Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen

A Chapter by Chu-Chi Bear

Diagnosed with Love:

Chapter 15

Monday morning I was running late. I pulled into the parking lot and rushed to Mr. Bird’s office, slapping the manila envelope down on his desk just a few seconds before the bell rang.

Nice. We had a bet going on you- two, actually.”

Oh.” My ‘oh’ was more of a surprised, Oh?

You are good- three seconds before the bell.”

I was lucky, I thought to myself. “What were the bets?” I asked curiously. I mean, I should have the right to know, right? I mean, they were about yours truly.

One was created by me- ten dollars that you wouldn’t make it before the bell.”

And the other?” I urged him to continue.

A student bet twenty that you wouldn’t have a good enough story.”

Oh.” That ‘oh’ was more of an amused ‘oh.’ I could’ve made thirty bucks easy had I joined in on these little bets. “What student?” I asked, although to myself I was thinking, I’d like to know who’d insult my intelligence like they knew me! Who do they think they are!?

Don’t take it personally. It takes a lot to get into the paper. They’ve all had to redo stories to get in. They didn’t have enough facts, no evidence, no pictures, yata, yata. I could go on.”

Please don’t, I pleaded silently. “Who was the student?” I asked again, no sign of humor in my voice.

Sorry, sweetheart- that’s confidential.”

Star,” I corrected him.


My name- it isn’t sweetheart, it’s Star.” I tried to be as nice as I possibly could. It annoyed me when people called me anything other than Star, with an exception for my few close friends and family members- it was kind of unavoidable. I hated my government name and only mom was allowed to use it- well her and grandma, if she were still alive.

Anyways, I nodded towards the envelope. “That’s my story.” I walked out of his office, looking up and locking eyes with the same dark haired stranger as I had last time I had entered this room. He picked up a handful of papers as he broke his gaze away from mine and walked off, continuing on with his previous reading. Awkward much? I asked myself. People don’t just stare at you out of the blue for no reason, especially if you didn’t know that person. I decided not to tackle the problem and left the room. I had too many problems going on as it was.

I walked past the office to hear a screaming man, surprised that that screaming man happened to be Terrence. He sounded furious.

How many damn times are you going to get suspended!? I’m tired of this, Cas!”

I quickly jumped to his defense without thinking. “Terrence, it’s not his fault. He was looking out for me.”

Cas looked at me, giving me an old-fashioned glare. He looked like he wanted to rip my head off for going against what he wanted. I just couldn’t sit back and watch Cas suffer. It was my fault, after all- actually, Damien’s fault.

Star?” asked Terrence, obviously forgetting that I even attended this school.

The principal spoke. “Ah, yes. I believe the other young man sexually assaulted this young lady and Cas came to his girlfriend’s rescue.”

Girlfriend!?” shouted Terrence, sounding like he was ready to attack.

She’s my future stepsister, sir,” Cas said all too calmly, seeing the panic in my eyes. He silently threatened me to relax, so I did.

Oh, sister. That would also make sense- protecting the younger sibling. My apologies, Mr. Yuuka, for the misunderstanding. Usually, when a boy fights another boy over a girl, it’s because that girl is dating one of the boys.”

It’s alright- Star’s mother, Pheobe Saitou, and I are engaged if you ever need to talk to us about either of these two.”

Engaged!? I shouted to myself and started to panic all over again. Things are moving so fast, they just met! Cas wore the same look as I as we exchanged glances.

Star’s an excellent student. She has had her arguments with teachers, as discussed with Miss Saitou. Other than that, she’s one of our honor students.”

Good. Cas, you hear that?!” said Terrence, and Cas mumbled as I remained silent. “That means it’s time to start getting your damn act together.”

Honor students are nerds! I’m passing! Isn’t that enough!?”

Hey!” I called in defense.

What, Nerd?”

Jerk!” I shouted at him.

Casicune. Star.”

Good- he didn’t call me by my government name. Mom must have warned him. “Yes Sir,” we both mumbled. Just as we did so, I saw Jaelynn walk past the office.

Excuse me,” I said as I made my way out of the office and over to Jaelynn as I fell in step with her. “Hey, Jaelynn- how’s it goin’?”

Great! I’m happy--”

I laughed. “You’re always happy- what else is new?”

My history grade is finally lookin’ how I want it to. Report cards are coming out next Monday. Oh yeah! This one’s gonna be hanging on the fridge!”

I laughed again. I was always glad to hear from Jaelynn. I loved her perky personality, but there were times when perky was a bit too much for me… “Glad it’s going well for you.”

Oh, I didn’t tell you. I got invited to dinner. I’m so nervous… I have no idea what to wear…”

I whistled. “So cute! Way to go, Jaelynn! You wanna spend the night? I know it’s a school night, but Mom won’t care. I’ll set you up and we can just chat. You can borrow one of my dresses.”

Coolio! Sounds like a plan. I’ll call Mom after school- maybe during lunch if I remember.” We both laughed. Forgetful was Jaelynn’s middle name. Suddenly, remembering we were late, I hurried to my locker. “See you after school!” Jaelynn called to me before turning and walking into her classroom.

I quickly rustled through my locker, grabbed the things I needed and headed to class- of course receiving the prize of a detention for being late. Detention was the last thing you would want to get. It’s during lunch, and nine times out of ten, you don’t get to eat- not that you would want to eat the school lunch anyways. If they did trust me, they’re in for a surprise. After school, I waited by Jaelynn’s locker as she approached me. “So?” I asked her.

Mom says it’s cool- she wants to talk to your mom at ten tonight, no sooner, no later.”

I laughed. “Alright, we’ll make arrangements.” I waited as she grabbed the things she needed and took off walking. I followed until I reached my car.

God, was there a paper tornado back in the back seat?” she asked as she opened the passenger’s door.

I laughed. “No, I forgot I didn’t have those papers put up in a folder or something and the window was open so I heard this big WHOOSH! So I literally almost smacked into another car.” I opened my door and got inside.

Did you tell your mom?” asked Jaelynn.

Yup, I called her at lunch. She said okay- hold that next thought,” I said, taking my phone out my back pocket. I didn’t recognize the number but I answered it anyways. “Star here.”

I think I know who I called,” said the voice on the other line. It could only be one person.

Yeah, but I told you anyways. Hey sexy. I haven’t heard from you since ancient times. Is your dad crackin’ down that hard on you?”

Did you seriously just ask that? I have no phone privileges whatsoever. He confiscated my phone.”

Aww, sweetie, I’m sorry. How’d the meeting go after I so rudely interrupted?”

Like crap.”

Sounds like my weekend without you.”

Everyone’s bored without me- of course you missed me.”

Just a little bit,” I teased.

Of course you did,” he insisted.

How are you on the phone?” I suddenly wondered.

House phone. He was going to get rid of this one too until he decided he needed it. I think the b*****d installed microphone recorders and video cameras to catch me- and even told the neighbors to watch me, even offered to pay them.”

My mouth literally dropped. “Are you serious?”

Does it sound like I’m joking? School is more fun than this. Oh yeah, I can come back tomorrow. Dad talked the principal into letting me come back to school tomorrow, but I’m still grounded from breathing until Friday.”

Nice… why are you still grounded?”

I guess he feels he needs to teach me a lesson. Whatever makes parents tick. He and your mom were having sex and I couldn’t leave the house. It was disgusting- I swear I just about threw up. So don’t be surprised if an ‘unexpected’ baby pops up.”

Eww, that’s so gross.”

You weren’t forced to listen to it- consider yourself lucky.”

I guess you’re right…”

Come over,” he said.

I can’t, I’ve got company coming over.”

What company?”

Jaelynn- I’m getting her sexied up for her hot date.”

Well, you won’t be able to call me back- Dad just left for work.”

Aww… maybe we’ll get another shot before Friday. I’ll make it up to you.”

I know. I’ll call you whenever.”

Alright.” I laughed and we both hung up.

The boyfriend?” asked Jaelynn.

But of course- the poor baby’s grounded.” I started the car.

Who’s the lucky guy?”

Casicune Yuuka.” I don’t even know why I said his full name. There’s only one Cas in our entire school and everyone knows Cas- even if he doesn’t know them.

No way! You date Cas!? You guys are so cute! It’s about time you guys started dating!” I laughed at her comment as I backed out my parking spot and took off down the road. “I always pictured you with a bad boy- the dark side to Star, dating a sexy bad boy. The next thing I pictured was you as a super model. You totally have the body and face for it.”

This quickly reminded me that I hadn’t called Miss Delilah back. I need to get to that. Who would have ever thought that a journalist nerd would have a love for modeling? What can I say? It’s fun.

Jaelynn, you’re a mess. I have no clue how to describe you- seriously. Quick note, we’re going to pick up my baby sister. Daycare always lets out at four but they always know I pick her up as soon as I get out of school unless I say otherwise.”

Sweet- I always thought you were an only child,” said Jaelynn. She was a child of three. Her older brother- who was never around- was always gone doing something. Jaelynn, Jamie, and Jadyn. I used to always get Jaelynn and Jadyn’s names confused. Jamie had the easy name- she was the youngest out of the three.

I pulled up to Higher Peaks. “She’s my half sister on my mom’s side. Be back.” I grabbed my keys and headed inside. Patience was asleep when I went to pick her up today. I signed her out, grabbed her things, and scooted her into my arms as she subconsciously wrapped her arms around my neck. I returned to the car and opened the back door behind Jaelynn and gently laid Patience on the back seats. She shifted up against the back of the seats to get comfortable.

Aww, Star, she’s adorable. Where’d you get her? I want one!” she said, looking over her shoulder and onto the back seats where Patience now laid.

God, Jaelynn, she’s not a puppy.” I moved Patience’s jet black, beautiful bangs out of her face. She had the curliest hair I had ever seen that usually smacked me in the face. It had fit her character so perfectly- so I had thought. She always had such a joyful personality. You could always tell when something was wrong, and when she was sad, it made you want to cry. She had that effect on me.

I know, but she’s so adorable.”

I shut the back door and made my way back to the driver’s seat. I started the car and then headed home. Finally, pulling up in the driveway, I grabbed Patience while Jaelynn helped me with her bags. I laid Patience on the couch as Mom greeted us. “Hey ladies, how was school?” Mom asked cheerfully.

Fine,” Jaelynn and I answered at the same time.

She looks tired- she must’ve had a big day.”

I laughed. “Nothing she’ll tell us,” I joked, knowing it was true. I just didn’t want to say anything else on the matter.

I made sugar cookies.”

Oooo!” I rushed into the kitchen before she could spit out another sentence. I loved cookies. You could get me to do just about anything for a fresh batch of homemade cookies. Call it my weakness.

You better get in there or she’ll definitely eat them all. I can guarantee that.”

Jaelynn rushed into the kitchen as I quickly picked up the plate and held it close. “Get your own!” Mom knew better than to make cookies for when friends come over- I don’t share. She should’ve made a cake or some brownies.

Share, Star! What are you, five!?” shouted Mom. Just because I love cookies doesn’t make me five, I thought to myself.

Give ‘em, Star!” Jaelynn looked like she wanted some badly. That was just too bad for her. She started chasing me around the table as one dropped to the ground.

NOOOO!!” I shouted. “The horror! You dropped the cookie! You have preformed the ultimate sin!”

Star!” Jaelynn shouted again.

I made a run for it and took off up the stairs to my room, followed by a determined Jaelynn. Reaching my room, I plopped down on my bed and popped another cookie in my mouth. Jaelynn was out of breath when she reached my room, panting. “You-you run too fast!” She collapsed on my bed as I shifted into a laying position and ate another cookie.

You’re just out of shape,” I said, chewing on the cookie and handing her one. “That’s for your hard work- but I still win.” She took it from my hands and laughed as she started to eat it. “So who’s this lucky guy I’m getting you ready for?”

Mr. Check,” she said as she reached over for another cookie, causing me to choke on the one that I was currently trying to swallow.


© 2010 Chu-Chi Bear

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Added on March 1, 2010
Last Updated on March 1, 2010


Chu-Chi Bear
Chu-Chi Bear

columbus, OH

I love to write. My dream forever and always-- to become a novelist. There's not a day that i don't write. I'm always coming up with something new and making it into a story. It's always good to have .. more..

Chapter Ten Chapter Ten

A Chapter by Chu-Chi Bear