The Alpha Squad:  The Call Of The Guardians

The Alpha Squad: The Call Of The Guardians

A Story by Michael Gill

Comic Book Sci-fi style with a Christian Emphases.

Previous Version
This is a previous version of The Alpha Squad: The Call Of The Guardians.











He stood at the edge of the cliff, the last of The Dark-Riders', along beside him were The Dark-Riders before him, and before them on a bright white cloud was The Son of Man, Jesus.  He stood there with The Dark-Riders behind him, and behind them all the saints over the years awaiting this final battle Armageddon.  Michael Black, the seventh and last Dark-Rider thougth to himself, "Here we are at the brink of the final battle between good and evil.  It only seems like yesterday that I was a teenager...  












  The Alpha Squad: Call of the Guardians.   


                                   Written by Mike Gill      





Chapter 1          The beginning of an end.

      Mike Black has just got done with his homework, and just in time for dinner. Just as he walked out the door of his room he knew exactly what it was, just by the smell, Hamburger Dish, as it was called in his family, it was hamburger, noodles, and cream of mushroom soup. He sighed silently not wanting to discourage his stepmother Patty. His dad Frank had just walked through the door, normally a serious man, but lightend up when he saw his wife, “Hamburger Dish again hon?” he somewhat complained. 

      “Well we have to have something that it will last at least a couple of days. And the way the boys had been eating lately, it seemed a good idea.” Patty explained. “Especially Michael, how he's not gaining his weight back is beyond me.”

      “I've been working out and going my evening runs, and my metabolism is speeding up.” He explained.

      “You don't need to explain yourself, we told you that hundreds of times.” Patty reminded him.

      “Where's Billy?” Asked Frank.  “

      He's at a friends house, it's just us three...” Patty started to say when Billy walked into the house, “Never mind, so what happened this time?” She crossed her arms waiting for an answer.

       “Nothing, decided to come home for dinner instead.” Billy answered quickly. 

       Patty smiled and said “I'll grab another plate, you boys wash up, that includes you too Frank.” 

       "Yes dear."

       They sat at the table, gave thanks and started eating. As they did so Mike turned on the small tv there in the dining room to watch the world news, it was something new for the family, Mike was usually into his comics and stories, and for the rest of them it was a nice change. The news reporter was on location at the S.H.I.N.E. Organization headquarters in Washington D.C. “This is Martha Martinez here at the S.H.I.N.E. Headquarters and here with me is Dr. Kevin Johnson, Dr. Johnson what is the meaning of S.H.I.N.E? 

      Dr. Johnson was in his mid-thirties and was skinny, with brownish blonde hair. “It stands for Super Human Intelligence Network and Enforcement.”

      “And what is the reason for such an organization?” 

      “As you know Mrs. Martinez there has been recent sightings over the last couple of years of men and women with unusual capabilities. And to ensure their safety and the safety of the citizens of this country, the U.S. Government has set up this organization.” 

      “So you have trained people to.."

      “Oh no my dear, we don't use people. This is the 21st century, we've modified cyborgs from the riot squads from the previous years.” He said proudly. Mike nearly choked his food down. “Did he say cyborgs?” He asked himself silently. “You okay, there big bro?” Billy asked. “Fine, just went down the wrong pipe.” Back on the TV Dr. Johnson was introducing two of the cyborgs. “These are first two of many to come. Gunner, and Rocko.”  

       “Wait a minute Dr. Johnson they both look familiar...” Her voice trailed off.

       “Yes these two use to be the famous Father and Son gangsters known as Papa Gunna and his son Rocky, as you know the cyborg program uses convicted felons with life sentences they were given the choice whether to stay in prison for the rest of the lives or gain amnesty by becoming cyborgs to be programmed to find these abnormal humans.”

      “Aren't you afraid that they will revert to their evil ways? Do you think the average tax payer will allow the cyborg program to continue? I mean the human rights activists....”  

      “No!"  Dr. Johnson interuppted. "On the first question we have implanted a chip which regulates what decisions they can make. And I believe, as well as our Government believes, that once the public sees them in action that they will put their worries at rest. As far as the activists goes I will be more then happy to give them copies of the paper work that both of these new Cyber-Defenders have signed before going under operation.”  

      “So you have decided to call them that, why call them Cyber-Dedenders?” 

      “I believe it would be self explanatory however, they are here to defend the public from any unusual happenings that may have been caused by these abnormals.  Now I am sorry but I must get back to work.” and before he could finish Mike shut off the TV.

      “Something bugging you son?” Frank asked his son with concern. 

      “No, it's just that they didn't cover more on those who have abilities. I mean what if they're just innocent of all of this?”  

      "Michael, it would be better for all of us if the those people were rounded."

      “Well I am sure that is what exactly what that organization is for.” Patty guessed.  "We shouldn't have to worry about such things."  

       Mikes' jaw tightend with frustration, but held it back and began clearing the table.

      About an hour later he walked off the steps of his porch and began his normal routine, walking to the school, he started jogging around track. Ever since he saw that news report he couldn't help but being angry towards his parents' response, if only they knew...Lost in his thoughts he began to pick up speed until the fence post around the track became a blur.  He slowed to a normal rate, not that he was paranoid or anything, but it was always best to be safe then sorry. He had to be careful of how many times he used his abilities and how long. “I think I'll stay earth bound for now.” He told himself. Just then a female screamed, “Okay so much for that idea.” Isntanly with out thinking he traveledt he two blocks to a house with the windows open and the surround sound at full blast, “Great that's just great,” Mike shook his head, “I got to be more careful.” 

      Just a couple of miles away in a victorian mansion on the outside.  The interior belied that impression. Beneath the building in a series of natural caverns, computers whirred and hummed.  In a darkened lab a teen girls voice echoed “I've located one, his DNA is different from the others we've found.”   

      “Then he must be the one that we have been looking for, make sure we send him an invitation tomorrow."

      “With pleasure.” 

      The next day at school Mike walked up to his locker, opened it and a small note fell out of it, he bent down and picked it up and read it, “Mr. Black please come to my house at 1245 Woodrawl St. I have a job offer that you might be interested in. Signed Jacob Cagney.” 

      “Hi there.” Said a females' voice from behind.  

      “Oh Nicole, hi, how's it going?” Boy she was beautiful girl. Blonde hair, hazel eyes and the same height as Mike.

      “Good, are you ready for band?"

      “Like you have to ask?” He asked rhetorically. “But you aren't in band, so why did you ask?”

      “Because I know your in it... And well I'll see ya.” She walked off to her class. 

      “Okay if I didn't know better I would say that someone liked you.” His friend Dan said walking up to him. Dan was a little taller then Mike with dark brown hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin. 

       “Why do you say that?”  

      “Oh come on Mikey, you've been here for a week and you've already gotten the eye of one of the most beautiful girls beholding you.” Dave slapped him on the back. A little taller then Dan and had darker tanned skin than Dan and black hair. “How do you do it?”

      “Look, guys I don't know where you get your delusions but there is no way in this blue-eyed world a wonderful girl like her would go with a sci-fi geek like me.” Mike waved his hand at his green tinted glasses and all black clothes.  "But brains are in this year."

      “Keep telling yourself that you'll begin to believe it.” Dan lectured.

      “Well, I am off to band, unless you guys want to have another Philosophy class discussion here in the hall.”

      “No thanks, I got Chemistry to go to.” Dave declined.  

      “Yeah me too.” Dan excused himself.  

      During the day Mike was trying figure out whether or not of going to the house of  Mr. Cagney.  He ran a few scenarios through his head which could become obsessive at times, scenarios which included questions as; who was this Mr. Cagney anyway? Was he working for The S.H.I.N.E. Organization or something totally different? One thing was for certain he had never been this paranoid about his powers in a long time.. He sat down for lunch and began to eat his sack lunch that he had made for himself. What was he to do?  “May I join you?” Asked a familiar voice

      “Sure Nicole.” He motioned for her to sit down. “So how are classes going?” 

      “Going good, just not sure how to take all this in.”  

      “What do you mean?”  

      “Well, just like you I'm new here to this school.” 

      “But haven't you lived in Silverton all your life?”  

      “Well, yes, it's just that my uncle, he home schooled me up until this year.” She explained.

      “What's your uncles' name, if you don't mind me asking?”

      “Jacob, Jacob Cagney.”  

      “Jacob Cagney? I got a letter in my locker to come see him today after school is over." 

      “Good then you can walk me home after school.” She got up and walked away.

      “But what does he want with me?” He hollered after her. 

      “Hey Mikey that's no way to get a girl.” Dan walked up to him.

      “What's up?” 

      “Well, in chemistry something weird happened, when Dave touched the chemical beakers they froze right in his hand!”

      “You’re putting me on!” Mike pretended to play stupid. 

      “No seriously, and something happened to me as well.”  

      “What's that the ground tried to swallow you up?”  

      “Actually yeah, I was stuck in the concrete for two minutes, I was nearly late for class!”  

      “Look Dan, I'm sure your foot just got stuck in some tar or gum.” He patted Dan on shoulder, “And speaking of almost being late to class we best get moving to history class.”

     When school was over Nicole caught up with Mike at his locker, he borrowed her cell phone left a message saying that he was studying for a test at a friends' house. They walked towards Nicole’s' house and throughout the time he questioned her on why her uncle wanted to see him and what for. All she would say was that her uncle would explain it all. As they approached the house he saw big it was and that it had to be nearly over a hundred years old. “I know what your thinking, but it was built not even two decades ago.” Nicole retorted. 

      “Your uncle likes old style houses. Did he build it himself?”

      “In a way yes, but we'll get to that later,” she opened the door and motioned for him to enter first. He acknowledged with a nod and entered. As soon as they were both inside, the door shut after them. Mike looked around and admired all the scenery that he was taking in, knights in armor paintings, and.... the biggest library he had ever seen. “I take it you like the library?” Nicole asked him. 

      “Yeah, it would take a person probably a century to read all these books!” 

      “Actually one could do it ten years if that's all he did.” A man with a slight British accent walked up to them. “Nicole my dear welcome home, and this must be Michael Black.” 

      “Mike if you please Mr. Cagney.”   

      “Then you can call me Jacob.” 

      “Well then Jacob, what is it of me that you needed to have Nicole put a note in my locker?” he asked him.

      “Have you ever heard of the Legend of The Dark-Rider?” He asked honestly. 

     “Should I have?”

     “It's an Irish legend, that a man appointed by God to defend those who need it. Given immortality as well abilities beyond that of normal man. You are of Irish descent are you not?”  

     “Yeah, what's that got to do with me?” 

     “The Legend of The Dark-Rider is true, for I was the last, and you are to be the next.” 

     “How do I know that you are not working with The S.H.I.N.E. Organization?” 

     “Because I have special abilities just like you.” Nicole approached softly. 

     “You mean you’re like me? Super strength and all that?”

     “No I have the ability to create force fields around me or used at a distance.”

     “Besides all of that you are to be the next Dark-Rider, however for some reason some your abilities have come prematurely, which means that you are not ready to take on the full responsibilities of the Dark-Rider. Only God knows why. But right now we must begin your training.” He started to turn towards the library. 

     “Wait, what do you mean training? I've been using these powers since I was in the fifth grade!”

     “Because you know how to use them, doesn't mean you how to use them in combat.” 

     “Maybe so, but who would I be combating any way?” Mike asked out of frustration. 

     “The Cyber-Defenders, and their creators.” Nicole answered.

     “Follow us.” Jacob motioned him into the library., and once they were in front of one of the book shelves, Jacob pushed one of them in and the book shelf disappeared and a metallic door stood before them. “By entering this door you shall leave one adventure in life, and begin another.” The door opened up, Nicole entered first, and then Jacob, they looked at Mike, and for what seemed like an eternity, he finally entered into the elevator door knowing that his life would never be the same ever again.



                         Chapter 2              


    The elevator took them further, and further down below the foundation of the house. When it had finally stopped the door opened up and they exited the elevator and stepped into a large underground facility. “Welcome to The Big House Headquarters.” Nicole announced, as Mike who was astonished with all that he was seeing. “It has everything that we will need, vehicles, a medical center, science laboratories, and a training facility that we call The Simulator.”  

    “The Simulator?” Mike asked out of curiosity. 

     “It's a holographic simulation chamber to hone your combat skills as well as survival techniques.” Nicole answered in layman terms.  

     “How could you afford all of this?” 

     “Well, there is number of factors to be brought in, one: There is the money that is in the vault in Castle Dark-Rider which was stolen during the times of the Revolutionary War...” Jacob started to answer.

    “What do you mean stolen?”

    “One of the Dark-Riders' was a pirate at one time and stole from Britain out of revenge towards the King of England. But towards the end of his life he had created Castle Dark-Rider and put the rest of the money in a vault for future Dark-Riders' to use doing their time here on earth.” Jacob then noticed a look of confusion on Mikes' face. “Maybe I should give you a brief history of the Dark-Rider. The first Dark-Rider was like most Dark Riders' was in Ireland, Dublin to be in fact, his mission was to dethrone the evil king that was defiling not only the church of God but tried to bring the demon known as Samhane into the physical realm. The Prince was a upright man of God who wanted to right all of the wrong that his father had done. The Dark-Rider like all the others were given a black tunic and mask to represent the evil that they must destroy, along with The Sword of Power and The Shield of Defense. And if he had a horse it was to be called Shadow for when it was running it would not make sound and would not leave any hoof prints.” 

    “How many Dark Riders have there been?”

    “Not including yourself, six. But you are the last of the Dark Riders and the most powerful.”  

    “So, in other words until Christ comes back.”  

    “Exactly which according to the scriptures only the Father knows the time and day.”

    “As much as interesting as all this is,” Nicole brought up. “But I think we should fit him in a Bio-Suit.”

    “What's a Bio-Suit?” Mike asked scratching his head. 

    “A suit made up of synthetic material that is more protective than Kevlar. It will also protect you from the Cyber-Defenders' scanners for when you use your abilities. This way they cannot find out who you really are...”

    “That's what doesn't make sense is why they are hunting people like Nicole and I for?” 

    “I know Dr. Johnson personally, he and I were students together in college and I know of who he is actually working for.” 

    “You mean someone outside of the U.S. Government?”  

    “Yes, they call themselves The Society. Their objective is world conquest but first they must eliminate those who would oppose them.”  

    “You mean me, and others like me?” 

    “The Guardians yes,” 

    “So where is this Bio-Suit you have for me?”

    “Step on that platform over there.” Jacob pointed behind Mike, “And we'll begin the Symbiotic sequence.” Mike did so and Jacob placed himself behind the control panel. He pressed a few buttons and there was a glow around Mike and then a flash of light and in place of Mikes' clothes was a green suit with black trim and a mask.  

    “Hey I thought this was supposed to be black not green?” Mike asked in surprise.

    “Well your not the Dark-Rider yet, it will be another year or maybe two years before you receive the rest of your abilities. So until then you be called... Well maybe you should choose a name.”

    “Well green is one of my favorite colors, so I will call myself The Green Defender.”  

    “Nice name choice, now a few things about the Bio-Suit, the item on your wrist is called a changer, its what activates and deactivates the Bio-Suit. When the Bio-Suit is deactivated the changer looks like a watch. Also when the Bio-Suit is deactivated you can use your abilities without the S.H.I.N.E. scanners pinpointing on your location. When it is activated you have stun blasters on top of your gloves. Now I would like you to go into the Simulator, and we will begin a series of tests to see what your limitations are with your powers.” Green Defender entered the giant dome and the doors closed behind him. Once inside Jacob ran him through a series of simulations. Once they were finished James had him come back and they headed to the main computer. “I.Q. bring up the results of Green Defenders' test.” Jacob spoke out. 

    “Working.” The computer responded. The data flashed upon the screen and James read them out loud; “For your strength you can max press is five tons. For your super-speed you can run up to 250mph. And for your flight speed 150mph. But the more you use your powers the more they progress. Well I do believe I should let you go home for now. It is getting rather late...”  

    “What time is it?” Green Defender asked.

    “7pm...” Nicole began to say.  

    “Oh man, I my folks are going to flip!” 

    “I'll have Nicole drop you off and she can explain to them that you were to be here immediately for I needed your assistance right then and there.”  

    “Okay, but first how do I turn this thing off?”  He asked James.  

    “Say end program.”  

    “End Program.” He repeated and there was a quick flash and was back being Mike Black.

    “Nicole take the van, I don't trust you just yet with my Camero.” He tossed her the keys.  

    “Sure thing uncle.” A few moments later they were in front of Mikes' house.

    “Well this is going be fun.” Mike said sarcastically. 

    “What do you mean?”  

    “Well one I'm late for dinner and two, my parents are going to make a big deal out of the fact that a girl brought me home.”  

    “Your right this is going to be fun.” She said with a big smile. They went inside, and just as they were into view of Mikes' parents, Frank said, “Michael where have you been?”

    “I got a job.” Mike said proudly. 

    “Oh really, and who is that beside you?” Patty asked.

    “I'm Nicole I work with Mike and we both work for my uncle as history archivists. You see my Uncle is historian and he needed some extra help, so he hired Mike.”

    “Well as long as it pays good....” Franks' voice trailed off. 

    “$200.00 a week.” Mike piped up.

    “That definitely sounds like a good paying job to me.” Patty agreed.  

    “Well I gotta go, and do my homework. I'll see you tomorrow Mikey.”  As soon as she drove off, Patty asked, “So Michael, where did you meet that lovely girl?” And the fun began.



                           Chapter 3          


    The next morning, Mike met up with Nicole at her locker. “Thanks for the help last night.” He greeted her sarcastically.

    “No problem.” She smiled sweetly as she closed her locker door, “I figured you could use the practice.”  

     “What practice?”

     “Think about it, when your parents start wondering why your coming in so late...”  

     “No not that.” Mike interrupted. “For helping me by explaining to my parents how come I have never mentioned you.”

     “Oh. Again your welcome.” She started to walk away and he followed, “Now my uncle has given me a couple of names..."  

     “Dan Clay and David Frost.” Mike said plainly.  

     “How did you know?”

     “Dan told me what happened, first Dave freezing a chemical beaker, and him getting stuck in the ground.”  

     “Oh, I see. Our best bet is to keep an eye on them.” 

     “I'm in some of their classes.” Mike brought up.  

     “Same here, so did your parents ask if we were dating?” She joked.  

     “Let's just say it took me two hours to convince them that we're weren't.”  

     “Next time I'll stick around.” She offered. 

     “I don't think so. You would just make matters worse.”

     “I would not!”  She eclaimed putting her hands on her hips. Across the hall Dave and Dan were talking to one another and pointing at Mike and Nicole.

     “That's five bucks you owe me.” Dan commented, shooting his hand forward.

     “I know, I know.” Dave agreed as he pulled out a five-dollar bill.  

     “Well, should we ask how their first date was?” Dan wandered.

     “You can ask him, I got to cram for our chemistry test.” Dave excused himself.  

     “Dave, you haven't had any ice problems have you?”  

     “No, and what about you and you sticking to concrete?”

     “Not really. But I'm just hoping that it never acts up again.”  

     “Why?” Dave shrugged.

     “Because I'm worried that you and I could be what those S.H.I.N.E. people could be looking for.”

     “Don't worry God will make sure nothing happens to us.” 

     At S.H.I.N.E. Headquarters, Dr. Kevin Johnson was in the laboratory doing some last minute maintenance work on the Cyber-Defenderss, when the main doors opened up and the Assistant Director came in, “Dr. Johnson, are your Cyber-Defenders ready for their first retrieval mission?”  

     “Of course sir.”

     “Excellent, they're to be transported to by air to a small town called Silverton in Oregon.”

     “Sir, if I may I would like to accompany them to make sure that they work properly?”

     “Of course, your the only one around here that knows how they work.” He handed Dr. Johnson two folders, “these are the two subject that are to be retrieved.” Dr. Johnson looked through the folders briefly, “Do we believe that they could be connected to The Dark-Rider?”

     “It's a possibility. They may very well lead you to the Dark-Rider of now, or the soon to be Dark-Rider. You depart within the hour.” 

     School was out for the day and Mike met Nicole at her Suburban. “So what's the plan for the day?”  

     “Recon work. We are to follow Dave and Dan to the library and work on our homework.”  

     “You know those guys are going to think that we're on a study date.” 

     “That's the whole point of our recon mission, to make them think we are on a study date.”

     “I think I'm not sure what's worse? My parents thinking we're dating, or my friends?”

     “Well when you figure it out let me know.” She told him and then kissed him on the cheek right in front of Dave and Dan.  

     “Hey Mike, I see you took our advice!” Dave hollered.

     “Yeah, actually we're going on a study date at the library!” Mike hollered back.  

     “Great! We'll see you there!”

     “You didn't need to tell them we're going to the library.” Nicole scolded.  

     “You embarrass me, I embarrass you. Besides, it's not like I endangered our recon mission.”

     “I know a species that's about to become endangered.” She muttered as she got into the SUV.

     They spent nearly two hours watching Dan and Dave from a few tables away, pretending to be working on their homework. Dave and Dan was studying for their next Biology test that was to be taken tomorrow. When the guys were done they packed up and headed out, and Mike and Nicole followed right after them, giving them a thirty second head start. Dave and Dan took off in Dan's car and the duo followed right after them. “So you think those Cyber-Defenderss will come after those guys tonight?” Nicole asked.  

     “It's a possibility. If the S.H.I.N.E. organizations scanners are as sensitive as Jacob believes, then yeah there's a good possibility. That means we need to be ready for anything.” Just as he said that a giant metallic figure came out of nowhere and shoulder-blocked the car to the other side of the road. “That's Rocko! We better change.” 

    “Bio-Suits activate!” Nicole commanded the password, and within seconds they were Shieldra, and The Green Defender, plus the Suburban turned into the Battle Van. “We've encountered two Cyber-Defenders, we are engaging the enemy.”  She spoke into the vans' communicator. 

     “Take them out as soon as you can and bring the two boys here.” 

     “Roger.” She confirmed then turned to Green Defender but he was already gone. “He doesn't wait for anyone.”  

     Rocko approached the vehicle, grabbed hold of the door and pulled it out with ease. “Come to papa and son.” He told the two unconsciouses as he grabbed them out of the car in each hand. “Hey Pop I got them.” 

     “Good work son, now let's take them back to headquarters.” But just as they turned around, two costumed people confronted them.

    “Release them!” Green Defender demanded.  

    “Sure thing, after we kill you!” Gunner replied, as he pointed his mechanical fingers at the two, and fired bullets out of them. But before they could hit their targets Shieldra put a force field, which the bullets bounced off.

    “Sorry, death isn't on my schedule for the day.” She snickered.

    “I don't believe it! My bullets never miss! Rocko get them!”  

    “But I got my hands full with these two.”  

    “Then let them go!” 

    “Okay dad.” Rocko dropped them to the ground, and charged the two costumed heroes. 

    “Now's my chance.” Green Defender told himself. Using his super-human speed, he darted towards Dave and Dan, and in the process clothes lined Gunner knocking him down, grabbed the two boys and came back to where Shieldra was, just in time to block Rockos' charge with a laser blast, that knocked him back several feet. Then he and Shieldra rushed over back to the Battle Van with their friends, and retreated back to the Big House. 

    “The boss ain't gonna like this.” Gunner shook his head. 

    “I hope he doesn't get too mad.” Rocko whined. “I hate to think what he could do.”

    The duo got back to headquarters with Jacob waiting for them. “Good work you two, how are the boys?”  

    “A little shaken up.” Green Defender responded. 

    “Brr. I think Dave needs a sweater.” Shieldra shivered.  

    “No wonder, his arms have turned into solid ice!” Jacob observed.  

    “Let's sit them down for now.” Green Defender suggested.  A couple of minutes later the two woke up, “What happened? Where's those two robot looking guys?” Dan asked.

    “We took care of them and saved you.” Shieldra put it bluntly.  

    “Who are you?” Dave asked. 

    “She's Shieldra, I'm The Green Defender, but you know us as someone else. End program.” A couple of seconds later they were back to normal. “Nicole Cagney and Mike Black.”

    “I should've figured that out.” Dan snapped his fingers.

    “I guess we should thank you.” Dave shrugged. 

    “It's what we're here to do.” Nicole said in a chipper mood.

    “So I guess we're called to do the same?” Dan asked.

    “Both of you boys are Guardians. Just like Nicole and Michael.” Jacob answered them, he then told them of the Legend of The Dark-Rider. “Michael is to be the next Dark-Rider and you are to aide him. The question is do you wish to do so?”  

    “Yes.” Dan answered.

    “Sure thing.” Dave agreed.  

    “Good meet here after school tomorrow and we'll begin testing your abilities. Nicole will give you both a ride home.”  

    “Wait, my car?” Dan wondered.  

    “I have a friend in the towing business, it'll be here tomorrow when you get here.”  

    “Sounds good.”

    “Until then, wear these.” Jacob handed them changers, “These will protect you from the Cyber-Defenders scanners.” They hopped into the Suburban and left for home.



                       Chapter 4         


    The next day after school, Mike, Dan, and Dave went along with Nicole to The Big House. There, Dan and Dave were fitted with Bio-Suits and were then each put into the Simulator. During Dan's tests, it was shown that he could form his body into any soil, rock, and seemed to “mold” into them. Next during Dave's tests it showed he could turn his body into solid ice and could freeze objects by concentrating his ice beams on them. After an explanation of their test results it was time for them to choose their code names. Dan chose the name Molder and David chose the name Frezor. They all then went inside the garage, and found that Molders' car had been completely fixed, and looked as if hadn't been in a wreck.  “Okay, I know that the car wasn't in the best of shape in the first place, but it looked worse then that last night. What happened?”

    “Inventing is one of my hobbies.” Jacob admitted.  “This is the Motor Vehicle Regenerator. It basically repairs the vehicle into its natural state.”

    “This would definitely put auto wreckers out of business.” Frezor observed. 

    “That is why it stays here. For us to repair our vehicles, this way if they get damaged they can be repaired with out wasting money on new vehicles.” Shieldra explained. 

    “So what's next on our agenda?” Asked Green Defender.

    "Follow me to I.Q.” Jacob motioned them to follow him to the main computer. Once there, he typed in a few keys, and three pictures of their friends, Clara, Ally, and John appeared on the screen. “I.Q. picked up their abilities today while you were at school.” 

    “I was wondering why Clara was acting weird today.” Frezor brought up. 

    “What do you mean?” Wondered Shieldra. “Well, in chemistry she said that she was afraid that the Bunsen Burner was going to explode on her. And when I asked what she meant by that, she said that she was just talking to herself.”  

    “Then we best get to them before those cyborg rejects gets do.” Molder decided.

    “Don't worry I have cameras facing their houses, if anything metallic comes towards that place outside of a vehicle, then the Alpha Alert will go off.” Jacob responded.  

    “Alpha Alert?” Green Defender asked. 

    “Yes, it's our alarm system that goes off when a first response is needed.” Jacob answered.

    “Then I guess until then we best just keep our ears and eyes open.” Shieldra suggested.

    “Right it's best to take them home. I'll call each of you if I need you.” Jacob brought the meeting to a close. 

    Just a few miles away, in an abandon warehouse owned by the S.H.I.N.E. organization for when they are in the area, the Cyber-Defenders had just got done with their repairs, and were to meet with Dr. Johnson and The Assistant Director. “Your machines fouled up Johnson! It was a simple a retrieval mission and they blew it! What do you have to say in their defense?” The Assistant Director asked impatiently. 

    “If you would watch the screen here you will see how they fouled up.” Johnson had typed in a few keys and it showed from a hidden recorder in the cyborgs' optics. It showed Green Defender and Shieldra in front of them and within seconds Rocko and Gunner were taken out. He then had it rewind to the two heroes and paused it. “Everything was going smoothly until those two showed up.”  

    “Who are they?” Asked the Assistant Director.  

    “Two unknowns to our files. Whoever they are, they're going to be a menace and have no doubt added the two subjects to their fold.”  

    “Then they need to be dealt with. But first I have the next three candidates to be retrieved.”  

    “Three more students from that same school as the other two I take it?” Johnson said as he filed through the files.

    “Of course, I would believe that these two could handle at least one of these...”  

    “What about the other two?”

    “I have a couple of new people to retrieve the other two.” 

    “And they would be?” Questioned Johnson.  “Ying-Yang, and her brother Chopper.” 

    “The two ninja assassins?”  

    “They'll take care of the two girls, your two machines are to bring the boy in.”  

    “Very well. Gunner, Rocko, you two have a chance to redeem yourselves.” 

    The next morning while at school, the teens noticed that none of their three friends were at school. Luckily it was half-day at school, so they paired up to check their friends' houses once they were out of class. Nicole and Mike went to Clara's and Dan along with Dave went to Ally's. When they got to each of those houses they noticed that the police were there. Feeling that they shouldn't go any closer they reported to Jacob what they found at each house, and then he had them go and check Johns' house. The four of them met in front of Johns' house and noticed that no one was home.  They knocked on the door and it opened up eerily. “Okay, I'm freaked out.” Nicole blurted out. Inside the place had been thrashed and looked as if the house had been robbed.  

    “Dan, Dave, check the garage. Nicole and I will check the house.” Mike told them.

    “It looks like they already got to John.” Nicole observed.  

    “That remains to be seen.” Mike said cautiously.  

    “Mike, Nicole in here!” Dave hollered throughout the house. When they responded they saw that the two guys had found John, and was encased in ice. “I accidentally froze him.”

    “We thought he was a Cyber-Defender.” Dan admitted.  

    “Well as you can tell I'm not.” John scorned.  

    “Hey how are you melting through the ice?” Dave asked.

    “Simple I have the ability to charge up my body like a battery and let loose the juice.”

    “In other words, you can manipulate electricity.” Nicole put it in layman terms.  

    “Not only that but I can move fast...”  

    “Super-speed.” Mike translated.  

    “And I can invent anything that I can think of. For instance, I created this invisibility belt.” He pointed at it, “I used it when those cyborgs came in looking for me.” 

    “Well we know somewhere that you can stay for awhile.” Nicole offered. 

    “But first I have something to do.” He took off for two seconds and was back. 

    “What did you just do?” Dan wondered.  

    “Oh I cleaned my house. See?” They looked and saw that the rooms were spotless.  

    “Okay from now your cleaning my room.” Mike told him. 

    Minutes later they were at The Big House where John who now would go by Sparks was fitted with a Bio-Suit and a changer.

    “Well now there are two inventors in the group.” Nicole brought up.

    “So what do you guys call yourselves?” Sparks asked.

    “Well we never did come up with a name.” Dave

    “Well the alarm which we use is called the Alpha Alert, and we are a small squad so how about The Alpha Squad?” Green Defender offered on the table.

    “Sounds good to me.” Nicole agreed, and the others nodded. 

    “Then it's decided. You are now The Alpha Squad. Now that is out of the way, we need to find where are two missing friends are.” Jacob said with no delay.

    “What I want to know is how in the world did those two metal heads could've kidnapped Clara and Ally without the alarm going off?” Dave questioned.  

    “Elementary they didn't.” Butler answered and pointed their attention to the monitor. “They did.” The computer focused on the two individuals entering each house and then taking the girls out of their home.” 

    “Who are they?” Mike asked.  

    “It would appear to be the assassins known as Yin-Yang, and her brother Chopper.”  

    “Looks like they were a step a head of us on this one.” Dave pointed out the obvious.

    “Then we best find them and get them to safety before it's too late.” Mike activated his changer, “Bio-Suits Activate!”

Chapter 5    


    "So what's our plan of attack?"  Sparks asked.”

    "We need to find out where they are first."  Jacob answered, "I was unable to trace the two ninjas.  However, I was able to trace the Cyber-Defenders to their hideout."

    "Sounds a little too convenient if you ask me."  Green Defender huffed.

    "Even if they are planning a trap, we still need to rescue Alley and Clara.  Where did you trace them to?"  Shieldra ask her uncle.

    "At an abandoned warehouse between here and Salem.  I'll upload the directions in to the Battle Van's computer.”

    "And we'll get going.  Let's move out group." 

   At the S.H.I.N.E. warehouse, Alley and Clara were waking up, "Where are we?"  Clara asked weakly.

   "Not in our homes that's for sure."  Alley observed.  They were encased in giant tubes and noticed there were five others that were empty.  "But something tells me that we won't be alone for long."

   "Your quite right young one” The Assistant Director agreed.

   "For soon you'll have others like, all put away like the creatures you are."  Dr. Johnson added.

   "You know you'll get charged for kidnapping!"  Clara fumed.

   "Not really since we work with the government, what we do is not illegal."  The Assistant said proudly.

   "But what about our families?" Alley questioned.

   "Don't worry, we'll make sure to send them an empty casket for your funeral."  Johnson joked darkly.        

   "Your sick you know that!"  Clara mocked.

   "Why thank you."  He bowed.  The very next second the alarm went off, "Aw, our guests have arrived."  He and the others turned to the screen on the giant computer before them.  They could see the Alpha Squad coming out of their vehicle.  

   "You want us to welcome them boss?"  Rocko asked pounding his fist in the other metallic hands palm.     

   "No, I have a special surprise for them, one they won't be expecting."  Johnson answered. Outside of the complex the Alpha Squad was approaching with caution.  They eased up to the doorway quietly, and opened it up a crack.  From there they could see the two girls in a giant tubes.  Green Defender motioned everyone to go in one at a time.  Once they were all in, they cautiously moved toward the two captives.  "I got a familiar feeling about all this."  Shieldra stated.

   "Don’t you mean a bad feeling?"  Green Defender questioned.

   "I'm not the sci-fi geek that you are."  She torted.

   "Let's save the girls and save the arguments for later."  Molder hushed.  Just then the two prisoners and the tubes disappeared, "It's a trap!"  But the warning came too late for then they were victim to an Electrical Magnetic field.  They groaned in pain as they slowly fell to their knees.

   "E.M.P.!"  Shieldra shouted in pain, "It's our Bio-Suits' weakness."  Within seconds the Bio-Suits deactivated and they fell to the floor unconscious.  Back at the Big House, Jacob was waiting for the team to return.  When all of a sudden the Alpha Alarm went off.  He pressed a few buttons on the keyboard.  When he saw the message on the screen he fell into his chair.  It read, "Bio-Suits compromised."

   "So, it's time for me to come face to face with my nemesis."  He got up out of his chair, walked towards an old army locker and opened it up.  He pulled out a black suit; "This Dark-Rider still has enough in him for one last fight." 

                         Chapter Six.       

                        Return of a Hero.

   When the teens finally came too, they noticed that were now inside of the gigantic tubes that they had seen the two girls in.  "Well, this is not what I had on my daily planner.” John declared.

   "Welcome to the party."  Clara greeted dryly.

   "I didn't expect it was you guys in those costumes."  Ally commented.

   "That's the whole idea."  Nicole added.

   "Let's skip the pleasantries for now and get out of here."  Mike told them, he drew back his fist and with all of his might pounded it into the glass..."   But nothing happened.  "Hey, what gives?"

   "I'll try to freeze it."  Dave announced, but was unable to make anything happen.

   "I tried too, but couldn't make flames."  Clara admitted.

   "None of your powers will work."  Johnson came up to them.  "The inhibitor above you is causes you to be normal human beings."

   "Define normal."  Mike countered.

   Johnson ignored him, "To make sure you can't reach them they are three feet above you, and the width of the glass is seven feet in diameter to keep you from climbing up."

   "Isn't that convenient."  John gave sarcastic remark.

   "So what happens now?"  Mike asked.

   "Well if you really want to know, we're going to use you as test subjects for experiments to find a way to destroy your kind."  The Assistant answered.

   "Kind?  We're human beings created in Gods' image."  Ally defended.

   "Yeah, plus its illegal to experiment on human beings."  Clara added.

   "But you not human.  Your beyond human, you’re the next step in our evolution.  Therefore, if the tests prove useful we can help humanity reach that next step."  Johnson explained. 

   "Maybe your confused on something," Dave brought up, "Evolution is a theory yet to be proven."

   "And like Ally said we're all created...” Dan started to say.

   "God does not exist in the realm of science and human potential."  Dr. Johnson stated.

   "He is the reason for why we have our abilities."  Dan continued.

   "Believe in whatever your mind can come up with.  For soon everyone will be able to do some of the things you do."  Dr. Johnson waved them off and turned, but was halted by Mikes' conclusion. "Your not doing this for humanity.  You are planning on building an army of super humans."

   "Now where did you come up with that assumption?"

   "Maybe I have the powers of being a sci-fi geek."  Mike said amusingly proud.  "But for the fact that you contradicted yourself.  First, you want to experiment on us, and then kill us.  Then give our abilities to people for your so-called next step.  That was your first mistake.  Secondly, is that I am a sci-fi geek who has figured out that you are really apart of an organization, undermining the government by using it's usefulness to undergo your evil schemes.  Please try to prove me wrong." Dr. Johnson chuckled, "I guess we got caught red handed sir."  He turned to the Assistant.

   "It would seem so.  Where did you come up with that brilliant theory?"

   "Out of a cracker jack box."  Mike taunted.

   "You know for a teenage boy you should respect your elders."  Johnson lectured.  He then turned to the phone that was ringing and answered it, "Yes...  Good, be ready in the next ten minutes."  He hung up, "The jet is here for our cargo to be shipped to its final destination."

   "Good, Yin Yang, Chopper help the cyborgs to transport...” The Assistant turned to where the siblings were last standing, "Blasted ninjas where are they?"

   "If your looking for the two assassins they're a bit tied up."  Said a dark voice.  All turned to see a man dressed in black.  "I suggest unless you want to be in the same predicament I would release your captives." 

   "Come now Jacob, we all know that it is you under that mask."  Dr. Johnson revealed.

   "It's good to see too Kevin."  Dark-Rider nodded.

   "In case you must know I go by Cardania now."

   "And I am called Paralyzer."  The Assistant proclaimed.  He then took off his coat and gloves to revel that his hands and arms were cybernetic.  "Would you like to see why?"  And before Dark-Rider could respond, laser blasts came out of the palms of Paralyzers' cybernetic hands and shot down his target. "Uncle!"  Nicole shouted and began to cry.  Mike couldn’t help but notice her crying.  Not just because her uncle was down, but that she was powerless to do anything.  He knew the feeling, he wanted to do something too, but thanks to the inhibitors he couldn't, none of them could.  All they could do was pray that God would intervene somehow.  Paralyzer approached The Dark-Rider slowly.  "My paralyzing rays renders my victims helpless.  And this is the one whom we are to fear?  Won't Superior be pleased to hear that I have killed the last of The Dark-Riders.” He laughed evilly. "I am not the last Dark-Rider."  Dark-Rider stated as he struggled to get up, "I am the next to last."  He pulled out a sword out of its sheath and threw it towards Mike, and when it hit the glass it shattered into pieces.  Mike took hold of the sword and his eyes glowed green, and his muscles bulked up...  He had regained his powers.  Before anyone else could react to what was happening, using his super speed he sliced the other tubes open.  Once they were all out of their cells, their powers were back, "Alpha Squad activate Bio-Suits!"  Within seconds they were ready for action. "Paralyzers mine."  Shieldra declared.

    "Okay,” Green Defender nodded, "Molder, Frezor you take Clara and take out Rocko and Gunner.  Sparks, you take Ally and download as much data as you can out of that computer over there."  They all nodded and went to work. Shieldra got in front of her uncle to protect him. 

    "Hey Paralyzer, why don't you pick on someone who can take a hit!"

    "Very well my dear, but I must warn you I don't go easier on the weaker sex."  Paralyzer taunted.

    "Bring it on!" 

    "As you wish."  He blasted his rays at her, and just what they were about to hit her, she rose up a shield and formed it around her whole body, and when it hit they didn't penetrate.  She started to walk up to him, and the closer she got, the hotter his cybernetic hands got, "This isn't possible."  He said in shock.  She then grabbed his hands and wrenched down, and he hollered in pain, which didn't last long for she knocked him out with one punch. "All things are possible in Christ."  She told him.

    Rocko and Gunner approached the three super powered teens.  "You three will die before you can think about leaving."  Rocko threatened.

    "Is that so?"  Molder asked sheepishly.  For while they made their threats he changed his feet into same grade of concrete that the floor was made up of, and then started to make the cement around the Cyber-Defenders feet to rise up around them.  "It looks like to me that we are the only ones that can walk."

    "What the?"  Gunner exclaimed as he tried to move but noticed he and his son had concrete shoes, and that the concrete coming up to their necks.

    "Hmm, let's put these jail birds in cages shall we."  Frezor suggested and made an ice cage around Gunner.

    "I got the idea."  Clara agreed, and formed a cage of fire around Rocko. "I hate the fire!"  Rocko tried to blow it out.

    "You know this is pretty ironic."  Frezor said plainly.

    "How so?"  Asked Molder.

    "Because we had the element of surprise."  Clara finished the pun.

    Ally and Sparks had been able to hack into the mainframe and downloaded all of it's information onto a disk.   "Download completed."  Sparks announced, "Now to put in the disk with the virus."  He slid it into the cd rom slot and uploaded the virus into it.  Ally poked him on the shoulder and pointed to the other direction where she saw Yin Yang and Chopper stalking towards them.  He nodded and kept working.  

    "They're coming closer."  Ally warned.

    "Don't worry."  Sparks assured her.  The two ninjas took a couple of more steps toward the two Guardians, and before they could jump into action, they were shot down by a couple of lightning bolts.  "Slow pokes."  Sparks sighed and continued working.

    Green Defender confronted Cardania with sword in hand, "Going somewhere?"

    "Actually yes.  I was going to attempt my escape."

    "Not today."  Green Defender shook his head.  Off in a distance they could hear sirens approaching, "You’re going to jail."

    "We'll see."  Moments later the Oregon State Police and SWAT teams were on scene and had no idea what to think of the situation that was laid out before them.  "Officers thank goodness your here, I am Dr. Johnson of The S.H.I.N.E. organization."  He showed his government I.D. "You are just in time to arrest these terrorists."  He pointed at the Alpha Squad. 

    "Terrorists?"  Clara complained, "He and those two ninjas kidnapped us, and they saved us."

    "Is that so?"  Came a voice behind them.  "I'm Director Spence, I am in charge of the S.H.I.N.E. organization we don't kidnap, we apprehend those with abilities that no human should have."

    "Well in our state it's called kidnapping."  The SWAT Captain countered.

    "This is a case of National Security of which the S.H.I.N.E organization has jurisdiction over.  And we don't hire assassins.  It's obvious that these costumed freaks were the ones that hired them to help them with attacking this facility to free their fellow freaks."  He waved in some men with stun rifles, "Take the two girls and their friends as well."

    "What do we do?"  Frezor asked with his hands up.

    "Cover your eyes!"  Shieldra warned.

    "What?"  Molder questioned.

    "Just do it."  She insisted, and when the guards were close enough she threw down an energy cell, and when it hit the ground it exploded and those who were in a thirty-foot radius were blinded.  Once they were able to see again, the Alpha Squad and others were gone.

                         Chapter Seven         

                         History lessons.

    After their escape, The Alpha Squad had returned safely to the Big House.  Shieldra and Green Defender helped Jacob into his study.  He pulled off his mask, “Thank you my friends.”

    “Us?  We should be thanking you.”  Molder stepped up.

    “Yeah otherwise we’d be on a one way trip to wherever by now.”  Clara agreed.

    “Still, my thanks for your heroics; however it would appear that some explanations are in order."

    “Such as how did Cardania know our Bio-Suits’ weakness?”  Frezor asked.

    “Yes, I guess it is best to start from the beginning.  In 1940 I was living in New York City with my parents.  My father was a stockbroker, his family hailed from the UK.  My mother stayed at home with us kids, and she was a daughter of an Irish immigrant from the early 1900’s.  It was during that time when WWII had started, and I was seventeen at the time and I was planning on joining the army after graduation.  But, my father wouldn’t hear of it, for it was bad enough that my two older brothers had gone to war, he wasn’t about to have his youngest son join up as well.  Besides, he wanted me to go to Law School as he had planned.  I asked my mother if there was a way for me to do something to change his mind, she told me with my two brothers going to war there was no need for me to do the same.  Later that night as I laid in my bed, I prayed to the God above, asking that if there was any way for him to help me, for I wanted to make a change in the world I lived in, to make it better.  The next thing I know I heard someone calling my name, I followed the voice to the attic.  I went up into the attic and there was a chest glowing from the inside.  I opened it, and there inside was a sword, which was causing the glow, and a shield as well as this black tunic.  A voice spoke through the sword, “Jacob do not be afraid for I Am, the Lord your God who has heard your prayers, and I shall now answer your prayers by making you the next Dark-Rider, like your grandfather before you.”  Then I asked, “Lord what must I do to honor such a task?”  He replied, “Take the oath of the Dark-Riders:  Protect the innocent, defend the oppressed, and never kill out of vengeance.  For the Sword you now carry is The Sword of Power which you will use to ward off your foes.”  I repeated the oath before the Lord, and no sooner that I did that my mother had awakened and saw me holding the sword in hand.  She looked up and nodded, for she knew I was chosen to carry on the Legacy of The Dark-Rider.

    “I left the next morning to Ireland to learn from under my Grandfather.  I kissed my mother good-bye and shook my fathers’ hand, they wished me luck and prayed that I’d have a safe journey and to wherever God shall lead me.  It was the last time I saw my parents.  After my training was over I began my mission to wherever the Spirit of the Lord led me.  Then on the day that was planned to capture Hitler, I left the hotel I was staying in, and kissed my fiancé good-bye promising that I would return so that we could finally be together.  Night had fallen; I stalked quietly towards the bunker where Hitler was last seen.  My mission was clear:  capture the tyrant and bring him to the allies.  I snuck in quietly and peered in the doorway.  There was a young girl tied to the chair, with a bag over her head.  I approached quietly when he, came out of the darkness.  “Not a step closer my friend or I kill her.”  Hitler warned me.  “Let her go she has nothing to do with this.”  I pleaded.  “On the contrary, she does.”  He pulled the bag off of her and it was my fiancé, somehow he had found out my true identity.  And before I could give a response of any kind he slit her throat.  I wasted no time, thrusted my sword into his vile heart.  A light shone around me, “Jacob, you have broken the Sacred Oath of The Dark-Rider; you have killed out of vengeance.  Therefore the man before you shall now become immortal, and The Sword of Power will now be split into three, two of them will go to the farthest corners of the earth.  The one that shall stay with you is the Laser Blade.”  I cried, “Lord forgive me, but he killed her!”  “I forgive you; do not worry for she is now with me.  You are to now take the two swords to locations that I shall reveal to you  until the next one is chosen the Dark-Rider you shall be, but he will not be of your blood line.” 

    “So this Superior guy that Paralyzer mentioned could be Hitler?”  Nicole suggested.

    “It’s a possibility.”  Jacob nodded.

    “How did you meet Cardania?”  Dave asked next.

    “We met in college, thirty years after the war.  Being immortal has its advantages for I still looked like I was in my early thirties.  He and I were roommates, I was studying Bioengineering as well as cybernetics, he the same.  However, he was learning it for darker reasons.  Turns out he was selected by The Society to study these fields for their purpose.”

    “How did he find out you were the Dark-Rider?”  Mike questioned.

    “By following me, as well as looking through my personal effects.  After graduation I returned to Castle Dark-Rider where I stayed prior to coming back to America for College.  I was there up until about ten years ago, that’s when my sister, who would actually be Nicole’s grandmother, brought Nicole to me saying that she and Nicole’s parents could no longer take care of her because of her abilities.  So I took her in and we were led here By God, and of course now we understand why.” 

    Mike looked up at the time, “We need to get home; Dan, Dave take Clara and Ally home.  John?”

    “I’ll be fine.”  He assured them.

    “I’ll drive Mike home.”  Nicole offered.

    “Come here after church tomorrow, so we can discuss our plans.”  Jacob instructed.

    Clara and Ally each explained to their parents that they were kidnapped by people who mistook them for someone else, and were released.  The parents said that all that mattered was that they were safe and home.  The girls said good night to the guys, who drove off back to their own homes.  Nicole parked her car in front of the Blacks’ home.  Mike had just gotten off the phone with Dan, “Everyone made it back safely.”  He assured her.

    “That’s good.”  She said quietly.

    “You okay?” “Yeah, it just that… when Uncle Jacob mentioned that stuff about my family and all… it just brought up some bad memories, that’s all.” 

    “I’m sorry your family did that to you.” 

    “It’s ok.  I got over it years ago.”  She wiped away the tears from her eyes.

    “Look, I know I can be a pain in the butt sometimes, but after all that’s happened this past week, I’m glad it was you who made first contact.”

    She chuckled, “Do you always have to make sci-fi puns?”

    “It’s my nature.”  He admitted, “Good night Nicole.”  But before he could reach for the door handle, she grabbed him and kissed him.  When they were done Mike looked up to the house and saw that his parents were watching.  He got out of the car and said, “You did that on purpose.” 

    “Maybe, good night.”  She winked and drove off. Mike saw that his parents were not in front of door, which was a good thing for he floated up the steps to the door, “Well time for round two.”  He thought to himself as he walked into the house.

                          Chapter Eight.        

                          Villains Plan.

    Saturday night the two directors, Dr. Johnson, and the Cyber-Defenders had returned to S.H.I.N.E. headquarters in Washington D.C.  The cyborgs were sent to the lab for repairs; as the three sat down to strategize their next attempt to apprehend The Alpha Squad.  “So let me get this straight; you let a bunch of costumed teenagers beat our best that we could come up with?”  The Director asked Dr. Johnson.

    “I never did say they were my best… but yes.  Plus it didn’t help that our friend next to me was the one that brought in those ninja rejects!”  Johnson continued the pointing fingers game.

    “They did a lot more than those tin cans of yours!"

    “Enough!”  The Director slammed his fists down, “We have no time to be playing childish games like this.  The President has ordered that we find them and do whatever is necessary to bring them down before the public starts to think of them as heroes.”

    “What does Superior say?”  Paralyzer asked.

    “He says the same.  But, if we’re going to do this we have to act quickly.”

    “I agree, but what of Jacob Cagney?”

    “If possible kill him.  If not give him a reason to have no reason to live.  Now I have here a list of potential candidates to become apart of the Cyber-Defenders.”  He tossed the list at Cardania. “I suggest that since there are now seven of them that we too should have the same amount.  Starting with those two ninjas, then I suggest the twins and that girl whose parents so kindly donated to us.” 

    “Plus including myself that there makes seven.”  Paralyzer finished.

    “True, however just in case they are able to beat all of them; I have a back up plan to ensure us victory.”  Cardania announced.

    “Very well, you go get your arms repaired.”  The Director instructed Paralyzer, he then turned to Cardania, “I want those cyborgs ready before tomorrow night.  Oh, and one more thing gentlemen, if we do fail, it is the end of this organization.”

    A few hours later Cardania met with The Director in the Laboratory, “They are complete.  Even are good friend the Assistant, but when The Director gazed upon him a look of shock came across his face, for Paralyzer was now completely cyborg.  Cardania noticed the look on his face and said, “Superior said he had to be punished.  Let me introduce you to the rest of the army:  Rocko and Gunner you know, as well as the two ninjas, who Chopper here has cybernetic arms with blades instead of fingers.  Of course we he have his sister Yin Yang, whose arms and legs have been replaced, giving her extra strength and agility, she also has the ability to create energy weapons.  Next Nogahead, twin brothers who are conjoined by their cybernetic parts, they are the weapons expert of the group next to Gunner.  Last but not least Star Girl, whose laser cannoned arms, will give her opponents no mercy.”

    “So what is the plan?”  The Director asked.

    “Since we know that they are teenagers then they must go to school.  And that’s when we’ll catch them.”  He went up to the computer and punched a few keys, “Now to update their cybernetic hard drives giving them all the information that they will need.”  A few seconds later the computer beeped, Cardania looked on the screen, “This isn’t possible.”

    “What is it?”

    “Those brats implanted a virus into our computer systems, the information is corrupted.”

    “The President did say at any costs.”  The Director reminded him.

    “Yes, yes he did.”

                       Chapter Nine.   


    Sunday evening the teens met back at The Big House, Clara who decided to call herself Blaze, and Ally who chose the name Mindra for she could understand any spoken or written language and was able to retain anything that she learned and they were fitted into Bio-Suits.  Once that was done they all went into the Simulator to begin their team skills training.  After a couple of hours into it, Jacob called through the intercom, “Everyone meet me in the meeting room as soon as possible.” A few moments later they were in the meeting room in normal clothing.  Jacob began the meeting by saying:  “Now that we are a fully equipped team we need a leader; and since Green Defender is to be the next Dark-Rider he shall be the teams field commander, under him will be Shieldra and under her will be Molder.  Now as we all know Cardania and others from The S.H.I.N.E. organization will stop at nothing to capture you.  Therefore, our first priority is coming up with theories when they might strike next.”

    “They shall attack some us from our blind spot.”  Mike spoke up.

    “Huh?”  They all asked at once.

    “Mike, if you know the answer then don’t be so cryptic about it.”  Dan requested.

    “Think about it, where is the one place where they can get us at the same time?"

    “Well not church, for we all go to different churches.”  Dave crossed that one off. 

    “And not here for the fact that we have top of the line security.”  Nicole continued the mental checklist.

    “The school?”  Ally asked curiously, and Mike nodded.

    “But that’s ridiculous!  They wouldn’t attack the school that would defeat their purpose of having the general public join their cause.”  John argued.

    "Thanks to the downloads that you obtained for us, it turns out that the true name of those cybernetic beasts are Cyber-Destroyers."  Jacob informed the group.

    "The Society must what want the public to believe they are made for their protection."  Clara deduced.

    "That's why they were named Cyber-Defenders instead."  Jacob countered.

    “Let me show you a recording of tonight’s news broadcast.”  Mike pressed a button below the flat screen; there it showed The President at a news conference.  “We have full knowledge of where this so called Alpha Squad is located.  They are to be considered dangerous and should not be apprehended by those who have had no special training in handling these types of individuals.  Therefore, I have given The S.H.I.N.E. organization all power and authority to do whatever means necessary to bring these super powered criminals to justice.” 

    “That is what I recorded on my VCR a couple of hours ago prior to coming here.”

    “But you seriously don’t think that the government would allow such a thing as them attacking a school?”  Clara fumed.

    “Think about it.”  Mike started to explain, “Let us say hypothetically they do find us, battle us and win.  Parents across the whole United States would be more than willing to allow more of it to happen if it means the safety of their children from people who are different.  This would give them more power to make more Cyber-Defenders, and make enough of them to cover every school in America, just to hunt others like us down and put us in a place where no one would find us again.”

    “It would be another Holocaust, except done here in the U.S.A.”  Dave said in terror. 

    “Except all Guardians…of every race.”  Ally gasped.

    “That way with us out of the picture, The Society could have free reign to conquer not just here America but the whole world.”  John concluded. 

    “Then tomorrow if they show up, we best be ready for the fight of our lives.”  Mike put his hand out and Nicole put hers on top of his, then Dan, Dave, and the others followed until James put his on top.  “We are The Alpha Squad the worlds’ first and only line of defense against Superior and his Society.”

    “If God is for us, who can be against us.”  Nicole quoted from the Bible.

    “Amen.”  They said in unison and disbanded for the night.

    The next morning the teens met together in the schools’ parking lot.  From there they could see the Cyber-Destroyers stationed at every exit of the buildings.  “You were right Mike, they would do anything.”  John muttered.

    “You said that virus of yours would make our DNA show normal on their scanners right?”  Clara asked and he nodded.  “But what if they recognize our faces?”

    “It would show up as someone else that has already went by them.”

    “There’s only one way to find out.”  Mike told them, as he took hold of Nicole’s hand into his and led off with her and the others followed behind in intervals.  As they passed by Nogahead they couldn’t help but feel a little bit of fear seeping into their pores.  But once they all passed by without problems the fear left them.  “They’ve increased their forces.”  Mike said quietly to Nicole.

    “Yeah it would appear that way.”  She agreed.  They met around each others locker,

    “Okay group this is how we’re going to handle the security situation.  No one goes through the hallways alone.  Minimum of two no more then four, we don’t want to draw any unwanted attention to us, not just for our safety but the safety of the rest of the school as well.  Since Johns’ first period class is close enough to the band room he and I shall go, you guys coordinate how you feel necessary.  And no calling each other on our com links, they could be easily picked up.  We’ll meet out by the baseball field at lunch.”  Then he and John left.  Dan and Dave headed off together to chemistry and the girls headed to the girls’ locker room to get ready for gym.

    “So are you and Mike together now?”  Clara asked all smiley.

    “You could say that.”  Nicole nodded.  “I kissed him the other night.” 

    “Wow!  So was the kiss hot?”  Ally wondered.

    “He’s not bad for a sci-fi geek.”  She admitted and they laughed as they went into the locker room.

    Throughout the day they succeeded in not giving off hints of who they were not only to the cyborgs but the students and faculty as well.  At lunchtime they met under a tree line by the baseball field.  “So far so good.”  Dan huffed.

    “Yeah but they must know that we’re here.”  Dave admitted.

    “True but we haven’t given us any reason to expose ourselves.”  John pointed out.

    “That’s probably what they want.”  Mike thought out loud.  

    “How so?”  Clara pondered.

    “Simple, a sense of security, having us gives ourselves a mental false sense of security, which allows them given the proper timing for them to do something to cause us to slip.”

    “Mikes’ right, we can’t let our guard down, not for a second.”  Dan agreed.

    “Five minutes until the warning bell, we best head back.”  Dave said as he looked at his watch.  They all got up and headed back to the school.  When they got there they noticed that everyone was heading to the gym.

    “What’s going on?”  Alley asked a nearby student.

    “Those S.H.I.N.E. people want us to meet in the gym.”  The student answered.

    “This can’t be good.”  John shook his head.

    “What do we do?”  Nicole asked, 

    “We go with the flow.”  Mike answered, “John you have your belt?”

    “Of course."

    “Keep it ready, everyone sit together second bench closest to one of the locker rooms.”

                               Chapter Ten.    

                               Final Battle.

   The student body and staff of Silverton High gathered together in the gym.  All of them sat nervously as they saw in the middle of the basketball court the principal of the school as well as The Director, Dr. Johnson and the cyborgs.  The Principal grabbed the microphone shakily and spoke, “Students and Faculty of Silverton High, we are very honored to have with us The Director of The S.H.I.N.E. organization with us today as well as his…associates.  They are for…well allow Director Baines to address you for their reasons of being here.”  He handed the microphone off. “Thanks you Principal Woods.”  Baines thanked him with a fake smile.  “I know that the presence of our Cyber-Defenders can be a little intimidating but let me assure you they are here for your best interest.  For we know for a fact that there are those here that do not belong in our society…”

   “Great choice of words.”  John uttered under his breath.

   “Shush.”  Ally hushed him.

   “…It is by the power invested to me by The President to ensure the apprehension of these freaks of nature.  Now, we’ve been patient, we were hoping that they would just give up ensuring your safety.   

   “What does he mean by that?”  Dan asked.

   “I have a feeling we’re about to find out.”  Mike answered quietly.

   “The President said any means necessary; therefore I have here a list of names not of those with powers, but those who have broken the law.  And the names I call shall be immediately turned into Cyber-Defenders by force, unless The Alpha Squad gives themselves up.” Students and teachers alike started to boo and say things like, “You have no right.”  “Our parents will sue!”  “Isn’t that illegal!”

   “The President has authorized it; therefore it shall be carried out.  Nancy Whitman!”  He pointed to the 36-year-old math teacher.  “You shall be the first.”  Rocko and Gunner approached her and grabbed her by the arms. “No please don’t,” she pleaded, “I have a husband and children…what crime have I done?”

   “Tax evasion.”  Baines answered evilly. “I never have…” But she was unable to finish her sentence in defense for Rocko had knocked her out by flicking his finger on her forehead.

    “Let’s rush ‘em!”  The Captain of the football team shouted, and the crowd roared in agreement as they charged at the cyborgs.

   “Hold hands, now John!”  Mike instructed and a second later they were invisible.  They headed to one of the Locker rooms and once inside they were visible again.  “Well they played their hand, now it’s our turn.  Alpha Squad activate Bio-Suits.”  Within seconds they were in costume.  “We each grab a Cyber-Destroyer and take them out.  I’ll take Rocko.”

   “Paralyzer is mine.”  Shieldra pointed out.

   “Frezor and I will take care of Chopper and Gunner.”  Molder volunteered.

    I’ll take Blondie.”  Blaze raised her hand. 

   “I’ll take on Yin Yang.”  Mindra assured them.

   “That means I get two head.”  Sparks finished.  They exited the locker room and saw that they Cyber-Destroyers were fending off the students and faculty alike.  

    “Hey Baines!”  Green Defender bellowed over the noise of the crowd.  Everyone in the room stopped fighting as they saw that The Alpha Squad had finally showed. 

   “So you decided to finally show yourselves?”  Baines asked rhetorically.

   “You ask and you shall receive.  Now let the woman go.”  Green Defender demanded. 

   “As you wish, Rocko…”

    “With pleasure Mr. Baines.” The cybernetic giant responded pleasantly as he threw the teacher towards a stack of bleachers.  Sparks sped to where she would’ve landed and caught her.  He laid her out across the bench and raced back to the group. “Very impressive, but do you expect these people to take your side because you saved one life?”

   “Actions speak louder than words.”  Molder quoted 

   “Very well, Cyber-Destroyers kill The Alpha Squad!”

   “Did he say kill?”  Frezor asked in fear.

    "And he called them for what they are."  Mindra pointed out.

   “Stick with the plan, divide and conquer.”  Green Defender reminded them before he rushed towards Rocko, whom he grabbed, “Lets take this outside big boy.”  He told the goon as he picked him up and threw him out the door. Molder and Frezor headed off into the hallways, “Where should we go?”  Frezor asked him. Molder looked around and saw an open door, “Art room.”  He smiled, and then he and his frozen friend went in and locked the door behind them. “So what now?”  Frezor asked in haste.

   “I’ll mold myself into a statue of some kind over there,” he pointed by a group of statues.  “You hide by the teachers’ desk on the other end of the room.”

   “Great plan.”  Frezor compliment sarcastically.

   “You got a better one?”  He asked pointing to the door, “Because they’ll be coming through that door any second now.”

   “This better work.”  Frezor muttered as he hid behind the desk.  Molder took his place and turned himself into a statue. Gunner and Chopper entered into the room and looked around, “Do you think they are in here?”  Chopper asked.

   “They weren’t in the last two rooms we smashed.”  Gunner answered.

   “Wait.  One of them can turn himself and made him look like one of pieces of pottery.”  Chopper pointed out.

   “Then allow me.”  Gunner offered, as he extended his fingers and fired around the whole room, and one by one vases and other sorts of potter smashed into pieces as the bullets hit them.  “There that should eliminate some possibilities.” Chopper extended his knife-like fingers and started to cut down one desk at a time until he got the group of statues.  He spotted the statue that looked like The Statue of Liberty, “You know, I’ve always wanted slice up Lady Liberty.”  He punned, and right before the blades swung down the statue came to life and latched itself onto him. “It’s him!  Hold still so I can shoot him!”  Gunner ordered, “Aw screw it!”  He opened up his chest cavity, which held a Tommy gun, but before he could fire Molder latched onto him instead.  As Chopper recovered, Frezor came up from behind the teachers’ desk and made an ice sword and using it cutting Choppers’ cybernetic arms off, and then he froze the cyborgs body into an ice statue.  He turned and saw that Molder had turned Gunner into a very thick concrete statue.  “Now that’s what I call Stone Cold.”  Frezor punned. 

   Rocko landed hard onto the concrete of the schools’ inner parking lot.  He got up and looked at his adversary, “Your gonna pay for that little man.”  Rocko threw a punch at him, but he dodged the attack by using his super speed, “Stand still!”

   “I don’t think so,” Green Defender told him, and then he began to run around in a circle to hopefully cause him to become dizzy.  But Rocko studied how fast he was going and caught the green hero in mid-stride by the throat and threw him into the closest brick wall.  “You’re not as tough as I thought you were going to be.”  He uttered as he began to walk away.  Behind him The Green Defender began to get up, and then he leaped into the air and drop kicked the robotic giant from behind, causing him to land face first into the ground.  The green hero next opened up the back panel and blasted the main controls with his stun blaster.  After that he walked to where Rocko could see him face to face and said, “Next time make sure you opponent is down for the count.” 

   Outside the gym near the swimming pool, Blaze was fighting against Star Girl, “Like can we make this a quick fight?  I like have other things to do.”

   “Like sure thing girlfriend.”  Blaze mimicked.  

    “Hey like don’t be a copy cat.”  The Valley Girl whined as she blasted the fiery heroine with a laser blast, but Blaze flew around to dodge the hits.  “Like stand still you stupid fire fly.”  And she blasted a few more shots but kept missing.

    “My turn,” Blaze announced as she threw a couple of fire balls at the wanna-be cheerleader, who wasn’t very fast on her feet, for the fireballs hit her with complete accuracy. “Help!  I’m like on fire!” “The swimming pool is just down the hall.”  Blaze replied.  Wasting no time Star Girl headed off to the pool and jumped in.  Blaze walked up to her and said, “Oh, I almost forgot to tell you something,”

   “Like, what’s that?”

   “Water and cyborgs don’t mix.”

   “Uh-oh…” She started to say, and before she could even attempt to get out of the pool, she shot up into the air and exploded into parts…but still alive. “Now that’s what I call a fire works display.”

   Shieldra approached Paralyzer with a readiness to fight, “You ready for round two?” 

   “When I’m done with you, you’ll need to eat out of a straw.”

   “Hmm, an original threat, did you steal that from a movie?”

   “Die!!”  The former Assistant Director screamed murderously and fired from the palms of his metallic hands.  Shieldra put up a force field just in the nick of time, for the impact it took made her shake through her whole body.  Paralyzer approached toward her as he increased the power, “Having trouble?  I’ve had some improvements.”

   “Yeah, well too bad for you…cause I’ve been faking the whole entire time.”  She admitted, then stood up and shield blasted him into a stack of bleachers.  She walked up to him and encased him inside a shield coffin to keep him detained.  “Just think this is the closest to seeing your funeral casket as you’re going to get.” He called after her as she walked away, “Come back here you little wench!  I’m not done with you!”

   “Better luck next time.”

   Sparks was going head to head with the Cyber-Destroyer known as Nogahead.  “Well I see the phrase two heads are better than one really suits you guys.”

   “Is he making fun of us?”  Asked the dumb brother.

   “No, he’s making fun of you.”  The smart one answered.

   “No one makes fun of me or my brother!”  The dumb one replied angrily as he lifted his arm and fired a plasma ray, but when it hit Sparks he just stood there like it was nothing.  “Hey, what gives?”

   “I can absorb any energy ray of any type and send it right back, observe.”  He explained, and shot out a plasma ray of his own, and when it him them they fell to one knee.

    “So you think you’re so smart huh?”  Smart asked, “Then try this on for size!”  He lifted his arm and fired a missile. Sparks didn’t waste no time using his sonic speed to escape the missile, however when he looked back he saw it was following him, “Great a homing missile, I guess I should send it back to its home.”  He made a lap around the school and came back to its point of origin, as he stopped right in front of the cybernetic Siamese twins.  “Not only am I smart I’m fast too.”  He then at the very last second moved away just in time for the missile to hit its point of origin, with the force of the blast to cause the cyborg to fly up into the air and come down hard on the ground.  As Sparks approached them he could hear them arguing.  “This is your entire fault!”  The Smart one complained. 

   “Is not!”  The Dumb one countered.  Sparks took out his Electro-Blade that he made that morning before school, activated it, “I think you two need some time apart.”  He then sliced them straight down the middle causing them to be separated.  “Hey no fair!”  Dumb whined.  “Aw shut up you big baby!” “I’m not a baby!”
   “You know what you guys need?”  Sparks asked honestly. 

   “What?”  They asked at the same time.

   “Family counseling.”  He began to walk away with the now separated twins still arguing on whose fault it was.  “Sibling rivalry is such a beautiful thing.”

    Lastly Mindra went up against the new and improved Yin Yang, “I blame you and your friends for me being turned into this ugly cybernetic freak!”

    “Don’t you know that beauty is on the inside?”  Mindra asked sarcastically.

     Yin Yang fired laser-like ninja stars at her opponent, who dodged using her acrobatic skills; however one of the stars hit her on her right knee causing her to fall.  “My stars leave a paralyzing effect when they reach their target.”  She explained to Mindra as she approached her, “But don’t worry I’ll make sure that you death is quick and painful.”  She grabbed Mindra by the throat and began to choke her to death.  Knowing that she didn’t have long Mindra reached out with her hands and placed them on Yin Yang’s head, and allowed the Bio-Suit to do its work, which allowed her to abstract any information from the enemy’s mind electronically and download it into her brain.  Yin Yang screamed in pain, as she felt as if someone was sticking giant nails into her head; the pain was too much to bear so she released her adversary and asked, “What did you do to me?”

   “I abstracted every bit of knowledge from your brain and downloaded into mine electronically, including your ninja skills.” 

   “How dishonorable!  What took me years of discipline, took you only seconds...”

   “Dishonorable?  Don’t you think that fighting on the side of evil is dishonorable?”  Mindra questioned.  Yin Yang screamed in Japanese and began her attack, this time with hand-to-hand combat.  But with each attack Mindra was able to counter, and when Yin Yang spun around for spin kick, Mindra ducked and then gave her an upper cut knocking her out.  

    The Alpha Squad regrouped giving each other hugs and high-fives on a job well done.  They turned as they heard someone from behind them clapping, it was Baines; “Bravo, I must say you’ve out done yourselves beating the next to best thing that The S.H.I.N.E. organization could come up with.” 

   “What do you mean next to best thing?”  Shieldra asked.

   “Just listen,” Baines instructed, they could hear pounding foot steps, “That is the sound of your destruction.”  The giant footsteps got bigger and louder as they got closer.  Crashing through the concrete walls came a giant robotic monstrosity.

   “Greetings Alpha Squad, it is I Cardania.  How do you like my latest creation the Ultimate Cyber-Destroyer?  I have all the offensive attacks of all my Cyber-Destroyers.  And with me in the cockpit I have full control of its every action.”

   “We’ll destroy it just like the rest of your cybernetic rejects!”  Green Defender promised.

   “You’ll try.”  He began to fire bullets; plasma beams and rockets all at once.  Shieldra put up force field to protect the group.  But the multiple attacks were starting to wear down on her, “I’m not sure how much longer I can hold it!”

   “The back panel,” Green Defender brought up, “There should be a panel on the back of that thing and underneath it should be where the main controls are."

   “And if we smash that thing then Cardania would be left motionless.”  Molder concluded.

   “Frezor and Molder, you guys attack the legs.  Blaze you fly up and distract him, while the rest of you attack the rest of the body, I’ll go after the panel.  Now team go!”  They dispersed; using his super speed Green Defender sped to the back of the giant metallic object.  He flew up and just when he was about to go for the panel, he was shot down with a hidden laser cannon.  “I thought you might try something like that so I installed that as a precautionary tactic.”  Cardania told his fallen foe.

   “You’ll pay for that!”  Shieldra hollered and increased her attacks with her shield blasts at full intensity.  But it had no effect, and the same with the others, the ice and clay would just crumble, and stun bolts, lightning bolts, everything that they could throw at it had no effect.

    “Play time is over kiddies.”  Cardania told them as he pressed a button, which activated a radial blast that canceled out all of their abilities, making them normal humans.  “My DNA radius pulse has taken your powers away, leaving you completely defenseless.” He grabbed them up into the machines giant mechanical hands, “Now time to finish you once and for all, but first allow me the honor of unmasking you all in front of the whole world.”

    “Cardania, release them now!”  Came a familiar voice, it was Jacob in his Dark-Rider outfit.

    “Aw, the infamous Dark-Rider, how nice of you to join us.  I’ll get to you as soon as I’m done killing you niece and her friends.”

   “I’m warning you Cardania release them or I’ll do whatever is necessary to bring you to justice.”

   “Oh spare me the heroic dramatics…”

   “Two-Hammed Hammer!”  Called out another familiar voice, for from behind The Green Defender was alive and well, and before Cardania could cause the machine to turn around to face the green hero, Green Defenders’ strongest force blast caused the UCD to fall front first onto the ground and the impact causing the hands to release its captives.  Green Defender then jumped onto its back, pulled off the panel and jammed his fist right into the control box.  He then regrouped with the others.  “Good job everyone; I am very proud of all of you.”  Dark-Rider congratulated them.

    “Help!”  Cardania hollered from inside the cockpit, “This thing is going to explode…get me out of here.”  Green Defender raced up to it; smashed open the cockpit grabbed the villain and followed the others out of the gym, which by the time they exited, it blew up…when the dust settle Shieldra turned off the force field.  “Thank you.”  Cardania said gratefully and was then knocked with a punch by The Dark-Rider.  “That was for kidnapping and trying to kill my niece.” Moments later the state police and U.S. military personnel approached the school.  Parents were hugging their kids glad knowing that they were safe.  The Alpha Squad saw their families from afar and dispersed to turn back to normal and then seconds late joining up with their families.  Dark-Rider and Shieldra disappeared into the crowd, as Baines came out of the school looking like a man gone mad.  “No one is to leave until I get those freaks!”  An Army General walked up to him, “Mr. Baines I have orders here to place you, Dr. Johnson and those cyborgs there into custody.”  

   “Under what charges?” 

   “Destruction of school property for one!”  The Principal volunteered the first charge.

   “Not only have that, but falsifying documents, violation of human rights…”

   “But The President…”

   “Is right now signing his resignation papers and he too will be brought up on charges.  Plus until further notice The S.H.I.N.E. organization is here by suspended until a full investigation is complete.”

   “You can’t do this!  Those freaks are still out there.”

   “Maybe so, but I am sure that U.S. military can handle them if they show themselves next time.”



    School was closed down due to clean up crews for the rest of the week giving the teens plenty of time for some R&R.  They sat around the living room of The Big House talking about what they were going to do during their week off.  Jacob walked up to them, “The President…I mean former President has been arrested for Abuse of Power and among other charges.”

    “Plus with The S.H.I.N.E. organization out of commission that’ll give us some time to be ready for the next attack.”  Mike said flatly.

    “You don’t think…”  Dave started to say.

    “We’ve only put a very small wrench in a very big gear.  They’ll attack us in ways we wouldn’t think possible.”  Mike interrupted cryptically.

    “In other words, we slowed them down a bit, and we need to be ready for anything.” Nicole translated.

    “You mean you actually understand what he’s saying?”  John asked in disbelief.

    “Stranger things have happened.”  Clara brought up.

    “Yeah,” Ally agreed, “like I know ninja.”  

    “Well if you guys will excuse us, Nicole and I have to be going somewhere.”  Mike said very gentleman like.

    “Where are you two going?”  Dan wondered.

    “On a date.”  Nicole answered with a big smile.  They activated their Bio-Suits and he took her into his arms as she said, “I think Italian sounds good right now.”

    “Sounds good to me.”  He agreed and they off into the night sky.

    In an unknown part of the world The Council of The Society met in a dark room, with Superior at the head of the table. 

    “Cardania has failed us.”  One said.

    “He and his Cyber-Destroyers have been taken into custody.”  Announced another.

    “What is our next move?”  A third man asked.

    “Nothing,” Superior answered, “We wait to see what evil may bring.”


        The End


A message from the writer:  Greetings everyone,  I hope you enjoyed the first story of book one of The Dark-Rider Chronicles.  This story is allegorical in a sense.  Such as the sword of power is three swords in one.  Just like the trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  The Laser Blade represents the Holy Spirit, The Sword of The Warrior, represtents Jesus Christ the Son, and The Sword of Wisdom represents The Father.  The Bio-Suits represent the Armor of God.  And powers or abilities represent the spiritual gifts that God gives us to minister.  I hope you will continue to read other stories by me as they come;  The theme of this one is each of us has calling in our lives...God is calling each and every one of us to a task.  Remember his yoke is easy and his burden is light.  If you are not a Christian and would like to ask Christ into your life then please read the following prayer with sincerity:  "Dear Jesus, I admit to you that I am a sinner and that I need you in my life.  Forgive me of my sins for which you died on the Cross for, and come into my heart.  Thank you God for giving me your Holy Spirit which I ask to reside with in me.  Thank you in all that you are going to do in my life.  In Jesus' Name.  Amen."  If you did pray this prayer please let me know.  In Christ, Mike Gill.

© 2009 Michael Gill

Author's Note

Michael Gill
Please let me know what you liked and didn't like. And what I could improve on.


I enjoyed it and I think, the ideas of behind the story are strong. There are a few things I would change such as the 'New United Nations', might think of a better name. The idea of a one world government is nice and they need a cool name to go with it, names which I cannot think of right now, but outside of the name I enjoyed the story.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 6 Years Ago

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Michael Gill
Michael Gill

Eugene, OR

I write Christian Sci-fi stories and am looking forward someday in getting them published for all who wish to read it. more..
