My final breath, a sigh

My final breath, a sigh

A Poem by Gee

Accepting the inevitable

I had neither time nor patience
and this I so relayed,
annoyance being the tone I used
but still the stranger stayed.

I bid him sit if stay he must
offering him a chair,
this he declined without a word
but with a steely glare.

That chilled my bones to marrows core
withering my very soul,
a shadow crossing o'er my heart
a shadow black as coal.

It was then I knew my time was his
he'd called to still the hands,
to lead me from this mortal coil
and to the promised lands.

So silently I left with him
my final breath a sigh,
of sadness that my life was done
and this my time to die...

© 2021 Gee

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Oh my! Very chilling, many ways to interpret as well! They rhyming is excellent. I try to write poetry. I'm lucky a few times, but they always turn into prose! Thanks for sharing!

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Thank you MM. I just post whatever shite, piffle, comes into my head, most of my scribbling being do.. read more
Mistress Munxroe

5 Years Ago

Well it was exccellently done! Yes I made up my own word! lol
I love the flow of this piece! It's very easy to say aloud, without tripping over the words. It's got an excellent rhythm too. And the rhyming! I can never manage poems that rhyme, so when I find them, they always astound me.

This piece is somehow both whimsical and... mm, what's the word? Deep? Weighty? Weighty sounds good. Whimsical and weighty. And very beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing!

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Thank you for your kind words Livvy
How you can create such a near jolly rhythmic ring to such a dark subject amazes me, Gree!. You use great language to state the obvious but somehow make light of it! Perhaps we drift into acceptance rather than fight i? Fine language, come what may.!

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Jeepers, rude of me

6 Years Ago

smiling, manners comes to she who waits and is pretty bad at remembering until three years later! read more

6 Years Ago

Just realised i forgot !!!! Many thanks for asking re things in Italy..nothing new at present. Ble.. read more
It made me shiver.Great use of language.Well done!

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Goooooooooooooood morning Ms P. Hope all is well with you.
Thank you kindly for both reading .. read more
Ms Paragon

6 Years Ago

My pleasure!Enjoy your Sunday!

6 Years Ago

Thank you, you too
Gave me chills...nicely done! :) x

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Thank you Tina
I can see I read this a year ago but it still holds. Beautifully written.

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Thank you..
Very "Dickenson" of you :) But I did enjoy this and the simple meter used with olde English slang. :) well done.

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Cheers JB, thanks for reading
I would have kicked him out and told him where to go lol

loved the flow and rhyme :)

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Thank you Stella
Ah the grim reaper, persistant little pest wasn't he? You offered him a chair? We all have to go one day, but I'd much rather not share my final breath with him. Nicely told narrative Gee. An entertaining read.

Posted 6 Years Ago


6 Years Ago

Thank oh Christine

6 Years Ago
Oh nooh the grim reaper but don't die on us yet for your poem if u write like this is just too awesome. Flows so well, rhymed marvellously too. I'm awed by this imaginative poem. I tink it is a masterpiece. Kudos.

I'm quite a newbie here, Pleez do review, write your thoughts under my newest poem too. I like interactives , like making friends and am used to exchange of comments.

Posted 6 Years Ago

Chris Shaw

6 Years Ago

Is that my old friend zay zay from other pastures?

6 Years Ago

Oh my tell me this is u Christine, not only your poem is exceptional, rather u are soo beautiful. So.. read more
Chris Shaw

6 Years Ago

Not me in the pic, I will message you Zay. I left a comment on Gee's poem and noticed your name.

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62 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on May 30, 2016
Last Updated on August 20, 2021
Tags: Life, death, time



Milton keynes, United Kingdom

Devoted family man and lover of life. Simply written, easily understood "stuff" for those without code breaking skills. You will NEVER need Google to understand me:) more..

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