

A Poem by 外人 (Gaijin)

Hateful image of an unwanted me
That lingers through the air
Like a disgusting perfume
Displaying annoying virtues
And a tedious character:

May I with all of me,
Break your irritating mask,
Tear up your old clothes,
Destroy all of me
And make myself anew.

Vanish from my sight, Persona
And take with you all the memories
Of this rejected, now rejecting me.

© 2017 外人 (Gaijin)

Author's Note

外人 (Gaijin)
Brief Jungian psychology necessary background:
Every person has a part of themselves, Persona, which is composed by the features, the "image", they want to show to the outside world (and in a certain way, to ourselves). It is created and we actively create it potentially throughout our whole lives. This poem comes from my recently grown hostility towards my Persona.

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Featured Review

I read poems about human nature, feelings and the playing of the mind, but Your poem shows a degree of awareness to me, the way You addressed the problem without me feeling anger, but more like a calmed mind speaking in the voice of that awareness, knowing he can step forward to the next level in developing one self, Very well done my friend.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

外人 (Gaijin)

6 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your kind words :D Interesting you didn't catch anger in my words, I guess I'm.. read more

6 Years Ago

Your poem is poweful and does sear with anger, what caught me was that even in this rage I felt how .. read more


The below is needed often in a life.
May I with all of me,
Break your irritating mask,
Tear up your old clothes,
Destroy all of me
And make myself anew."
I liked the above lines. Real life and thank you for sharing the amazing poetry.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I read poems about human nature, feelings and the playing of the mind, but Your poem shows a degree of awareness to me, the way You addressed the problem without me feeling anger, but more like a calmed mind speaking in the voice of that awareness, knowing he can step forward to the next level in developing one self, Very well done my friend.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

外人 (Gaijin)

6 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your kind words :D Interesting you didn't catch anger in my words, I guess I'm.. read more

6 Years Ago

Your poem is poweful and does sear with anger, what caught me was that even in this rage I felt how .. read more
A great poem from an intelligent poet, the background is brillant, and the poem itself excellent.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

外人 (Gaijin)

6 Years Ago

Thank you very much ! Always so kind :)
I really love your message, it's so true-to-life and an important life lesson. I'll never forget when I first studied Tai Chi in my early 30's . . . it was about letting go of the persona & not defining yourself by how you come across or what you do for a living, etc. This can be a defining point in life, when we let go of our persona. Very helpful for writing, since there's a need for humbleness & not needing to be "right" about anything, just observing & sharing what we experience. This is an awesome description of what you're saying (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 6 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on November 26, 2017
Last Updated on November 26, 2017


外人 (Gaijin)
外人 (Gaijin)

London, United Kingdom

Why do I call myself 外人? 外人 is a foreigner, an outsider, therefore we're all, no matter what, 外人. We all live as foreigners in-between two worlds: The wor.. more..


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