flipping through the velvet pages when she saw the perfect color. 

“The curtains should be this color of dark blue in here,” Malinna said. 

“A different cloth?  Perhaps one that will let some light in to help illuminate the room?” Allie suggested. 

“No, velvet will do fine.  I want it to be black in here when they are shut,” Malinna said. 

Allie took a safety pin out of her pocket and stuck it through the cloth.  Malinna flipped to the silk section.  She glanced up at Allie and noticed her face light up.  She slowly turned page after page of silk samples, and on the last page she found what she was looking for. 

“This cloth for the linens.  It is the perfect shade of silver,” Malinna said, running her fingers over the sample. 

Allie stuck a safety pin through the sample and asked, “What would you like for the upholstery?”

“I like the furniture exactly how it is,” Malinna said. 

“I will get started right away, Princess.  Prince, would you like some new curtains also.  I bet your current ones are getting pretty worn,” Allie said, clearly flirting with him. 

Malinna felt herself getting jealous, and she didn’t know why.  ‘Control yourself,’ she thought, ‘What are you jealous over?  He isn’t yours.’

“No, my curtains are just fine,” Daemon said, still looking at Malinna, “I think that will be all.  Won’t it Malinna?”

“Yes, I shouldn’t need anything else.  If I do, I’ll let you know,” Malinna said with a forced smile. 

Allie walked out the door, totally oblivious to the tension in the room. Daemon could see that Malinna was really uncomfortable.  He just didn’t know why. 

“Is something wrong?” he asked. 

“No, it’s just that I’m not used to servants flirting with their masters that openly.  It’s a little unsettling that’s all,” Malinna said, trying to get a grip on herself. 

“If it makes you uncomfortable, I apologize.  Allie openly flirts with every man in what ever room she’s in.  I hope you don’t think that something is going on,” Daemon said. 

“It’s hard not to imagine something going on.  I am just a stranger here,” Malinna said, “I don’t belong here.”

“Malinna, don’t think that.  You are not a stranger here.  I am sorry that you feel as if you don’t belong here,” Daemon said, “I want you to know that I was going to come to Encantada to see you.”

“Why would you want to come see me?” Malinna asked. 

“Malinna, I was coming to see if your father would consent to me courting you,” Daemon said, “When I saw you at the ball two years ago, I saw a beautiful woman that any man would be lucky to have as his wife.”

“I don’t think so.  I’m just a princess, that’s the only thing that I have that is worth anything,” Malinna said, getting up and walking toward the nearest window. 

Daemon followed her.  She was looking out over the garden walls at the orchard that had just started to bloom. 

“You don’t give yourself enough credit.  You are beautiful, intelligent, and strong.  Anyone who doesn’t see that is completely blind,” Daemon said, placing his hand on her shoulder, “You are an amazing person.”

“I wish I could believe you,” Malinna said, “But after what I’ve heard all my life, I find it hard to believe.” 

Daemon whispered in her ear, “What can I do to make you believe me?”

© 2012 Lady of the Ring

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Added on August 26, 2012
Last Updated on August 26, 2012


Lady of the Ring
Lady of the Ring

Albuquerque, NM

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