Life's long conversation

Life's long conversation

A Poem by Mark D

At peace with life’s past imperfections
We had to come together
To effortlessly connect
On our second attempt
At life’s long conversation

Amongst a deafening crowd
Or my last intimate audience
I have always seen your shadow
In my mind’s starlit garden path

I can trust my senses and instincts
And it is plain to see
That the butterfly in the lighthouse
Is only there for me
Returning to the sun’s warm glow

I have never been known to love like this
As patient in silence
As enthused in aimless conversation
I can still close my eyes
To recall and enjoy the moment
When I moved towards you without thought
Meticulous in my memory of the feeling

If my cold hand is always cooling
And my warm hand always comforting
Never may I be rejected
Always may I be welcome
In the closest chamber of your heart

I’m beginning to write again
Thoughts to fingers
An effortless transition
On our second attempt
At life’s long conversation

© 2012 Mark D

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I like the part of the Butterfly in the light house, intriguing imagery there.
Such deepness for one being, to ponder like so. I enjoyed the longing.
Awesome write here!

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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41 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on February 24, 2012
Last Updated on September 6, 2012


Mark D
Mark D

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

I am a 30 year old from Edinburgh in Scotland more..


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