To A Thief - Chapter 48: Bittersweet Memory

To A Thief - Chapter 48: Bittersweet Memory

A Chapter by Jobyn

"We were all children in the end. And in times like these, all we had were each other." Draven, finally we meet again.

The Icarus Wing Mk. III

"To think my Pulse Attack actually came from dad's Dragon lineage with the wyrms," Stiff said as he looked down at his hands. Sekai, Lion, and the crew were escorting him back to the mainland asap, making double time with the airship's emergency boosters. 

Bahamut had told me that the ability that I came to call the 'Pulse Attack' was an ability only known and used by those of their kin, including Dragon Knights. They were quite surprised that I was able to use it, because they've never seen it simply inherited by another person who hadn't been through the proper training and ceremonies. 

What the wyrms believed was that I had truly inherited my father's will. Of course, I didn't exactly have his or their grace with the ability. I did learn to use it uniquely, howver. Oh, and by the way... they call these kind of abilities 'Dragon Flare'. Many of which I have yet to learn.

Ouryu was using a more powerful variation of it against me when we... met. 

"Heh, play your cards right and you might be able to use them for more than just parachutes," Sekai said with a smirk. "Aiden had yet to master the Dragon Flare, so I'm going to go out on a limb and say he left that job to you."

"Huh... maybe," Stiff rubbed the back of his head. 

Lion walked up next to Sekai and nudged him on the side, looking up at him and cocking her eyes towards Stiff.

"Oh, right," Sekai said, going over to a coffer that had been sitting at the back of the main cabin. "There's one last thing that is absolutely required if you want to continue calling yourself a Thief. Especially a Dragon Thief," he said, pulling out a full set of brand new clothes. "Lion and I decided you gotta' keep up appearances, mate." 

"What?" Stiff rose a brow, trying to look over at the outfit Sekai was holding.. "Seriously? How is that a requirement?" 

"Think about it!" Lion prodded him on the forehead with her fingers. "How many Thieves do you know that walk around with messy hair and tattered armor? You got to have class! Or else people will think you're just a street thief." 

Stiff crossed his arms and looked down grumpily in thought. "I do have class..." 

But... when I thought about it, they were right. Both Lion and Sekai had their style together. 

I've always been a little jealous of Draven's suave style. He might not look like the type of guy who would care, but I do recall him picking out his new armor carefully. 

Nanaa's style was hot without a doubt. It's kind of rubbed off on Okina since those girls go out a lot... hehe.

Hell, even the rest of the linkshell had in some way modified their Brigade armor to suit their style... 

I was the only one who wore it in its original form. I just didn't care at the time, to be honest... but now that I think about it, it's a little embarrassing... 

"Urgh... okay," Stiff agreed with them after some thought. "You're not going to give me a buzz cut or anything, right?" 

Lion giggled, kicking a crate at Stiff from behind and making his rear fall back on it so that he could use it as a chair. "Don't worry, I do my dad's hair and beard myself," she assured, grabbing a pair of scissors and walking up to him. 

Dropping the new folded outfit down on Stiff's lap, Sekai grinned and joked, "You might wanna use the airship's shower room before you put these on. And I assure you, they're a lot more durable than your Brigade piece. Remember this?" He said, holding up a white cloak and tossing it in with the rest of his new gear. 

Stiff sighed at Sekai, remembering that he was still in his current shreds of clothing with dried blood on his face because of the fight with Ouryu. He looked down at the cloak as Lion got to work on his hair and blinked in surprise. "Hey, isn't this...?" 

Sekai nodded. As Stiff thought, it was the same white cape that he had seen Sekai in ten years ago when he had first met him. It was spotless and showed no visible tears whatsoever. 

"It's yours now, kid. I'm too old to play super hero," he smiled.


"This will be your last warning," Moku said, asking a final time as the clouds began to move in overhead and darken. "End your little charade and give Draven back!" 

Rotating his hands over one another and then slowly raising them over his head, Moku utilized a strong element of wind that formed a small tornado-like spell around his lower body. This brought him to float up into the air and use the wind's speeds to travel across the ground quickly. 

The Descent leader, not pulling his hood back up, didn't bother replying and simply began to approach Moku, ready to fight. But he had only taken a few steps when Ecco stopped him, walking through his body in the form of a dark mist before materializing in front of him. 

"You can leave this one to me, boss," Ecco smiled, licking his lips in anticipation. "Dawn Children can be a little rough..." 

"Hm," the boy's leader muttered, stepping aside. "Very well." 

"This is none of your concern, demon, but I'll get through you as well if I have to," Moku narrowed his eyes, curling up his fingers and lowering his hand before clenching it into a fist and pulling it back up hard with a grunt. This brought a large section of the ground below Ecco into a pillar, launching the boy up into the air and becoming a clear target for Moku's next strike. 

"Woohoooo!" Ecco howled, enjoying the ride and grinning at Moku while in midair, the aura of dark emptiness forming around him growing bigger. Forming a large hand out of that emptiness like its been seen many times before, he shot the ghastly appendage forward to attempt and nab the gliding Dawn Child. "C'mere! I wanna hold you!" 

As Moku lifted himself up into the air with the use of his wind element, he held a hand up towards the thundering rain clouds above. Looking directly at the incoming hand, he waited at the right moment to bring his hand back down heavily and send a lightning bolt right from the sky and into the giant hand of darkness. 

"Awawawawah!" Ecco spazzed out as the lightning bolt electrocuted him through his darkness. He started plummeting towards the floor with swirling eyes before regaining himself and shooting his hand towards the pillar of earth that had launched him up. Pulling himself back to the top, he waved both his own hand and the hand of darkness, chuckling helplessly. "So fiesty! You're like a cute little hamster that bites when you try to pick it up from its cage. That hurt!" 

"Is he toying with me?" Moku rose a brow, looking at the strange crimson haired boy. "Just what are you anyway?"  

"Me?" Ecco smiled, using the dark appendage as a comfortable chair. "I am what you see before you, heh." 

Moku furrowed his brows in confusion. "Huh? That couldn't have been a more obvious statement..." 

"I am... what you see... before you," the boy smiled once more, twiddling his fingers together like some business man. 

Giving him a focused look, Moku examined this boy. He sat there, emitting full on darkness and emptiness around his body, using it with such natural grace and control. Just then, Moku's head snapped back up in surprise. "Are you saying you're darkness itself...?" 

The Descent leader looked up at Ecco with a frown, calling up to him from the base of the pillar. "Stop playing around already." 

Ecco would only answer Moku with a smile, sighing as his leader scolded him. Pushing himself up off his "chair", he held his hands out and shrugged. "Alright, alright... guess he doesn't want me playing with you. Time to put you back in your cage, little hamster." 

"Ugh, no matter," Moku mumbled as the pouring rain became more furious. "Come at me!" 

"As you wish!" Ecco retorted, somersaulting down and making the large dark hand coil its fingers around the pillar of earth. Using this to swing himself around the pillar and gain momentum, he let go and went flying straight for the Dawn Child. 

Moku prepared himself, clenching both of his fists and forming two spinning elemental orbs around each as the dark hand of Ecco's emptiness split itself at the fingers into multiple separate tendrils of shadow. The orb over Moku's right fist was composed of fire, while the other was made up of water. Pulling his right arm back, he then swung it forward and sent the orb of fire spinning towards Ecco, and shortly after doing the same with the water orb. 

They traveled fast and seemingly expanded with the help of their surroundings, like the great big ring of fire and the intense rain. 

"Not the face!" Ecco exclaimed playfully, holding one of the shadowy tendrils over himself as the fire orb came at him. It hit the appendage with a fiery explosion, causing it to retract back into the aura of emptiness coming out of the boy's body. 

The same was the result of the water orb, only this one was a watery impact that sliced the other tendril apart and caused it to retract. 

"Yikes, wouldn't wanna get hit by one of those now would I?" Ecco chuckled in amazement as he continued to fly towards Moku. "It's my turn!" The three remaining shadow tendrils of his took shape, becoming more solid and narrowing out with a sharp point at the ends. 

Moku braced himself, grabbing his staff from his back and holding it in a midair battle stance. As Ecco's tendrils came close enough, Moku began using the winds to help him take evasive maneuvers, swinging at any and all tendrils that would dare to impale him. Like before, his staff had a bright light growing at the end of it. 

"Heh!" Ecco snickered while lashing his darkness out at Moku. "That's some staff you got there! Imbued with the power of light, I see. What better way to combat darkness? Any normal staff would have been broken to bits by now." 

"You know your weaknesses well, then!" Moku replied with a smirk, blowing his body away from an incoming blow with the use of his little tornado and spinning his staff in his hand. Once close enough, he brought the staff to a quick halt and slammed it against Ecco's side as hard as he could. 

Ecco's eyes went wide as he choked out a gasp, the sudden blow with the staff of light sending him spiraling out of control towards the ground below. But as he fell, he was able to focus enough to send one of his remaining shadowy tendrils shooting towards the taru. It wrapped itself around Moku's leg before he could avoid it and sent him plummeting after Ecco. 

Both of them hit the ground hard- first Ecco and then Moku. 

As he struggled to get up, Moku held onto his sides and winced in pain as he looked over at Ecco, who was also pushing himself back onto his feet. He couldn't help but grimace and let out a light grunt as he dropped down to one knee. His left shoulder was fractured and so were a few ribs. 

Ecco was lucky to have his darkness take the extent of the damage, but he still looked pretty beat up as he looked up at the Dawn Child with one eye closed and a weakened grin on his face. "You sure got a lot of fight... for a little hamster," he mumbled. "But you just don't stand a chance against me... you know?"

The boy began making his way towards the taru, readying his darkness once more. 

Breathing heavily, Moku glanced down at the surrounding water from the rain and closed his eyes. "Now is as good a time as ever," he thought to himself. Opening his eyes, he growled and pulled his hands forward against each other, allowing his fingers to slip in between one another while looking at Ecco. 

Multiple slender skewers of ice shot up from the built up rain water and stuck Ecco's body from various angles, all of them suspending him up in midair like an animal that had just walked into a spike trap. 

Ecco remained there, head pulled back and eyes widened in pain as he choked out a few stutters. 

The Descent leader's eyes lit up with alarm at the sight. "He deliberately attempted to flood the area in order to use such an ability...?" 

"I didn't want to resort to this," Moku lowered his eyes in regret. It was a little disheartening seeing the young crimson haired boy who appeared only a little younger than Draven and Stiff impaled like that, dying slowly. "But you've left me no choice...." 

Turning to the Descent leader, Moku got back into focus. "Once more... got to make it quick." 

As the man cautiously took a step back bearing his Mithran fangs at him, Moku came to an abrupt stop. He heard silent chuckles, looking over at the skewers of ice and realizing it was the boy known as Ecco. 

But before he could even comprehend how he was still alive, Moku looked down to see the remaining dark tendril attached to Ecco's emptiness still wrapped around his leg from when they both fell. It squeezes his leg as the boy's body materialized into a black mist, traveling through the tendril too fast for Moku to follow. By the time he would blink, Ecco was already standing before him with that deviant grin of his. 

"How sweet of you!" Ecco gnarled, opening his mouth and pouncing the wounded Moku to the ground. Without hesitation, he sunk his fangs directly into Moku's neck- but rather than sucking... was transferring some of his darkness into the struggling Dawn Child. 

Moku yelped and convulsed as the darkness began to course through his body, causing all sorts of unspeakable pain as it attempted to take control of his soul. It felt as though he were being torn apart. His eyes would occasionally flicker black and then back to their normal color, and so on. 

Ecco wasn't letting up, but he stopped when he heard a faint whistling in the air that grew closer fast. Before he knew it, Moku was snatched away from under him and was now a few yards away in the hands of another boy donning class-specific garbs of high quality, whom also wore a white cloak over his shoulders. 

Setting the now-unconscious Moku down on the ground as the surrounding elements died down and the sky cleared up, Stiff clenched his fists and turned to look at the ones who had done this. Specifically, at Ecco. 

"What did you do to Moku?" Stiff asked in a low and focused tone, eyeing the other boy. Both of his daggers were already drawn and in hand. He glanced once at the Descent leader's face. "So... that's what he looks like..." 

Licking his lips, Ecco hopped up to his feet and gave a helpless smile. "Well, I was planning to make him into one of us, but then you came along and ruined it. So much for getting a new friend! Now that his conversion was disrupted, his body is going to remain in limbo... fighting until either the light or darkness in his heart wins. Of course, that also means he might be fighting forever and never wake up..." 

Stiff gritted his teeth and grasped the hilts of his daggers tightly. This kid must have been messing with him. 

"So, you finally show yourself," the Descent leader finally spoke up, looking at Stiff and examining his new appearance. "I've been looking for you. Hmph... that movement ability you just used, and those clothes," he continued. "It would appear that you have received training from that meddlesome thief sky pirate, Sekai." 

Furrowing his brows at the Mithran man, Stiff asked, "How do you know Sekai?" 

The man looked off to the side with a smirk. "He is only the most wanted man in Vana'diel..." 

Stiff had daggers in his eyes for this man as he asked, "What have you done with my friend?" 

The leader of the Descent stared at the young thief for a moment before turning around and answering calmly, "You'll see him soon." 

"Wait!" Stiff stepped forward, glaring at the man. "You think I'm just gonna let you go!?" 

"You will if you want to see him again," he replied. 

Stiff could only gnash his teeth angrily, wanting so, so bad to kill this man but unsure of what would happen to Draven if he did. So he was forced to back down, giving a frustrated growl. 

"Heh," the Descent leader gave a silent chuckle. 

"What's so damn funny?" Stiff shot him another glare. 

Turning to his side towards Stiff and looking at him and his appearance once more, the Descent leader gave a strangely reminiscent smirk. "Standing there like that, having inherited Aiden's will, Serena's compassion, Sekai's underhand, and Bahamut's blessing... you truly do look like the one destined to bring balance to this world," he said, turning and walking away again with his dark pendant in hand. "If only that weren't such a fallacy..." 

Stiff would only stand there, looking in surprise at the man as he was enveloped into one of the portals manifested by the dark pendants the members of the Descent all seemed to carry. How could this man even know about them? 

"I see you got Aiden's fang after all," was what the man finished with as he disappeared with Ecco. 


"Hey," Ecco poked his leader on the back curiously as the two appeared back at their headquarters and walked down a long dark hallway. "That boy... was that who I think it was?" 

"Yes," he replied. "That was him. He will be our next target. Our next catalyst. We shall acquire him tomorrow... so don't go anywhere until then." 

"I see," Ecco said, putting a hand to the side of his own head in thought before sighing at his leader's orders. "As if I would! I'm bushed... I think I'm going to go take a much needed shower and nap." 

"Very well," the man said, making his way down into the chamber where Draven and the new recruits were being kept. "We leave at dawn. Be ready then." 

"Aye, aye," Ecco smiled playfully, giving a quick salute and running off. 

Inside the large chamber made of cermet where only a few sky lights lit the beds holding the slumbering recruits was Draven. He was the only person in there that was awake, sitting up on his bed and looking at himself; at the dark garbs that had been placed on him. 

"You're awake," the Descent leader said as he walked over to him rather casually. 

Draven looked up at the man, gazing at him with a look that was quite hard to read. After a brief moment of silence, the young man finally asked the leader, "Tell me everything about my clan. About Altana... and her people." 

Brigade H.Q.

I took Moku to the infirmary in Jeuno that day before going back to H.Q. for the first time in weeks. He needed medical attention ASAP, and the last thing I wanted everybody to see was our second in command and more importantly- our friend taken out like that... 

He appeared to be okay, just unconscious... I figured like many times that I've been out that he'll wake up soon. 

After checking him in, I made my way back down to the Brigade H.Q. to greet everyone. Despite the hearty welcome I got from the gang... I felt so empty inside. There was one person still missing that I was really hoping would be here when I got back from my stay at Norg. 

I was hoping this whole goose chase with the Descent would be done and over with. But it had just gotten worse... 

This, and knowing that I would be gone soon for a much longer period of time for my Dragonhood training really made this feel like a bitter return. 

I decided I'd tell them tomorrow about what happened with Moku. Perhaps, he'll come in and tell us all himself. 

"Where the hell have you been, runt!?" Vero shouted at Stiff, pounding his fist into his own palm. "You think you can just waltz in here, lookin' all cool and s**t and not expect to pay dues for your little vacation time while we were working our asses off?" 

Stiff grinned, shoving his fist into Vero's chest. "It's good to see you too, Vero." 

"Hoo," Stiff heard Flint whistle as he made his way over to him. "Damn, loving the new threads Stiff. Looking real sharp, my man!" 

"You look nice!" Mel smiled with a nod of approval, ever the fashionista. "Sure got the 'thief' look down with that get up." 

"Yeah, it looks alright, but what's with the cape?" Bear grabbed at the white cloak draped over Stiff's back. "Is this like a super hero thing?" 

Stiff slumped his shoulders, bringing a palm to his own face. "Man, that's the second time I hear that super hero thing..." 

"So how was the honeymoon?" Annie put her hands to her hips and snickered. 

"Wha?" He cocked his head in response, confused as to what she meant. 

"Well, well," Nanaa bit her lower lip as she trailed her finger along Stiff's chest and circled him. "Look who decided to advertise his good looks all of a sudden. Are you making some kind of offer with this fashion statement?" 

"No!" Stiff jerked his head back with a blush. "Nanaa, you do know Okina's my girlfriend, right?" 

Nanaa giggled, wrapping her arms around Stiff's shoulders and rubbing up against him from behind. "So? I discussed it with her once... she said she wouldn't mind as long as she was a part of it~" 

Stiff went chibi and flailed his arms as his nose took a bloody lift off into the ceiling! 

"I DID NOT!" Okina wailed as she jumped out from within the crowd, but then shrunk to the size of an ant as all attention was turned to her. She was so happy to see Stiff again, but was really shy because of his new look. As he glided back down to the floor from the ceiling like a leaf, she held her hands together against her lap and looked down with a pout. "I... I like your hair..." 

Stiff smiled wide at her, nearly forgetting about everything that had happened up until now because of how happy he was to see her again after more than a month. 

"Thanks," he chuckled, going over to her and wrapping his arms tightly around the cute silly monkey girl. "I've missed you like crazy..." 

Okina's eyes widened a little in surprise as her head laid against his chest, but once she felt his warm embrace she settled into the hug and smiled warmly. "I missed you too, too..." 

He didn't realize how long he had been standing there hugging her without saying anything until Annie broke the silence with, "We're still here you know...?" 

"Oh! S-Sorry," Stiff chuckled in embarrassment as both he and Okina shied away from one another. He couldn't stop thinking about how he had to leave her again. 

"Welcome back," Claire said as she made her way into the common room and joined everyone else. She gave a pleasant smile, eyeing his new look. "Not bad, Stiff." 

His face was just glowing with modesty towards everyone, standing there grinning stupidly. "Jeez, guys... I don't know what to say." 

"Well I do!" Bear brought a hand to his chin like some wise a*s, giving a big grin. "I say we get some rounds going at the Merry Minstrel and hear all about your little trip!" 

"Actually, I'm not supposed to talk about it... I'll get murdered in my sleep if I do- or something like that," Stiff smiled in defeat. "But I want to hear how it's been going for you guys..." 

I could see it all on their faces, and hear it in their overly happy tones... I knew they could see the empty look in my eyes as they searched the room for Draven, as if he would magically appear there welcoming me back with his insult of choice. 

They told me that not much had happened during the time that I was gone. Either the Descent needed time to recuperate, or they were too busy looking for me to bother anybody else. Too bad they didn't know I was way on the other side of the continent. 

I kind of know why, but at the same time I keep asking myself... why do I feel so empty? 

Later that day when we returned to headquarters, I got to do what I haven't had a chance to do in a while... take a nice, long, leisurely nap. Just this once, I was able to sleep all of my problems away. 

The calm before the storm... 

Stiff awoke to murmurs coming from outside his room. He could see that the night was taking its first steps across the sky, so he hadn't been sleeping too long. Looking away from his dorm's window, he rubbed his eyes and made his way towards the door to investigate all that murmuring. 

Opening his door, he saw practically everybody standing out there with dim look on their faces. "What... are you guys doing out here?" He blinked. 

He could see Okina looking at him through the crowd with a sad expression. 

"Stiff," Claire finally spoke up. "We heard about Moku... you told Doctor Monberaux everything. While as a doctor he's sworn to secrecy, he just thought we should know... why were you hiding it from us?" 

What else could I do? 

I joined them in the common room and explained why I chose to hide it, and also about the Descent having taken Draven with them. 

But the bad news came when they told me that Doctor Monberaux believed Moku wasn't going to wake up anytime soon... and that it was very possible that he might not ever. 

He was in a deep coma that couldn't be helped with. They would keep him alive through feeding tubes if we chose to allow the infirmary to... 

In the midst of that pain... the one person I wanted to see the most, actually came to me. 

The main door of the headquarters flew right open, letting in a strong breeze and with it, a friend donning black garbs of the Descent. Who else could it be, but Draven. 

The whole room had grown silent, save for Stiff who immediately rose up out of his seat and called his name in surprise. "Draven!" 

"Stiff," he answered the call. "Come with me. We're going to have a talk. Everybody else stays," Draven demanded, glancing once at the others. 

"Like hell we will!" Flint stood up and began walking towards him when he was stopped by Stiff. "What're you doing, man!? Draven, you hanging with those guys now?" 

"It's none of your business," Draven said, turning his back and cocking his head towards the door at Stiff. "Come on, Stiff." 

Stiff looked at him in confusion. "What? But..." 

"Don't worry. I just want to talk," Draven assured him. "I came here by my own free will." 

"Alright," Stiff said, following his friend out, wondering just what the hell was going on. 


The two of them walked side by side towards the bridge overlooking the crystal sea that connected the city to Rolanberry Fields. 

It was hard for Stiff to believe this was really Draven. He began to get his hopes up, thinking that maybe he had escaped their base or something and came back to his senses. Whatever it was, he was so glad to see him safe again. 

"So, what's with the new get up?" Draven glanced at him, giving a light snicker. "You look like a d****e." 

Stiff turned to him and blinked at the sudden random question. "Wha...? How am I a d****e! You're the one who goes through great lengths for his gear!" 

Draven shook his head with a smirk, sitting down on the edge of the bridge and gazing over the sea. "D****e or not, I think it's safe to say you're still an idiot." 

Stiff pointed at him accusingly and growled, "Idiot!? You're the idiot! You know how crazy you've been driving everyone looking for you! Let me tell ya, you've been driving me up the f*****g wall! You're an IDIOT, Draven!" 

Draven just watched as Stiff lost it, unable to hold back a silent chuckle. "Take it easy. I'm here now, aren't I?" 

Stiff's reddened face reverted back to its natural color as he calmed down, seeing Draven laugh like that. Giving a big sigh, he slumped down on the floor and leaned his back against Draven's, the way they used to when they'd go hunting for slimes. "It really is you, isn't it? Damn it, I missed you... you jackass." 

Draven smiled slightly to himself, leaning the back of his head against Stiff's. 

Stiff sighed once more as he relaxed. Part of him felt as though he were still asleep, and the other was happy to have his best friend back. Looking up at the night sky, he closed his eyes and smiled.  

Just a little while longer... 

Don't question if this is a dream or not. 

Don't ask anything else that might slap reality back on your face.. 

Just shut up and enjoy this. 

"Hey, Stiff..." Draven finally broke the calm. "Do you want to go somewhere with me?" 

Stiff kept his eyes closed as he answered, "Go where?" 

"A place where me, you, Moku, and Okina can go... a place just for us." 

"What about everybody else...?" Stiff answered, opening his eyes. 

"Their world is here," Draven replied. "A world created by them. They aren't stuck in this world like we are..." 

"But... a world without them wouldn't be the same," Stiff muttered. "I mean, they're our friends." 

"No... I lost my friends a long time ago," Draven mumbled. "All I have left is you and Moku. Like you've got me, Moku, and Okina. She, too was simply stuck in this world at one point." 

"That's not true," Stiff shook his head, lowering his gaze. "I have plenty of friends that make this world a better place. Like everyone else. You guys just happen to be closer to me..." 

"So, you'd rather stay in this world with them?" Draven asked. 

"Well, as long as you're here... then, why not?" Stiff nodded. 

"I see," Draven acknowledged calmly, finally pulling away from Stiff's back and standing back up on his feet. Walking around to Stiff as he remained sat on the ground, he extended his hand to help him up. "Then it's settled." 

Stiff almost felt relieved at what he thought was Draven's understanding. But upon taking his best friend's hand, he felt his body get pulled up off the ground and then come slamming back down on his back. 

Gasping out air upon landing, Stiff looked up at Draven from the floor in shock. 

Draven looked down at him with an empty gaze and said, "As of tomorrow, if you get in between me and my own world... I will kill you." 

I couldn't believe it... 

I didn't want to believe it. 

Draven... who was supposed to be like a brother to me, only meant to confirm whether I was with the Descent or against them. 

I watched as he leaned back over the edge of the bridge and dropped himself below. That was the last I saw of him that night... the last I saw of my friend. 

Because the next time I'd see him... he would no longer be the same.


Stiff didn't say anything upon walking into headquarters and making his way past everyone in silence. He was like a zombie, pale and expressionless. 

All he could do, was return to his dorm room and think about how there was little of the goddess in his problems. No matter how hard he wished it, he just couldn't be happy. Even though he was the one who had to save her world...

Maybe he should have just joined Draven and made a better world for himself and others like him. A world where the goddess wouldn't turn her back on her children's fate.

A world where he wouldn't be so alone. 

He was sure he had lost Moku... 

And now he lost Draven. 

Both of them to darkness. Just as he had lost his parents and Sister Eri. 

His mind had become so blank and deteriorated, that he didn't realize the mess he was creating in his room. Tearing at everything, smashing his desk, punching his window and the walls... 

He fell to his knees screaming and punching the floor until his knuckles bled and his voice ran out. What had finally brought him to stop, was the warm embrace of Okina's arms wrapping around his shoulders from behind. 

Okina held Stiff as tightly as she could, wanting him to stop. But she knew it couldn't be helped. Under all that darkness, under that thief's coat, and under the silly grins... was just a boy. A hume boy. 

We were all children in the end. And in times like these, all we had were each other. 

I kept forgetting I wasn't alone just yet. I still had her... 

I still had Okina. 

And I wasn't going to let her go of all people. 

I clung to her as tightly as I could... 

As Okina helped Stiff up off the floor, he held her tightly and walked her towards the edge of the bed, gently pushing her down with her back to the mattress. 

Leaning over her against the bed and looking into her eyes through his hair, he attempted to whisper to her, but his throat was so dry from all the screaming, that he could only move his lips. 

She just laid there, looking up at him while caressing his cheeks. 

I'm not letting you go. 


His hands made sure her delicate body was secured. 

You're mine.

"Stiff, wait..." she uttered as her face became flustered. "Are... are you sure?" 

I'll secure you like this, if I have to... 


She gave a tiny yelp as Stiff began to secure his own self inside of her, bringing her hands to her mouth so that she wouldn't cry out. This was the first time he had sealed the lock, after all. 

Okina... Okina... Okina...

Grasping her wrists in his hands, he placed them against the bed and held on, taking every measure imaginable to make sure she wouldn't leave him either. 

"Stiff..." the soft, shrill voice sounding out of lips that were like honey with each kiss spoke. 

Okina... Okina... Okina... Okina...


Draven... Moku... 

"Stiff...!" Okina sighed out again, securing her legs around his waist. 

Vincent... Claire... Vero... Flint... Annie... Mel...

Bear... Nanaa... Salnar... Jakky... Horis... Wert... 

Aki... Eri... Mom... Dad... Sekai... Lion... 

Avondale... Sukiya... Hyde... Lidia... Everybody.

Okina opened her eyes as she felt his warm tears falling on her bare chest. She couldn't really see his eyes through his hair, but she could see the glinting of the wells building up around them. 

Taking his head in her arms, she brought his face into her chest and allowed him to cry against her, glad that he had finally let it all out. "Stiff...

Continued in Chapter 49: The Final Battle

© 2012 Jobyn

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That was such an exciting fight against Moku and Ecco but with a sad ending :( I feel bad for Stiff. I'm really anxious to see how things are going to turn out in the final chapter!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 16, 2012
Last Updated on May 18, 2012
Tags: adventure drama comedy brotherly

To A Thief



Corona, CA

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