Overachiever Overlooked

Overachiever Overlooked

A Poem by Vertigo Cat1111

For everyone who works endlessly hard, but is never quite in the spotlight, always waiting. It's a bitter sting many writers understand when there's easier to digest media, like movies, video games.

Can we get a round of applause 
For the overachiever overlooked?

All that waiting and those chances I should've took?

Or is the grammatical way to say it,
What does it matter? No one's gonna read it
I'm forever waiting

For some recognition
For some glory

It's my mission
Maybe I should stop waiting for permission

But even if I cross the line
Will the spotlights dart over to me and shine

Ever be mine?

It doesn't matter
It's fine and I'm fine

I won't complain
I won't whine

But before I die
Can someone help me and at least try?

Put your hands together 
Read this book

I've spent 7 years on it
So get hooked

And can we hear a round of applause

For the overachiever overlooked?

© 2021 Vertigo Cat1111

Author's Note

Vertigo Cat1111
A feeling I've been trying to put into words for a long time now. I'm sure many people can relate to this, but I promise, one day you'll get your big break, just keep working, and don't ever give up. I've given up before, and don't EVER do it to yourself! It's no good, trust me.

My Review

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Featured Review

I understand where you are coming from ... You have expressed your thoughts and feelings here very well indeed and it is clear that you are both articulate and not unrealistic in your expectations ... this craft of ours may not make us rich .. but in my book, it should be fun and give others a little pleasure along the way ..
Write on my literary friend

All Good Things,

Neville :)

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Vertigo Cat1111

3 Years Ago

Thank you so much! Your review and you seem so kind.

3 Years Ago

... You are indeed most welcome :)


I certainly understand where this is coming from. Even books these days are on tape to listen to. Or we use kindle, and hardly anyone is actually turning pages and reading print off of paper....
No newspapers being read...we watch or listen to the news. Instant gratification.
Hardly anyone except actual poets read poetry anymore.
Anything that is a challenge and takes thought...is ignored.
I really like this piece, it speaks to the writer's diminishing soul.

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Vertigo Cat1111

3 Years Ago

Thank you so so much for a kind and thoughtful review and I love your words here. They're very true,.. read more
Some people give up because they are not over-achievers, and they think they will never be. But I agree with your little author's note that a way that is not brash, but instead very poignant, kind and relevant.
Nicely written on a tough subject.
Best, Betty

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Vertigo Cat1111

3 Years Ago

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed this one.
Betty Hermelee

3 Years Ago

I enjoyed it a lot!
This is a wonderful piece filled with so many thoughts and feelings that no doubt, many of us on here have felt. Writer's, especially poets in my opinion, are almost a lost art form anymore with all the digital (as you point out). I prefer the old fashioned story book, newspaper, poem that you can hold in your hands. You did a great job of making this playful while getting your point across. Wonderful!

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Vertigo Cat1111

3 Years Ago

Thank you so, so much! And I agree, it's slowly becoming lost art, but as long as poets and writers .. read more
If you have an ambition, own it and make sure you see it through from start to finish. That can be difficult for some who will fall by the wayside. For the rest of us that manage to stick to the task, recognition and praise, that my friend is in the hands of Dame Luck. Some people find her, others don't. So frustrating when you have put your all into a project. Relatable words you have penned for many here. If at first you don't succeed, try and try again :) Nicely writ Colacat.


Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Vertigo Cat1111

3 Years Ago

Thank you so much! I agree, keeping on trying is the best thing we can do. I appreciate your kind wo.. read more
Chris Shaw

3 Years Ago

You are welcome :)

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14 Reviews
Added on March 4, 2021
Last Updated on March 4, 2021
Tags: Writing. Writers. Waiting. Appla


Vertigo Cat1111
Vertigo Cat1111

🐱💙My biggest writing inspirations are Lorde, Gabbie Hanna, and Phoebe Bridgers. If you like any of them feel free to talk to me about it! Never be afraid to go on tangents to talk abou.. more..


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