The unexpected visit to Jamaica

The unexpected visit to Jamaica

A Chapter by Damian Vincent Henry

Don Nathaniel KilWorlds finds himself in Jamaica where he meets a father and his two son who would either become his food or his soldiers


The unexpected visit to Jamaica:

KillWorld stood there man alone, with not his generals by his side. As he looked around, he saw Christian…..’ but as he wiped out his eyes to see more clearly, there were none a life, in his presence.

He was wet, and he couldn’t stand properly, and fell, more of collapsed you could say. A fisherman and his two sons saw him and helped him; they picked him from the ground and laid him on a cliff, so they could get the water out of his lungs. He was paler than before, but they were not startled by his image for they were used to pale men, for there were already white Europeans and British men in Jamaica.
The father was Jorge; his sons were Sol and Isaac. They were successful in getting the water out of his lungs, but then…..Lord KillWorld got up in an instant, and had both Sol and his brother Isaac by their throats. Jorge pleaded with Lord KillWorld to free his sons, and offered his own life in return for theirs, but Lord KillWorld looked somewhat crazed and possessed. As holding them so tight that they could not breathe, he saw her…..she was beautiful, it was that same woman he fell in love with, but he could not remember her, for some reason, it was as if his memories of her were erased. He looked at her, she yelled at him saying (angry), ‘You bloody swine!!Unhand those two this instant!! Now!!...”….and he said in shock and disbelief,’ Christian…you’re alive?? I do not understand…… how could this be?” then Lord KillWorld collapsed; for some reason, Lord KillWorld was in another world and it took the voce of one woman to make him come to his senses.
They hated him, he laid there, they wanted to leave him to rot, but she insisted and pursued them to not live in hate and look surpass the earlier happenings, and place him in safe haven. But unfortunately, they hadn’t trusted him that much, so they cuffed him to a steed pole, inserted in the ground. As lying there he went into a deep sleep, and he saw in his dream, young Crowkans, their hair were shaved off, and in this dream they fought each other, he saw this young Crowkan, crawl underneath a wall, where a hole was made, dug up from underneath the wall to come on the other side… on the other side, he saw more young Crowkans, thousands of them, being used by Vampires to fight each other to the death, there were Werewolves there, and Vampans and even a few Vampires, but they were all together, made to fight each other; now this young Crowkan, through whose eyes Lord KillWorld saw all this, were not yet familiar to Lord KillWorld, for Lord KillWorld had not yet seen his face, and he only saw what the young Crowkan had seen in this…..Pitt. Still in this dream Lord KillWorld saw two Crowkans forced to fight, two brothers, two soldiers of the Dark Legion, the shared the marking of the Crowkan on their back as well. But in this Pitt, there was also a champion, the name was not yet known, for Lord KillWorld had not heard it yet, but there was a sign and on that sign stood, ‘VespaBorg” and through they eyes and ears of this young Crowkan, he heard the vampires announce to all the slaves, saying to them, ‘All ye dirty and good for nothing pests…the championship will start with seven men, and those amongst you brave enough to step forth, to fight ‘Eli Noil” may do so now!! And as seeing who it is stepping forth to fight the champion of VespaBorg, he sees what he did not expect to see….; he sees his son Enatio, stepped forth to fight Eli Noil….a Crowkan, whose soul has been broken, a member of the dark Legion, forged to become a pet of the Vampires, and used…to kill his own, anyone…even of royalty.
Enatio was the first to fight and first contestant to fight for the championship. And just as Enatio fought against another Crowkan, Lord KillWorld woke up screaming, and woke everyone; he was shocked to find himself cuffed to a steel pole and find himself in a bed, with his clothes, yes…those smelly clothes he wore everywhere, were washed clean.

She stood there, that lady that shouted at him, but so was Christian, he told this lady that there was someone else with them in the room( Christian) and obviously she taught he was insane, but really, it was only he that saw her, and that made him angry, and she spoke to him, he spoke back and each time he spoke back, the lady that washed his clothes taught he was speaking to her, so every time she replied to his words, and that made him even more confused. He said, ‘My son is in danger, I have to save him, Enatio??? Son!!Father is coming…; unhand me you w***e!!! Now!!(Shouting directly at the woman)” then she shouted in anger, ‘I am certainly not a w***e of any kind….a w***e!!?, I’m a privileged young lady, engaged to a gentleman, and trust me… me a w***e again, and you’ll have Mr. Parker, my husband to be, to deal with, and furthermore, my name is Cassandra you filthy animal.”
Lord KillWorld just laughed, and said nothing, he just looked at her; Jorge and his two sons then stepped into the room to see what all the noise were, but found it to be Lord KillWorld laughing, and they laughed as they saw he was actually not that bad of a person, he was comforting to be around, but many knew comforting was not always trustworthy.

They looked at his scars the sea had caused and saw it bleeding, so Cassandra told them to get towels but as they were about to clean his wounds, it healed.

Jorge, Isaac, Sol and the lady Cassandra were shocked when they saw this, and Sol and Isaac then rushed out of the room and hauled to Mrs. Parker’s husband, and Mrs. Parker fainted in the room, and Jorge used the wet towels on Mrs. Parker instead, seeing that Lord KillWorld were fully healed.
Doctor Parker, also known as Lord Parker, came rushing in the room, examined the body of Lord KillWorld, and as he looked at Lord KillWorld, he said,’ strange……you awfully look familiar to a man I once knew,(looking at Lord KillWorld a bit baffled) well….maybe I’m mistaken? But you do really…share...quite the resemblance.”

Lord KillWorld: Well……the world is a big place; many people share the same image nowadays.

Doctor Parker: ‘speaking about ‘WORLD” I think his last name was something...of a world…if I’m not mistaken, I think it was (thinking) Aaah!!...KillWorld was his last name, funny, I can’t remember his name (Sighs) but as you’ve said, the world is a big place indeed.”

Cassandra woke up, and Doctor was delighted to see her on her feet, then Lord KillWorld saw Christian again and she said to KillWorld, that Doctor Parker is also Lord Parker that same Lord Parker and Lord KillWorld’s eyes had anger inside of it, but he remained calm.

Doctor Parker then left the room with his fiancé, and ordered Jorge to release Lord KillWorld; after a while, Jorge and his sons had time to speak with Lord KillWorld, and they formed a friendship, but Lord KillWorld made sure that their friendship would last forever. Forever…meaning he bit them and he made them Crowkans.

He taught them the ways of the Crowkan, the laws and the fighting techniques, let alone….newborns trained by their own king; this was a privilege alone, in the eyes of any Crowkan. They decided on it right there, they’d steal Lord/Doctor Parker’s ship and flee to any land; although they left without Cassandra, Lord KillWorld actually had not a feeling of love for her and he loved only one, Christian. They travelled to far distances, then they got lost and roamed the sea for months, not even finding an inch of a land; their thirst grew rapidly and the only solution KillWorld had was, swimming deep below the blue sea and he caught a shark, killing it with a dagger and ripping out its important parts of its body, its heart, and he killed about four great whites; a heart for each of them. After a while their thirst grew again and he had no choice and gave of his own blood to them, and they drank, and drank, not knowing the consequences of doing so, but they had no choice. They arrived in Poland and they had settled there, and Lord KillWorld waited patiently whilst waiting for his generals, but he had some fun in between, such as killing a few innocents, and recruiting more newborns.

© 2015 Damian Vincent Henry

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Added on September 7, 2015
Last Updated on September 7, 2015
Tags: jamaica, sea, fishermen, africa


Damian Vincent Henry
Damian Vincent Henry

Cape Town, Westen Province, South Africa

I was born in Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa. I live with my parents and two siblings. I got two dogs, well technically only one, but we adopted the other one. I am 23, and I strive to become th.. more..
