Once Again

Once Again

A Poem by Einstein Noodle

Once Again

That's when the troubles came.
We were both sweeping
in seperate lanes and so
lost our footings

Good morning!
That's when the bristles came
We were on the wrong tracks and so
accidents of distress pronounced us
dead and alive

Good bye!
That is something that hangs like
a billboard blocking the sunrise 
shocking the nature of things
smells like singed hair on lightning rods
sizzling the sight and the sounds of doves


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© 2018 Einstein Noodle

Author's Note

Einstein Noodle

My Review

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Featured Review

Ohhhhh-Mega-Ouchies! Poor little pup has gotten himself too close too danger, as we do so many times in our lives. Wrong time, wrong place, just wrong..and then gone...great verse form with leading lines, flow, cleverness of language, metaphor, alliteration, imagery. Billboards blocking painful memories. Great poem E. P.S. Hope pup is rid of the barbs and feeling much better!!

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

6 Years Ago

ahahaha you are so spot on...its a process...getting barbs removed ;) but we are a strong breed us h.. read more
Annette Pisano-Higley

6 Years Ago

You are so sweet E.! You are most welcome.:))


i love the self reflection on this poem it can touch one's soul to its core

Posted 6 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

6 Years Ago

:) ..... not my norm so very gratified you point it out and that you enjoyed ... a little self refle.. read more

6 Years Ago

peace and health to you as well my friend
"Hello, I'm Trouble." Said Fate and those good byes can't come quick enough.
Love this.

Posted 6 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

6 Years Ago

glad you relate Cherrie Palmer .. so nice to have your visit! yes... if we are wise the sooner the b.. read more
This is so blooming good, I just want to shake the hand that wrote it......your last stanza sends a shiver right through me.......Neville

Posted 6 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

6 Years Ago

that makes us blood brothers in my books ... or i could say bloody brothers eh!?

6 Years Ago

either will do nicely bro.......
Einstein Noodle

6 Years Ago

:) ...................

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33 Reviews
Added on May 5, 2018
Last Updated on May 7, 2018


Einstein Noodle
Einstein Noodle

Pork Rind, AK

This morning as I began to log in to WC, it occurred to me what an inspiring and comfortable place this has become for me. There are so many talented people sharing, encouraging, teaching and learni.. more..


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