Angst Awaiting The Crescendo

Angst Awaiting The Crescendo

A Poem by KWP

He watched her in her deepest sleep,
whispered ….

’Hey lover,
the yearning for a simple caress
runs deeper than the darkest void.
Intensely, I ache, for you.

Consume myself in craving
to satiate your every last tendril of
breath, heartbeat, lustful passion.

The only quench
to my incessant thirst
is you.

Allow me to
sip you, devour you, exhaust you, enter you where
we shall dine together
on cornucopia delicacies
of devoted reverence.

Embrace my nakedness
as I embrace yours,
and we shall further unmask,
wade through inmost essence to
reveal truest form
of original abandon absolute.

Allow me to taste you
as you drip with intensity.

Unfurl my lover, release.

Surrender yourself,
make welcome the upsurge of life within
awakening like the eye of a storm in you.
Allow me to be the raging wind accompanying
your tirade of actualising frenzy.

Together let us create
a crescendo,
an alliance,
a gathered unison of
rhythm universal,
celestial impressions,
etching itself like a pairing in our souls.

Let us create our own explosion
with the intention delivering only bliss
the bliss…

All for you.

But for now, my love,
hard as it is not to wake you -

I shall watch you in your deepest sleep
and ravage you in the morning.’ 

© 2016 KWP

Author's Note

This was a challenge where I had to start the poem with 'He watched her in her deepest sleep.'

I am trying to enhance my imagery ...

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"original abandon absolute" what great phrasing...

yes, the fantasy as she watches him sleep----kind of sexy even when there is no physical contact...just mental contact...
absorbing piece of writing---and she waits till morning for her imagination to find reality.


Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Hey Jacob,
Cheers as always for your unwavering support :) Much love that I do XXX Hope your.. read more
jacob erin-cilberto

8 Years Ago

we got soaked last week, lots of flooding in the area...


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21 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 5, 2016
Last Updated on January 12, 2016



Sydney, NSW, Australia

'The kernel, the soul — let us go further and say the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances — is plagiarism. For substantially all ideas are sec.. more..

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A Poem by KWP

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