Chapter 23

Chapter 23

A Chapter by E.V. Black

Pierce becomes involved in Willow's vendetta against Severin.


Chapter Twenty-Three

Lighter Than Air


            He didn’t realize how much he was shivering until he left the park.

            Pierce wrapped his arms around himself, shaking a little bit. His cheeks were a flushed pink and his breath came out in thick white clouds. But the reason he didn’t realize he was cold was because Willow’s touch had kept him warm. Even the thought of her now wiped away the freezing reality around him.

            He smiled at the thought of her flushed face.

            “She doesn’t know how special she is,” he said to himself. “That’s why she has me to tell her that. I want to let her know that she isn’t alone.”

            Pierce walked down the crowded street. People pushed by him in both directions. They didn’t even bother to excuse themselves. They just rushed on by, other things besides manners on their minds. He knew it was mostly about Christmas shopping, and he wasn’t that surprised because today was Black Friday.

            And then, as he walked, an idea came to him. A great idea.

            What if he got Willow a Christmas present?

            Of course, he’d have to figure out what she liked, but it would be no trouble at all. It would be worth it just to see her smile. He thought about Willow’s warm smile, and he smiled himself. He closed his eyes and imagined her in his arms. It was an excellent idea. Far better than anything else he had ever thought up before. At least that’s what it felt like right at that very moment.

            What did she like, though? Makeup? Clothes?

            No, Willow didn’t seem to be the kind of girl to care about how she looked.

            What else was there? Lotions? Perfume?

            Nope. Not her forte. Even if she had that kind of stuff, she probably had never used it once.

            What about technology? Or literature? Did she like books? Or software?

            Nada. Maybe books, but…

            Another idea struck him.

            He smiled.

            “Of course! It’s so simple I don’t know why I didn’t see it before,” Pierce whispered to himself. “I’ll just get her some fighting equipment to use. She could easily use it when she’s at the Academy.”

            Or when she’s out there kicking bad guy butt, he also thought. She could probably use it easily.

            And the idea was fantastic to him. He knew what he was going to get Willow, and she would love it so much.




            The disappointment rang deep in him, even the day after he and Willow had said good-bye. It felt he had said good-bye to her forever.

            As he washed the Thanksgiving dishes, Allister’s mind wandered off forlornly. He knew that they were still friends, but the awkwardness was there, separating them. He wanted something he couldn’t have, and now he wanted Willow even more now that she was with someone else. Or least he thought she was.

            But rather than moping in his misery, he decided to take this opportunity and let it strengthen him. He couldn’t get everything he wanted in life, not even Willow Halliwell as his girlfriend. Al couldn’t just wallow around and lick his wounds. No, he had learned an important lesson in life. It had changed and matured him. He no longer felt ridiculous and weird, but more sure of himself and older and maturer.

            “Morning, Al,” greeted Gwen as she walked into the kitchen. She widened her eyes in satisfaction. She went over to her son and smacked him on the cheek with a kiss. “Thank you so much for doing the dishes, sweetheart.”

            Al shrugged.

            “I don’t mind,” he said. “I needed something to do. Might as well make myself useful.”

            “Well, I appreciate it so much. More than you know.”

            “I know.”

            “Are you gonna go out with Willow today? You know, just hang out and have fun?”

            He stiffened a little at the mention of Willow’s name out loud.

            He shook his head, his eyelids lowering a little sadly over his eyes.

            “No. She’s doing something else today.”

            “Too bad,” his mom cooed. “You’re lucky to have a friend like that.”

            Allister jerked his head up. He frowned and turned his head to his mom.

            “Mom, what the heck are you saying?”

            “I’m just saying…Well, she was very pretty and…you know…”

            Anger sprouted up in him, threatening to lash out through his words.

            “Mom…I’m not going to date her! I’m sorry if you don’t like that I don’t have a girlfriend, but that’s your problem. NOT mine.”

            “I’m sorry, Al. I--”

            “I don’t like her that way,” he lied, though he knew it was true. “And she doesn’t like me that way. So don’t mention it ever again.” His expression softened. “I’m sorry.”

            A faint smile played on Gwen’s lips.

            “I forgive you,” she said softly. “I understand that you don’t. I won’t mention it ever again, okay?”


            Gwen simply smiled at him.

            Allister went back to washing the dishes. He felt more agitated somehow. He had tried over the past day and a half to pry himself emotionally away from Willow. It wasn’t easy. It was more difficult than he had ever thought possible. That he knew.

            Allister could feel Gwen’s eyes lingering on him questioningly. Though she never said a word, he knew she was wondering about how he felt about Willow and what had gone on between them.

            It’s more complicated than you could ever understand, Mom, he thought.




            She had only felt two different types of love before: friendship and parental. But this…this was very different. Pierce and Willow weren’t friends, but something more. And that’s what this kind of love was: something more. Something different than she had ever experienced before in her life. She had felt it briefly with Allister, but this wasn’t the same. It was more fervent and big.

            Willow’s heart pounded hard in a good way. Her face was flushed, but she guessed it was from something else besides the cold. She smiled like a complete idiot,and she didn’t very much care.

            Willow’s thick red coat swung around her in the strong wind, which also blew back her flowing mane of raven locks. She ran a hand through her hair, smoothing the tangles out excitedly. She felt like such the giddy schoolgirl. And this was a big change. She barely realized how much she had changed since October. She had grown used to becoming less hard and more emotional, which was a good and bad thing. Her feelings towards Al and Pierce had grown stronger. She was healing after the aftermath of Viola’s tragic death. It didn’t nearly hurt as much to think about as it did weeks and weeks before.

            And Willow was happier.

            She smiled more, laughed more, and pretty much enjoyed life altogether as it was. Pierce made her feel more accepted, more like an average girl instead of a freakish loner and outcast. Did she forget to mention social reject? Yeah, that too.

            But, instead of steaming at this crude thought, she laughed at it. To think she had actually had ever gotten angry at Teagan’s critical comments and insults. Life was so much better when you welcomed it with open arms. She believed now that life was worth more when you accepted things as they were and not as a cynic.

            To add she felt lighter than air.

            A single, worrisome thought touched her mind. She considered it.

            What if Pierce tries to…to kiss me? What then?

            She immediately thought to the time when she had accidentally fell on top on that guy and planted her lips on his cheek the night of Viola’s death. She died instantly. She knew that there was some sort of venom or poison within the skin of her lips. Though…she had kissed Allister on the cheek yesterday. Did this mean that she had control over this strange ability? Maybe it only came out in self-defense.

            Wait…what if I do research on the Black Widow? I mean, I have, but not a whole lot. Just enough to know it’s hourglass symbol and that it’s rumored to eat its mate, she thought. Might as well. I think Black Widows have venom. Yeah, they do.

            And she walked home deep in thought, carefully watching where she was going once in a while.




            “So…you want to kill her yourself, sir?”


            Severin and Markus Fleming sat face to face, separated only by a desk. Fleming had been called into Severin’s study for an afternoon meeting.

            Fleming nodded at this. No emotion whatsoever registered on his face.

            “Because Cain didn’t carry out my orders properly,” Severin explained, “I’ve decided to kill Willow myself. He couldn’t do it right, so I’m taking care of it myself.”



            “Is your other daughter that much of a problem? Why inconvenience yourself by taking care of her in person? Why not send me or one of my men?”

            Fleming immediately regretted it because Severin gave him a calm, deadly look. Markus stared at the ground.

            “Are you questioning my authority, Fleming?” Severin hissed, temper slowly rising.

            “No, sir. I’m not. I�"”

            “Ask me that again, Fleming, and you’ll wish you hadn’t even opened your mouth in the first place,” he snapped.

            Fleming became quiet.

            “Now…when do you think I should set a date for the murder?” Severin asked as if he were scheduling an appointment to a doctor.

            Fleming’s look brightened.

            “Sir, my men have been spying on your daughter and her boyfriend. Apparently they’re to have a date together next Friday. Would that be sufficient enough for you?”

            A smile crept upon Severin’s somewhat wrinkled face.

            “Yes, it would. Excellent work, Markus. You’re proving yourself well.”

            Fleming nodded.

            “May I leave?” he asked.

            “Yes. Go, Fleming. I have to plan.”

            And Fleming retreated from the room, leaving Severin in the silence of the manor.




            The silver Echo pulled its way into the Stravinskys’ driveway. Then, the vehicle came to a stop and Michael and Agatha Stravinsky opened the car doors. Mike popped the lid of the trunk open. Aggie went up to the front door and unlocked it as Mike grabbed some bags from the car trunk.

            Aggie turned the key in the doorknob and thrust the door open with just one push. She immediately noticed how silent it was.

            Willow? Willow? Can you come and help us with the bags? Willow?” Aggie called out. “Willow?”

            Aggie entered the kitchen. She placed her purse on the counter and noticed a note with her name on it. She picked it up and skimmed her eyes over it. Aggie pursed her lips at Willow’s words.

            “Aggie? You gonna help me?” asked Mike as he clambered clumsily up the three steps that led to the front door. He stopped and looked at her. He noticed the strained expression on her face. His brow furrowed. “What’s wrong?”

            He dragged the bags up the steps and placed them on the floor in front of the door. Mike went over to her.

            “What’s wrong?”

            “Nothing,” Aggie answered. “Willow just went out for a walk is all. She wrote us a note saying she doesn’t know when she’ll be back.”

            Mike scanned Aggie’s face and hugged her tightly.

            “We both worry about her. I worry about her,” he said softly. “But she’s proved herself to be old enough to leave the house on her own.”

            “It’s just�"I…I’m not worried about Willow,” Aggie stuttered. She looked up at Mike. “I’m concerned about what’s out there.”

            “What? In the city?”

            Aggie hunched her shoulders and managed a tiny nod. Mike wrapped his arms around her hunched shoulders and kissed the back of her head.

            “Nothing will happened to her,” he said into her hair.

            “I just worry.”

            Mike was silent, because he had nothing else to say to reassure her. But he hugged her tightly. The tiny flame of fear in her heart was nearly extinguished by this gesture; it somehow survived, though.

            “We better unpack the bags,” Aggie said, prying herself away from Michael.

            Aggie breezed through the front door and down the three steps. Michael watched her and shook his head. She unpacked the bags, with the help of Mike, and slammed the Echo’s trunk lid shut. They scrambled up the steps and heaved the bags up with them. They nearly dropped them from sore arm muscles onto the floor.

            Mike noted how Aggie’s brow was creased in worry. But there was nothing he could do to console her. If there were a way, though, he’d use it as much as possible. That wasn’t really an option right then because it wasn’t available. 




            She shivered, even under the weight of her heavy red coat.

            Willow’s cheeks and ears became a bright pink. Thankfully, she was close to home.

            She exited Downtown Crescent City and finally entered Wayview. She walked blocks and blocks in the cold. Then, she saw the Stravinsky home. She smiled gratefully at the sight of it. As happy as she was to be going out on a date with Pierce next Friday, she was more worried over her current condition than of what the future brought.

            And she didn’t forget her revenge against her father, either.

            She was just so caught up in the current events of her life to think about revenge. She was worried about whether or not she could control the deadly venom she bore in the skin of her lips.

            Willow was also thankful for having stuffed gloves into the pockets of her coat. But her hands too were chilly. She curled them into fists and stuffed them into her coat pockets. Warmth enclosed over her poor hands and heated her skin. It was such a relief.

            She accelerated her pace when she was merely a few steps away from the house. She rushed up the three steps and flung the door open. Aggie and Mike turned their gaze to Willow, who had scared them. Heat seeped into Willow’s skin as soon as she stepped foot in the house. She smiled faintly at Aggie and Mike. Hanging up her coat, Aggie approached her.

            “Did you enjoy your walk?” Aggie asked.

            “Yeah,” Willow answered. “I went into the city and wandered around a bit. I ran into a friend. Is it okay if I go out next Friday with him?”

            Aggie was taken aback by Willow’s rushed words at the end.

            “H-have we�"um�"met him?”

            “You can meet him when he comes here,” Willow said more slowly.

            The thought of Pierce coming to her home warmed her insides. Suddenly, she wasn’t so cold anymore. 

“Well…I guess.”

            “Yes, you can, Willow,” intervened Mike. “Tell him we’d be glad to have him.”

            Willow smiled widely at the two of them.

            “Thank you!”

            She hugged Mike briefly before rushing up the stairs to her room.

            “I haven’t ever seen her this excited,” was the last thing Willow heard Michael say.

            Excitement boiled up in her. She quietly shut her door. Then she bounced onto her bed and screamed into her pillow for a few good minutes.


            That Friday night, Willow sat at her computer and shook the mouse around. Her computer awoke from its sleep. Her desktop came up. She then logged onto the Internet quick as a wink and brought up Google. In the search engine, she typed “black widow spider.”

            Willow tapped the enter key on her keyboard and the server loaded. The results that came up appeared endless. Eventually she chose one about wildlife. A picture of a grotesque spider sitting over a fly on its web greeted her eyes. Willow nearly grimaced, but then took it back. On the spider's abdomen where its string for its webs came from was a single red hourglass. This was the actual Black Widow spider for which she had chosen to name herself after.

            She clicked on an underlined link and began to learn about the creature whose abilities she harbored. Apparently, the Black Widow didn’t kill its mate for which it had been rumored to do. She learned that it was considered to be one of the most poisonous spiders in the world. This both fascinated and frightened her.

            More facts popped up. The Black Widow spider apparently lived around Crescent City (in the wilderness, of course). Willow and her namesake also harbored the exact same colors of red and black. And, really, the Black Widow spider was a beautiful creature once you got past all its spindly legs and it being one of the most poisonous spiders in the world. It was just a unique creature. Willow enjoyed learning so much about it.

            As she shut down her computer for the night, worry pierced Willow’s heart. What if, and when, Pierce kissed her? Would she end up killing him with her poison? She hoped not. But kissing Allister’s cheek the day before proved that she had some extent of control over her ability to emit venom from her lips.

            But exactly how much control did she have?




            Pierce watched the TV in his room without actually watching it. It was more like his body was there, but his mind was somewhere else.

            And he knew exactly where it was.

            Pierce knew he had it bad, and he was real glad to have it. Being in love, especially at the beginning, was a great thing. Being in love with Willow was even better. She was different.

            Pierce crossed his arms and shook his head, smirking at his own thoughts.

            “I do have it bad,” he murmured to himself.

            He couldn’t help but allow his mind to wander, but only on certain limits. Strangely, his mind wandered to Willow’s father, Severin Struthers. He had tried to kill both Willow and Pierce. And he had looked frustrated despite his appearance having been a hologram at the time.

            The determination he had observed on Severin’s face was enough to convince him that this was a madman they were dealing with. That meant Severin would stop for nothing to kill Willow. He’d do anything to get to her. And what did this mean for him? That Severin might somehow take advantage of him again?

            No, he had already lured Willow in once. He would probably try it differently. And, knowing Willow, she would probably fall for it. Right now he might not be doing anything, but he was probably planning his own daughter’s death. It was his business now. He was going to take care of Willow however he could. And not even her maniac father could stop him.

            “I’ll warn her on Monday,” he told himself. “Severin won’t have done anything by then.”

            He flipped off the TV, bored, and lay down on his bed. He stared up at the ceiling. He thought of everything, but mostly Willow. He’d go shopping tomorrow for her. He wanted to get his present for her right away before they went out. It was just so he would know he hadn’t forgotten what he wanted to get her so much.

            Thinking of Willow’s soft smile, he fell asleep, his dreams filled with love.

© 2011 E.V. Black

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Added on May 11, 2011
Last Updated on May 11, 2011


E.V. Black
E.V. Black

My name is E.V. Black and I am honored that you have decided to peruse my profile. I started my writing career at a young age and have been writing for a very long time. I write in practically every f.. more..

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