Premonition of Death's Echo

Premonition of Death's Echo

A Chapter by Damian Vincent Henry

Even death has a face, and how it longed to scream out the names of its victims

So for denying my father’s will, my father had my own brother Michael, my older brother, cast me into the depths of hell for all eternity as where I only wanted to be treated fairly as in the position I so much deserved with the respect from all the other angels with my father as well and seeing that he made Christ, I decided I was not going to be a puppet any longer and I somehow in a way lost respect for God and the other angel, for this is also the reason why Satan found a liking in me. Even-tough I was the most beautiful angel in heaven; well not when Christ came along; it gave me much reason to defy God .As I entered Hell along with all the other angels that were faithful to me, we met with earlier rebellious angels that defied God’s will and way, , they asked whom among us were the leader, but none of stepped forth, so I decided to stand as their leader, seeing that I already led them to rebel against God; they took me to Satan whereas I had to inform him personally why I came to have fallen from heaven and the grace of GOD, and I told him everything, from the plans of God, to the birth of his new son,’ Jesus Christ,’ God's dear Son, had the pre-eminence over all the angelic host. He was one with the Father before the angels were created; Christ was acknowledged sovereign of heaven, His power and authority to be the same as that of God Himself. When Satan heard of this new found information given by me, I saw that he was well pleased and I have thought at that moment that I deserved a reward but he had now no interest in me, so I unleashed my anger on them(the other rebellious angel) and fought with them, I…..a singular angel took ownership of my new post in Hell into account, that in a way I reigned glorious over them, Satan still took no notice of me and he left me no choice whereas I took the crown off his head with the help of my faithful and loyal, fellow brothers and sisters from heaven, and at that instant I did so he became dragon, a great, fiery red dragon; well, this happened soon after he revealed himself to me within the smoke and showed me his image/ of that similar to a man, with a crown on his head; I fought against him as well, the other rebellious angels helped me and we got hold, so when I took the crown off his head and saw him change into a dragon, what also happened in front of me were……..when I saw the crown become ten, so as I took ownership of Hell on that day, I decided to keep one crown for myself and to give the other nine crowns of the ten crowns of Satan to nine loyal and trustworthy rebellious angels that stood in my presence; a crown of their own, meaning until it is time when I’ll be released by the boy spoken of in the prophecy of my release……..I’ll then place every crown on each head of Satan, for only then will the diadem on each head again appear .After being in hell for years, I soon grasped to my successes and became then the all powerful Satan but something was missing- the one thing that will free me from this eternal pain, to tell you the truth…………I wish not to fight my brother and bear the fact that I -
have to lose, whereas I wish to be also on the winning side, all I ever wanted was redemption and the only way I know how to receive my redemption is…….through you KillWorld……for you are the Order of the Light, the last testimony of the punishment of my crime, the one pure being that is not human at all-to me……the only one that will salvage me from this petrified pain of mine. I do have to say………if it be not God that created you, then I give an astounding applaud to the one that did, for I think he must be an archangel that is before my time……for only a one that is before my time would have such strength to create a Nephillim with such consistency, heaven knows I wish I could; I entered into where I am now, and here is where I met him although he was only a bundle of smoke with showing his form to me when I opened myself up to him whereas I saw him being a dragon; I can tell you all about his story but we would need to have a very, very long conversation for that, but all I can say is…..he too was up there, somehow, some way or some time ago he could’ve been one of the greatest and mightiest archangels in the heavenly Garishon, yet I do believe something happened, for why would I be down here if he wasn’t up there (heaven) at first maybe he too were perhaps also an angel but that is way……….before my time; Today, some contemporary exorcists and theologians, such as Father José Antonio Fortea and Father Amorth, assert that Lucifer and the Devil are different beings. ‘But I am going to tell you something that he told me…….. ‘And what might that be?” KillWorld asked interested. Lucifer said smiling,“ He said…….he was not the ordinary archangel but, he was God’s first-born, the older brother to Jesus Christ, but to God he was not good enough, he were never good enough and it would always be that way, so he had to make a stand, he had to…… otherwise he’ll never feel accepted by his own father, but even to this day and the future years, he will never be known by man, they will never know that he is the son of GOD as well, that’s why still today he is not mentioned in any books’ as the first son of GOD……’you always hear’ Jesus Christ the only begotten of GOD” nevertheless, where Jesus is the only begotten of GOD, Satan remains the only forgotten son .”You see as I’ve heard, before God created Adam and Eve he created other ones in an un-discovered world before that world of Adam and Eve, a world buried in time, forever,(In the book of Genesis 6:4 it states,” the Nephillim were on earth in those days- an also afterward-when the sons of God went in to the daughters of humans, who bore children to them.) ,but God saw them not as fit enough and banished them from the Lost Paradise(Garden of Eden), they entered the world, how do you think Cain (Adam’s eldest son) made a child? When I met him, he gave me all his strength, I received all his power and all his evil; making me ruler of Hell until we raise the �"Apocalypse, again. But enough about me, wouldn’t you agree?” He walked up to Dracula then said, “Dracula my son…….my beast……do it now!! Lucifer had made it possible for father to change into the unicorn angel, so father took advantage of the situation and did so, yet… doing so, Dracula took Excalibur and cut the horn off our fathers head. Father was still alive. There was no horn, not even a small piece of it sticking out, no mystic ruby at all. Our father then lost the ability to change into the unicorn angel, and had changed back to what he normally is, a Crowkan.
The movement of Dracula was brilliant; father probably never saw a man or being use a sword as tranquilly as he did. It was the first time he ever saw Dracula in action like that, he had skills that were far beyond of that you could imagine. The mystic ruby came out but Dracula took it off, leaving our father in severe pain; underneath this mystic ruby, he saw the mark again, in the shape of an x. Then something strange happened, he got trapped in something that he couldn’t get out of. Dracula attacked it repeatedly with the Excalibur but our father woke up without saying goodbye to his friend, nonetheless…….they’ll meet again. father was awake and looked around, he saw that he was still in the woods, still dark, same year, so it seemed that everything looked fine and back to normal again. Suddenly, something strange happened again, his body was sort of being swallowed up in something for real this time, but into what. As trying to fight what was covering him, his body, but could do nothing, and it seemed he was trapped within this object. He screamed and screamed but as he screamed he could hear -
only his echo of his unheard voice. Father screamed and screamed, scratching the unknown object, hitting it, by means to crack it but as he tried to punch it one more time, the object formed a hand from the inside and it had choked our father, and it made him lose all movement in his body, making him unconscious.

Chapter III
Premonition of Deaths Echo

In the past as quickly as our skirmishes were, many died at all times. The battles were as if to say it was mortally. Despite the fact that our father being on the inside of the object that looked as some sort of a barrier; which was later found to be a cacoon; he began to get flashbacks yet also tried to get out in the meantime, but were unsuccessful. The resentment whilst he was still within this cacoon had disappeared. Suddenly…………something happened to it, it had begun shaking even with him being inside of it, for who knows how long seeing that most of the days he slept. He did not know, none of us knew, even to this day. Then the cacoon cracked open, with the first thing his eyes saw……..what looked as if it were a mammoth, but without its skin. He felt lost, hence not knowing that he had entered into the future now. He looked at the object that he found himself to be trapped in and saw it to be a -
cacoon, and of course like any normal reaction to such a situation, he was in a state, actually’ who would not be.
The year was not familiar to him yet, he could’ve perhaps have been asleep for five or six hundred years, perhaps’. He touched his forehead as it had felt strange to him, a strange feeling making him very uncomfortable, whilst standing in front of the mammoth; his forehead was bleeding and at that moment he thought to himself if it were another strange and un-foretelling dream again or if it were that of reality. He looked for a way out, then saw the door but it looked different from the ones they had in 1650 or earlier than that- it was made of metal and glass on the inside, for goodness sake, you could see straight through the place.” Nathaniel exclaimed. He looked around him before opening the door, standing in front of it, yet looked around more, perhaps he felt uncomfortable with his surroundings. He looked at all the sign within the place, there opposite to him he saw one sign that made him realise that he was inside a museum, for ancient and unknown relics’ artefacts, statues and old scriptures to name but a few. He went to open the door but soon found it to be locked, again...............he was KillWorld not some amateur. He kicked the door down and at that moment when doing so, this strange noise went off. It went on and on, repeating himself over and over and over again then out to the streets he ran; a person can imagine how anybody would react if they came from a time where such objects were not heard or mentioned of, or even made yet. As he ran to the streets, he saw many of these objects which he called metal monsters which made noises of hell [cars]. He turned to his right side and saw one of the metal monsters coming straight for him, making a sound like,” P-E-E-P, P-E-E-P,” and then he ran making all the other metal monsters do exactly as the one that hit him did, that strange noise. As running away from the metal monsters, he ran into a young man, looking at the young man with startled eyes -
bewildered eyes; as the young man got up, he held out his hand and lifted our father from the ground.
“Are you lost Sir? “He asked.
“No I’m not………..what year is this?” father said.
“Well, a person usually starts by giving his or her name, but I think you can be excused, seeing that I’m in a good mood, which I’m in very rarely.” The young man said.
“This year boy, I just want to know the year! I’m not in the mood to hurt anyone now.” Father said.
“What do you mean Sir?”The young man asked. The young man looked at father’s angry face then said after his unanswered question. “The year is two-thousand [2000], look dude………….I don’t know what your problem is but I think you should get a life.”
Father said nothing and as the boy was about to walk away, father said, “My name is Don Nathaniel.”
The young man smiled and said, “I’m Luciaro, I think the one that can help you is me and my brothers grand father.”
Our father looked shocked or rather surprised then asked, “Who are your father and his father?”
“Why do you ask? “Luciaro asked out of curiosity.
“Oh, you can say I’m just a little curious to think that you know who’ll be suitable to help me, whereas you do not even know me yet.” father said.
“I know, but answer me this, what good is it if you already know a person you wanted to know before you knew them?” I know I make no sense, you’re not the only one to have that same expression on his face, just ask Elijah, I’m the most annoying one in the family.”Luciaro said.
“You like to speak don’t you?” father exclaimed
“Yes I know tell me something I know already, anyway I think you should come with me.”Luciaro said.
“Why should I come with you?” father asked.
“Do you know………..for a guy that doesn’t know what year it is…….you certainly ask a lot of questions dude.”Luciaro said. Father then agreed with him and without replying to what he said, they stood in front… the front yard. Luciaro went inside of this old and huge mansion father was being fascinated by, and Luciaro invited father inside, he entered and as entering father could hear voices, saying, whispering his name. He introduced father to his best friend and elder brother “Elijah” then their father “Ewan”- Luciaro and Elijah went to fetch their grandfather, to introduced him to our father and as they were coming holding his hand on each side, our father soon met their grandfather “Callum” and as they shook each others hands, their grandfather Callum’s eyes grew wider within his face then he said,” No, father couldn’t have been right about the dream that he just had, how can it be? Why now after all these years?”
Elijah said,” What do you mean grandfather?”
“Yes what do you mean grandfather?”Luciaro exclaimed.
“Don Nathaniel, come with me; Ewan take Elijah and Luciaro outside for an hour or two then you may come in.”Callum said.
He added, “You are a Crowkan as is my father but we are not so there is no need to make us Crowkans as we are already old as you can see but anyway, you are my great grand father, we are from the bloodline of your son Collison.”
“So who is your father? Who’s this grandchild of mine?” father asked.
“I am………..I’m your grandson, Lord KillWorld. My name is Seth, Seth KillWorld…… you may know……… father is Collison, but I haven’t seen him in many years.” he said.
He added, “I am the only Crowkan in the family although my father was a Were-Phan, he took a human as his wife.”
“So what was so important that you wanted to show me?”Father asked.
“We will get to that grandfather I know we don’t have much time.”Seth said while Elijah rushed into the house with his wife then Seth was gone. Elijah came full of excitement towards father saying, “She is my wife, her name is Catherine,” father at that moment looked shocked, by the name that she had.
Ewan and Callum said to father that they will see him at the hidden room down below the house, as they couldn’t while Elijah was going on and on about his son, then he asked father what he should name the boy if he was born, but father said,” go outside and take the first name that comes to your head.” And so he did then they went outside.
Callum, Luciaro and Elijah’s grandfather said to father,” great-grandfather ………….go down there(pointing to the passage below) and switch on the light by pulling the string, you will find my father guarding your body and you’re in a coffin trapped in the ground and you are dead.”
“What do you mean I’m dead?”Father asked.
“That is far too long of a tale, don’t you understand great-grandfather, we are family, and we are the -
KillWorlds………..the others will soon arrive, we are the keepers of your tomb, the angels said we should protect it all times.”(The Were-Phan and the Vampan elders, the originals)
“What do you mean the angels?”
“Well…they said we should open it when the children of him will come, and that is all they said.”
Before our father could ask anymore questions, Elijah came and said, “Hey! Don Nathaniel. I really think I finally figured out a name for my son when he’s born!”
“And what might that be? Father asked.
“I took your name and made it shorter,” Elijah said.
“And………..”Father asked with much curiosity.
“Well, I named him after you, I named him Daniel; you know Don Nathaniel…….I don’t know that good but I get this feeling like I’ve known you my entire life and that we have this unbreakable connection somehow.
Although Seth was down below, he spoke with his mind saying to father, “Elijah and Luciaro is very close to my heart, they are good boys and has much learn about their heritage but for now it is too dangerous………..they are your great, great, great grand-children and Elijah’s soon to be born son ”Daniel”-Oh I think you get it by now, we’ll come back great-grandfather, but now please come inside and see your with your own eyes………..your tomb.
Father went inside and sat down with Seth again this time and they spoke without disturbances then Seth said, “Grandfather you look so beautiful, father spoke so much of you and now I get to see it for myself.
“Why are you down here, when you can be up there with them?”Father asked.
“ I know, but if I do so…………Elijah and Luciaro will know about me and I don’t feel like jeopardising their well-being.” He replied confidently.
Then added,” Grandfather, we don’t have much time, they are about to come soon, I can feel them; and you are also about to wake up soon, that’s why I feel you need to learn of them as soon as possible. Look grandfather listen, raise the army, we not even half of what we were, in this year we’re not nearly enough to fight against them.”
“What do you mean by, not nearly enough?” How many are you then? Father asked concerned.
“We are nearly two-hundred left Grand-father.”
“It can’t be? How could it be? We were more than that.” Father said confused.
“No not anymore, the angel, that dark red winged angel who was in the company of Dracula and Dracula’s new friends killed the other Crowkans( now this angel had one wing that came like those of a bird, only grey in the inside and white on the outside and the right wing came like that of a dragon: red, with scales of a dragons wing.); they said it was something you did that made him(the dark red winged angel), give the orders to end us.”
“Who was this red winged angel?”
“That……grand father, I wish I could tell you, but unfortunately I have no clue.”
“Who were these friends of Dracula?”
“Now, that…….. I can tell you. They are called Terrium Lecters, and they obeyed only this dark angel but Dracula had the privilege to lead them and take the role as their general.”
“ So these Terrium Lecters killed our kind, my children………but are these Terrium Lecters demons?”
“No! They are of us……….you see, if they bite one of us, we become like them.”
“How is that possible I wonder?” father asks himself a rhetorical question.
“You have to tell me Seth, what kills them?”
“There is no time, you have to wake up, you have to’ for if they see you down here, they’ll kill us all and wont stop until we’re all dead, even Elijah, Luciaro, Catherine and Daniel.”
“No! Not yet, not until I know what were up against.”
And as Seth were about to tell, father……..the Terrium Lecters came, almost reaching a hundred in amount. Ewan and Callum held them off; Seth took Elijah, Luciaro, Catherine and Daniel down to where they held the body of father whom was underground. Father went and helped them, but when he reached them, the Terrium Lecters killed both Ewan and Callum biting them both on the right side of their necks, making them turn to stone, and father was angry, went in for them and attacked them. He was only one Crowkan against the Terrium Lecters, luckily Seth came and helped, they kept the Terrium Lecters away from fathers tomb and away from the only human descendants of our father. As they fought against the Terrium Lecters, Luciaro came rushing out of the mansion, to help them, and Elijah afterwards. Catherine ran after him to stop him, and as she ran, Seth grabbed hold of her in means to stop her, and told her to go inside of the house and she ran as fast as she could then locked the door and hid herself. But one of the Terrium Lecters got hold of Luciaro’ ;as Elijah went in to fight against them, the Terrium Lecter held his brother by the neck, said nothing, smiled only, he stared into -
Luciaro’s eyes, then bit him on the left side of his neck and turned him into one like them, a Terrium Lecter. Elijah’ was furious at the Terrium Lecter that bit his brother and ran in with a rage, he was angry; like a rage that only comes one time in your life, and as running towards this Terrium Lecter, he turned into something, he turned into a Were-Phan and bit the to pieces, and it was dead. Luciaro’s body was dying lowly as he laid on the ground, making his transformation complete, but as he was evolving, father picked Luciaro from the ground, and bit him, sucking all the Terrium Lecter’s poisonous blood out of his body and he lived (Luciaro), with father’s body taking in all of the Terrium Lecter’s poisonous blood into his body and he collapsed. Meanwhile, Elijah and Seth killed and killed more of them, then he stopped and changed back to his human form, Seth fought alone; Luciaro woke but did not get up as his body was weakened by the bite of the Terrium Lecter. Elijah tried to wake father, continuously and father woke. Father bit his arm and held it by Luciaro’s body and as he drank……..he turned into a Crowkan. One Terrium Lecter, walked fathers way and picked him up and as holding father, father opened his eyes, saw him and spat into the face of the Terrium Lecter, and as the Terrium Lecter cleaned his face with his left hand, and as doing so, father bit him but nothing happened to the Terrium Lecter (it seemed the bite of a Crowkan did not work on a Terrium Lecter whereas only a bite of a Were-Phan was successful.) nonetheless it made father, somnolent and nauseous making him vomit into the face of the Terrium Lecter .
The Terrium Lecter got angry and bit father nearly seven times in his neck, out of anger.
The Terrium Lecter held father by the neck and said before attempting to do anything else, “little brother….at last we meet, again, well of course not here, yes! We met -
before, but anyway here’s something to remember me by.”
The Terrium Lecter bit him and he woke up, yet there he was, back to reality. Trapped in the cacoon which he thought he had escaped from, the same cacoon where Dracula still tried to get in and then the knocking stopped and the cacoon opened on its own. He was confused at what hath just happened to him, but he was glad to be back where he belonged and realised that he saw a glimpse of the future, of his family and of the fall of his kind, but the rise of another, the rise of the Terrium Lecters. It was not the year, [2000] two-thousand and he hadn’t slept for, [350] three-hundred and fifty years, what he had seen was a vision of the future, the premonition of deaths personification or echo. Or was he still dreaming?
Father looked around him, but it was not the time he was from, it was the time where that mysterious man was sitting in the chair with the snake by his head. So that meant Dracula was still nearby, and so it was, Dracula came walking slowly to our father and came clapping his hands as he came father’s way saying to him,” is this your idea of a big joke?’ you take life as if it is a game to you!”
“Are you going to fight or not or complain over there like a woman?” father said angrily, looking at Dracula.
“That’s the KillWorld I know! Although, do know…………when you realise the taste of reality………..take note that you’re already bitten, for it is what they want and what they’ll soon get.”Dracula said stunned and also enigmatic.
“You’re not making sense, Dracula. But besides, you never did.” father said confident.
In father’s hand he had his sword of justice again, and they hath fought and as father premeditated to attack, the -
silver blood was dripping out of his mark, but it was not silver, but black and that made father break his attention away from his target, Dracula. Dracula flew six feet backwards and said,” You’re not even trying KillWorld, where are you KillWorld?’Where are you?” Dracula sounded offended, as he said these words with his dark voice.
“Then kill me then!!” father said miserable with himself.
“You’re not even worth me wasting my sweat, and if I have to kill you now, then it will spoil all fun now, wouldn’t it? For I leave you to be also shared with my master, even Alexander will get a taste of you.”
“If Alexander is not your master then who could it be?” father asked curiously.
“Good question, yes! You saw him, and still sees him, it is him sitting there (pointing to the man sitting in the chair.), you know him that good yet, our master, Morning Star- the light bringer.” Then he laughed with his deep dark voice.
One of his sons [minions] came along and brought with Poseidon’s Triton.
[The same Triton that once belonged to the sea God of Greece and brother of Zeus and he gave it to his master Dracula. As I’ve mentioned before, Dracula was a collector and all of it was, his silvouneers, even the Triton of the sea god, Poseidon.]
He had Poseidon’s Triton and ordered his people to leave. Then suddenly……….a snake came out, but it was not the same looking snake as the one that was with Lucifer. It was a Bassalisk, and it came out of nowhere then Dracula ordered it to kill our father.
Father stood there, still without moving and without fear. It went three feet high and swallowed father from the -
top, whole. Even with the Sword of Justice. But knowing father……he wasn’t one to give up or die as easily, he was too headstrong and as you would know him, he’d probably do something heinous and so he did, slaying the Bassalisk from the inside before it could get the chance to squash him from the inside. When he got out he stabbed its eyes out and stabbed it repeatedly. Dracula got angry but did nothing then as walking away he said,” Do know…………when you realise the taste of reality………..take note that you’re already bitten, for it is what they want and what they’ll soon get” and father stood still again then looked down at his body that was filled with slime.
Our father woke up again, he found himself in the woods and felt his forehead and it was bleeding, he saw that it wasn’t black, but silver. Suddenly……..he felt a pain on his shoulder, when he took his shirt off, finding his body in this disgusting smelling slime that filled his body, he saw the bite marks on the left side of his shoulder, with black veins, looking like cracks spreading on his chest, but it didn’t travel any further. It stopped, ending under his left chest and at the back, almost reaching the mark, but without touching the mark.
The question remained, will the cacoon cover him every time, or was it just in the dream that he had? Was the dream just a dream or would it become a reality or was it already a reality, retold or relived in the way of a dream.

© 2015 Damian Vincent Henry

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Added on September 7, 2015
Last Updated on September 7, 2015
Tags: darkness, pain, hell, life


Damian Vincent Henry
Damian Vincent Henry

Cape Town, Westen Province, South Africa

I was born in Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa. I live with my parents and two siblings. I got two dogs, well technically only one, but we adopted the other one. I am 23, and I strive to become th.. more..
