A Fool Can Learn to Be

A Fool Can Learn to Be

A Poem by KWP

A fool!

Yes, a fool,

chasing the need to ‘be someone’,

skirt tailing to be noticed,

waving a flag called success.

Oh you, 

you Yahoo!

Millennia have passed,

and still, we try to ‘become’. 


Can you hear it?

Can you hear the Everywhen?

He is bellowing, booming with laughter, 

at our meagre attempts 

to stitch ourselves into 

our own supercharged, 

intrinsically designed, 

intensely colourful,

purpose built,

embroidered life.


breathe …. 

Walk with me into the folds of nature.

Let us lose the path and walk beyond.

Let us walk until the sounds of ‘success' 

are all but a forgotten trickle in the stream.

Let us sit within nature, where life asks for nothing

and we too need naught.


the blade of grass grows just to grow,

the birds, bees and butterflies pillage the ever giving flora,

the wind passes just to pass, bringing with it a fresh burst of life,

the sun shines on with everlasting kisses on the backdrop our home,

natures food chain continues the cycle 

without a bawdy fight for any kind of fanfare.

Where life enters and leaves rather quietly,

in its own expression of time.


breathe ….

Let us listen, to the unbecoming.

Let us too, unbecome.

Let us unravel, undo, unlearn, unknow. 

For this place

is where a fool can learn to ‘be’.

© 2015 KWP

Author's Note

hit me with your best shot :) X LOVE X

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and we all want to wear that Superman logo on the chest of our dreams....but just being is probably much better in the long run than becoming.

i really like this poem and the idea of undoing, unlearning, going back to simple...and being happy with it.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

hey Jacob - it's been a while - hello :) hope all is travelling well your side of the planet - thank.. read more
a powerful write for sure,and i believe you may be right ..

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thanks Boyfreind - much love to ya X

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22 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on October 10, 2015
Last Updated on October 10, 2015



Sydney, NSW, Australia

'The kernel, the soul — let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances — is plagiarism. For substantially all ideas are sec.. more..

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