365 Days

365 Days

A Book by Alice Crypt; Brittany

I've decided that everyday from today for a year that I will write at least one piece of poetry to see how my writing improves . It will be of everything and anything from that day.


© 2013 Alice Crypt; Brittany

Author's Note

Alice Crypt; Brittany
This is a personal experience for myself as well as an exercise. I would actually like everyone to join me in the cause of creativity :D Please give all criticisms but remember too that these will be derived from personal feelings, dreams, and emotions. I'll have a contest up soon based on this idea :3

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Added on February 13, 2013
Last Updated on February 13, 2013
Tags: Poetry, year


Alice Crypt; Brittany
Alice Crypt; Brittany

Staten Island, NY

Hi, my name is Alice Crypt: AKA, Brittany. I'm a huge gaming freak, I love steampunk, horror (especially vampire and werewolves (Underworld, Dracula, etc) (Not Twilight, didn't want to have to go ther.. more..
