To A Thief - Chapter 11: A Sending

To A Thief - Chapter 11: A Sending

A Chapter by Jobyn

An unexpected turn of events sets into his path. Reality strikes when it can out in the open, whether you are an adventuring veteran or a young fresh newbie. With that in mind, The Gauntlet awaits.

The world was still turning in Stiff's eyes as he attempted to push himself onto his knees, only to fall on his back.

He laid there for a moment, watching the clouds slowly turn back into place before looking off to the side, realizing now what had just happened.

"The others..!" He gasped as he saw a cloud of smoke spreading out where the group was and dispersing into the air.

Their shapes littered the ground from within the cloud, shadowed by the smoke.

"Salnar.. Aki.. Horis.. Jakky..!" He called out as he struggled to stand up, wobbling over to the cloud of smoke as it began to clear.

Once it did so, he saw his comrades sprawled across the white sand, the bright color blotched with some of their blood.

Their sprawled bodies and the colors of the blood on the sand sent a jolt through Stiff's back, his heart sinking deep into the pits of his chest.

Stiff's eyes slowly widened as his vision started tunneling in darkness like it had in the past.

"S**t.." His raspy voice quivered.

The elite goblins stood there; practically unharmed by the blasts thanks to their ridiculously-enforced armor. They began to approach the pitiful thief who could barely stand, chuckling amongst themselves as they held out their weapons.

Stiff's vision began to darken more and more until all he saw was blackness, the shapes of the goblins and his comrade's bodies now grayed out and looking dusty for some reason within this darkness.

It was strange.. it was as if everything I saw in this darkness was a shell of its former self, moldy and dusty and hardly even there.. looking as if it would crumble simply to my touch.

I didn't black out this time. I am well-aware of what's going on.. my comrades have fallen.

Anger.. loneliness.. darkness.. these all-too-familiar feelings are once again building up inside of me, nestling themselves deep into my soul. 

The goblins stopped as they sensed this familiar aura about the young hume thief that stood before them.

They noticed his eyes; whites entirely pitch-black and only the warm-brown irises visible.. malevolent eyes that hurt just to look at.

"Sister Eri..!"

"Now it's my turn."

"I'm not going to let this happen again!"

"Stiff.. harness it."

Familiar voices began to fill Stiff's head as he clutched the hilt of his dagger so tightly that his hand trembled.

"Harness it.." Stiff repeated in a growl, the blade of his dagger beginning to emit a glow.

I knew now what Moku meant back then.

I knew now this feeling that has been with me since the death of Sister Eri.

This emptiness that gave me power!

.. I need more!

The burst of light and red energy shot out in a sonic boom just as it had before in Ghelsba during the fight with the Warchief. Memories of then returned to Stiff, causing streaks of black energy; or perhaps simply darkness to emit from the orb as well, conjoined with the red energy.

The force of the wind coming from this so-called overpowered Sneak Attack caused the sand to rotate around the young thief like some kind of sand storm, his short dark hair flowing in all directions because of it.

The goblins took a cautious step back as Stiff held his arm up, dagger in hand with the over-sized orb of light, red, and black that engulfed nearly half of his arm. They could sense the power of this ability in the wind alone.

Letting out an anticipating growl, Stiff sprinted with all his might for the goblins. The middle-most one was his primary target, as the other two were huddled so closely against it.

Without stopping to think once, Stiff plunged the blade of his dagger- wherever it may be among the energy- into the armored goblin's chest. The pulsating ball of energy traveled lighting-fast from Stiff's blade to the goblin's body, exploding momentarily.

The impact created an even louder sonic boom than before, putting the blast of the earlier bomb to shame as the three goblins were launched into the air at high speeds.

The blow had sent them flying into the towering rocky hills in the distance with a similar trail of blood and bits of their armor streaming through the air, just like the Warchief's.

They hit the rocks hard; breaking into them and one even being crushed under the weight of the large slabs.

Needless to say, the force of the blow had also sent Stiff rolling backwards a few feet tumbling across the sand. It was incredible how many times his body had been sent flying like a ragdoll this whole week and him being okay.

He laid face down on the sand for a brief moment as the dark emptiness inside of him began to clear from his eyesight. Able to see the white sand under him now, he looked back up in a daze at the bodies of his comrades.

His eyes went wide to see them now coming to, hearing their groans.

"S**t'e.. what an explosion.." Salnar groaned as he sat up rubbing the side of his head. "You all alright there..?"

"Mrrowww.. I'm alive.. I think.." Jakky whimpered as she stood up on her knees with her ears perking all over the place.

"Hngh.." Horis growled as he held his shoulder, furrowing his brows in irritation and looking at the dead goblins in the distance. "Goblins are pathetically rash.. they were caught in their own explosion, it would seem."

"How did you guys survive that..!? That blast hit me hard.. and I was at least 20 feet away!" Stiff asked in amazement, not bringing his strange ability up.

"I focused all my energy into casting a large protect spell.. I don't think it did the job, but it did the trick.." Jakky caught her breath.

"Save the explanation, fellas! Come quick.. Aki is.."

Stiff felt his heart sink once more as they all quickly made their way over to their tarutaru comrade who hadn't gotten back up.

Aki laid there on a pool of his own blood, sprawled on the sand as he looked up at the sky in a dim gaze Stiff was too familiar with.

"Aki!" He called to the taru as he was filled with dread; the group kneeling beside him.

"Aki, talk to us.." Salnar said as he examined the large gash on the taru's chest.

"He was closest to the bomb.." Horis muttered as he loomed over the group, being the only one standing. "Despite the protect spell, he took the larger extent of the blow.. he's not going to make it."

"What? Don't say that!" Stiff growled at Horis' heartless comment. "D****t, Jakky! Heal him already! You're a white mage, aren't you!? Do your job!"

Jakky's feline ears drooped down as she closed her eyes sadly, her tail curling around her waist.

"He is beyond my ability to heal.. I don't think anyone.. could.. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, Aki..!"

"Stuff your sorries! He's gonna be okay!" Stiff protested.

The others remained silent.

"Come on, Aki! We're gonna get you some help!" Stiff began as he attempted to lift the taru up.

Aki simply wheezed out in pain, coughing up some more blood and grasping Stiff's wrist with his small hand.

"Oi, Stiff.. it won't do you nor us any good.. let him go in peace, my friend.." Salnar said, placing a hand on Stiff's shoulder.

"How the f**k could you all just accept this!?" Stiff shoved his hand away. "We have to help him, god d****t!"

"No one can help him. Not anymore." Horis simply stated.

Aki's grip began to loosen on Stiff's wrist, turning to him and struggling to speak through his dimmed eyes and bloody lips.

"What..?" Stiff asked, attempting to decipher what he was trying to say but nothing would come out.


Aki attempted to speak once more, but again nothing came out. It was as if he had been attempting to tell the group something.

Shortly after, his grip loosened entirely from Stiff's wrist, turning his head to the side and lowering his dead gaze into the waves of the ocean from the beach in the distance.

He died right there and then.

Stiff lowered his head, digging his fingers into the sand. "Why the hell didn't you try to help him..?"

Salnar and Jakky remained silent.

"I told you before. He couldn't be saved." Horis repeated.

"How can all of you just sit there and accept it!?" Stiff threw his hand into the air. "Do you even care!?"

"Stiff.. these kinda things happen out here. You should know this, aye..?" Salnar muttered regrettably.

"I learned in training.. that casualties will happen.. no matter what." Jakky whimpered with her eyes closed. "It's hard to accept it.. but even if you are the most skilled white mage out there.." She didn't finish.

"Surely you learned this in training?" Horis asked Stiff, not even looking at him. "Death is the one thing closer than a comrade to any adventurer out there.."

"That's bullshit!" Stiff shouted. "Death is.. death is..." He stammered, unable to reply.

I just didn't want to accept it.. 
I didn't want to accept the fact that once again, someone was going to sacrifice themselves for me and the others. 
but what they said.. I couldn't think of an argument against it.

Stiff looked at each and every one of them in the eyes in a glare.

"I was told by my temporary mentor.. that your comrades would always watch your back if you watched theirs. That you could get through anything as long as you were together.. so you can't say something like that.. maybe you guys aren't my comrades!"

"And where were you during the blast..? Would you have liked to take the blow instead of Aki?" Horis turned to Stiff, looking back at him sternly. "Just what do you think Aki was doing?"

Stiff's eyes widened in surprise.

That's when it hit me.. Aki hadn't just been caught in the blast.

Remembering the second just before the bomb went off; I realized the goblin had thrown the bomb into the center of the group and not directly at Aki.

Aki had simply chosen to accept the consequences of watching over his comrades.

Stiff remained silent after that; eyes lowered.

"As much as I would have liked to believe it, my protect spell wouldn't have been enough against something like that.." Jakky muttered.

"Aye, rather than all of us bein' killed.. Aki decided t'would be best.. ta' have us carry on his legacy." Salnar said, looking down at the fallen Aki and closing his eyes for him.

"Exactly." Horis nodded.

Stiff closed his own eyes as his talk with Draven at Ghelsba came to mind. He remembered telling his friend that you had to live for everyone who wasn't here anymore; live for tomorrow.

I almost lost hold of my own lesson that day.. the lesson Sister Eri had taught me.

You have to live for those who weren't here anymore. It was up to us now to carry on Aki's legacy in exchange for his sacrifice.. it was the very least we could do.

My biggest regret was that I didn't get to know more about him.. for all we know, he could have had a big loving family back home, awaiting his return as a great adventurer one day. He was.. so young.

We had all only been together for about three weeks, and already we had grown so close. It's funny how strong bonds are out here in the open world. I guess the fact that we keep each other alive and safe has a big factor in it..

We depend on one another.

Later that day as the sun began to set, we saw Aki off as we sent him on a small boat out from the shore and into the ocean where he had been looking off to just before his last breath. I hope it will bring him comfort in the next life knowing we at least gave him a proper sending.

Who knows.. if we're lucky, maybe he'll end up back home. That way, at least they'll know..

Now I know why there are so many restless spirits of the undead here in Valkurm..

Now I know why the sands here are so white.

As I watched the small boat disappear between the twilight water and sky, I vowed that I would never let anyone sacrifice themselves for me ever again.

The next day, Stiff sat at the edge of the docks on the pier of Selbina, deciding to watch the boats sail in and out of the small port town while eating a mithkabob for breakfast.. although he hadn't taken a bite from it yet.

He thought about a lot of things; about Sister Eri; about the orphanage; about Moku and Draven; about Aki..

But the one thing that was strong on his mind now, was 'The Gauntlet'.

Despite the rough previous day, they had all succeeded in conquering all of the beaches and as such, were finally done with Valkurm.

The next obstacle was what Salnar and many adventurers referred to as The Gauntlet.

Stiff couldn't deny that he was feeling rather anxious about it. To have such a name meant that it was some kind of crazy trial.

"Oi!" Salnar called out to Stiff as he made his way over to him.

"Huh?" Stiff looked at him. "Oh, hey."

"Looks like it be just me an' you, mate." He said with a helpless smile.

"What do you mean?" Stiff asked.

"Jakky and Horis apparently got some business ta' attend ta' back at the city of Bastok. Says they won't be joinin' us for The Gauntlet as it seems ta' be an important summons of theirs.." He explained.

"Oh, I see.. that sucks. It would've been nice to stick together." Stiff mumbled as he stood up.

"Eh.. ta' be honest, stickin' with a big group or not could be fer the worst or better in The Gauntlet. I think it be better this way. Come on." Salnar beckoned.

"So, what's up with the name? You still haven't told me what this Gauntlet is all about." Stiff asked curiously as they made their way outside Selbina.

"Ah, the Gauntlet is the name of a little tradition some adventurers like ta' call the journey from'ere ta' the city of Jeuno." Salnar began.

"Really? Well.. that doesn't sound bad at all!" Stiff blinked.

"Aye, it don't now.. but once we walk into Jugner Forest, the Gauntlet truly begins. That road there be home to some crazy nasties, those who could rip ya ta' shreds in an instant. You think ya seen it all by battling beastmen? Yer dead wrong my friend.." He continued.

Stiff felt a mixture of fear and excitement inside of him as he listened intently. "Go on.."

"Forget about beastmen from here on out, they be the least of yer worries.. what we'll be runnin' for our lives from here on out will be monsters straight outta the story books. My pap once told me there were jagged-tooth tigers the size of warmachines out there, ghosts that scream ya ta' death, giant carnivorous insects, over-sized leeches that suck ya dry if ya happen ta' step on em'.. and just about damn-well everything there is bloody poisonous." Salnar explained, putting a hand to his chin in thought.

"That ain't even the worst.." He whispered in a rasp voice.

Stiff gulped as he heard all of this, nearly stopping in his tracks.

"Why can't we just take some other detour?" He asked, chuckling nervously.

"Tis the only way, mate.. well, the only efficient way, anyway. Any other route would starve us to death as it would take far too long on foot. 'Sides, this be a bloody important tradition fer us as adventurers. If we can't even get through this, we shouldn't bother going to Jeuno.. tis what my pap told me."

I guess it can't be helped..

I kinda liked it better when all I had to worry about were rarabs eating my food.

"Ahoy." Salnar waved to Jakky and Horis as they waited for them just outside Selbina.

"I guess.. this is goodbye, for now." Jakky smiled helplessly. "I wish we could have continued."

"Heh, me too.. it would have been cool sticking together in Jeuno and all as I'm going to be so lost out there." Stiff grinned.

"Odds are it won't be long before we meet again." Horis said. "Jeuno is the heart of any and all travelers. One way or another, you will end up there."

"Aye, that be the truth." Salnar smirked.

"You two stay safe.. good luck in the Gauntlet!" Jakky called out as those two made their way east.

Horis simply nodded to them and pressed on.

Stiff sighed as he and Salnar made their way back towards the direction of La Theine Plateau, which they had to cross once more to get to Jugner.

"You know, I'm starting to think those two chickened out.." He mumbled.

"Who knows? Maybe they did.. I wouldn't blame em'." Salnar replied.

So once again we set off to the La Theine Plateau and head for Jugner Forest after bidding farewell to our other two comrades.

If I could only fathom what awaited Salnar and I that now watched us from within the trees leading into Jugner.. then maybe, just maybe, I would have rather stayed with Horis and Jakky.

Join us in Chapter 12: The Gauntlet

© 2011 Jobyn

Author's Note

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Added on March 18, 2011
Last Updated on October 31, 2011
Tags: adventure drama comedy brotherly

To A Thief



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