The Red Hall Tour

The Red Hall Tour

A Story by Mila

Welcome to The Red Hall, where Night stores her mischievous children.


The Red Hall Tour


In the spirit of all things that Night gives birth to, there is a place in the farthest corner of the mountain that houses all of her mischievous children. They are locked away in a crumbling and abandoned place with barred windows and doors that are guarded by chains and ravenous gargoyles.


The dark foliage of the forest makes for an almost supernaturally convenient path to where this ominous structure sits, and everywhere crows caw, wolves howl and ghouls moan for release. It is known as The Red Hall, but many will refer to it as their own personal Hell…


Oh, you want to enter? Foolish are the curious…

We shall save the welcome for later, then.


Within the structure, upon your first entry, the three sisters would be standing there, all of them grinning with seemingly innocent expressions. Perhaps one will be holding a doll, another a bloodied machete and the last nothing. They are naked, slashed here and there with deep cuts that don’t bleed, and their hair is unruly and stained with dirt and human excrement.

You will also notice that their eyes are black and they have no teeth. They pulled them out to make the necklaces they wear around their necks.


“Come play with us!” One will squeal in her most innocent, child like voice, “Play! Play! Mama played with us!” She waves the machete about like a baton, “She’s asleep now. Play with us!”


If you are steel hearted enough to deny these young girls their playmate, you will now continue on into the foyer, where a man and a woman were in a perpetual waltz. The man was tall and possibly only handsome if viewed from the right side, for his left side was missing, and only pieces of free flesh and skeleton remained.


“Good evening to you, sir!” He will say, tipping his bloody top hat and spinning his partner around. The lady he dances with is clad in a torn dress and bare feet. Her hair is falling out with every step she took, but she never seems to lose all of it. Her teeth are rotten and most of her fingers are missing.

She bit them off.


You will continue on from this, and ignore the hooded, hunched figure sitting in the corner and moaning. That old hag never bothered anyone, but do not be surprised if you should turn and see her following your every step.


On the stairs, a woman keeps walking down but never goes up. Pay her no attention, she is in an everlasting nightmare, and will only wake up when all of them realize that they are all in the same nightmare.


Is the hag following you? You may notice if she taps you shoulder. Do not turn around or pay her any attention, she will go away eventually.


Now you are on the first floor. As you pass by room 13, you may or may not notice in your peripheral a very clear image of a girl with long, dark hair falling in her face. Her hands swing by her sides and she is hunched over, moaning and weeping in a whispery tone. As you will continue to inevitably observe her, you may notice that her feet are backwards.


That will not stop her from stalking you if you make eye contact with her.


In the tuberculosis wing on the second floor, you will find many folk who have taken their own lives. To say that this particular wing is haunted would be an understatement, but you did not come here for a mere ghost frenzy.


Ah, the hag is following you, isn’t she? How about the girl with the backwards feet? I did tell you not to make eye contact with her, didn’t I?


Good luck being rid of her now.


Did you blink only to find yourself face to face with a doctor wearing a bloodstained face mask and bloodshot eyes? Try not to move as he leans in closer, trying to examine you. You see, anyone who enters into The Red Hall is his patient. If I were you, I would watch my back.


The hag is cackling, isn’t she? The girl continues to weep.


The doctor lets you by, but don’t count your blessings. He will be watching you. They are all watching you.


You are now on the third and final floor. The first thing you may notice is the woman on the rocking chair breastfeeding her dead child.


I jest with you, it is not dead. In fact, if you look closer, you will notice its teeth are sharp and it is not suckling milk but draining blood.


The woman is naked, as you see, and skeletal. She is pale, her hair is all but gone, and her feet and fingertips are blackened. There is blood running from her breast as the Devil child continues to drink. She hardly seems to notice as you, disgusted beyond imagination, continue to walk on.


The hag is gone now, only the girl follows you. Do you hear her moaning?


At this point you may be aware of the spirits pounding on the cell doors, begging to be freed. Ignore them, they will never quiet.


Ah, yes, now you are curiously about to investigate the treatment room. If you haven’t already, take a good look at the bed where the electric shocks are given. Do you see him? His image fades in and out, but if you watch closely, you may notice him watching you, begging you to stop the machine.


Thing is, it never stopped, and that is how he died. Indeed, I can only imagine the look plastered over your face now, for can you imagine? To be strapped to a bed, powerless, gagged and then shocked over and over and over and over again and your only solace through the pain is that it may stop?


But it doesn’t, the doctor with the blood shot eyes left it on to see how long the patient could withstand the pain.


If you are curious, strap yourself down there and see for yourself. I can almost assure you, you would be a most welcome patient.


No, really, please do stay! You haven’t finished your tour yet.


Why are you running?


You know you can’t escape.


Ah, the woman on the stairs has noticed you now.


The hag is clutching at your shirt, the dancing couple attempt to hold you in place.


Don’t fear the machete. The pain is quick.


Just ask the girl’s mother.


Don’t struggle.


Don’t scream.


Ah, there’s the good doctor, he will make sure you are comfortable.


And the girl with the backwards feet will always be your shadow.


I told you not to make eye contact with her…


Is it over? Splendid!

Welcome to The Red Hall or, shall I say, home?

© 2014 Mila

Author's Note

Yeah this is a bit more macabre than I usually write. I was inspired by American Horror Story: Asylum which, I think, is the best season thus far, and I decided to try my hand at something new and it may not be very good (I do love Halloween in a weird, not serial killer way!) but still do review and let me know how it was!


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Featured Review

I loved this so much. Each character was beautifully described just enough so I could picture them in my mind and to give me shivers. I could see myself in this house of horror. Beautiful job. It is truly mesmerizing. You managed to create a place of nightmares that seeped into my mind. Love it!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


8 Years Ago

Thank you!!!
Ashley Lytle

8 Years Ago

You're welcome


Great story! I have always been a fan of stories with a darker tone, but never really of the horror genre. Despite this, the story managed to pull me in and keep me there until the end. Thank you for sharing!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you very much!
Hey there, great story.
It isn't the scariest one but it was a great short story I had to finish it asap because yeah I wanted to know they end. You had some really original characters and if you used any old ones you created something new out of something old.
(Like the girl with her feed turned around she made me think about "the ring") but great work when i got more free time I definitely will look at more of your work.

Thanks for the story.

P.s. I loved the devil baby

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you! And yes, I'm not a horror writer so I don't think this was as scary as it could have been.. read more
the writing bear

9 Years Ago

You did great, so keep it up.
I love it, it was simply a joy to read. I have always been a fan of horror stories and creepy pastas and im always on the look for a good read. This met all the things i look for in a good creepy story, I felt like i was lead down the halls and that i could feel the hag behind me. I got goosebumps on my arms and felt the hair on my neck rise in excitement as i were reading this. I love the way you put it whit just the right amount of detail and your way of truly capturing the reader. I have always liked stories like this and its hard to find those who i really find a full liking fore, tough you story really made me smile whit delight.

I Would like to read more stories like this from you as you have a talent for it :) I'm happy my fiance told me to read it, it really made my day. And to be honest i would have loved to go into a place like that, to see the people half decayed and sill waking around. to see the little girls smiling and asking to play.. i would take some one i didn't like whit me tough and leave that person there XD that way i could have gotten out alive maybe haha. Halloween is my favorite time of the year and from the stories i have read until now i have to say this is definitely one of the better ones :) So you get a top score from me and tubs up. keep up the grate work :D

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Hahah your welcome it was truly a amazing read ^^ feel free to add me and look at my own work. you a.. read more

9 Years Ago

Oh, I will be doing that soon! Thanks again :)

9 Years Ago

:) your welcome and thank you as well
It felt as if I was being guided through this tour and most of that would of scared me to know end, it gave me goosebumps just reading it though the thing that would scare me the most out of everything is that doctor he just creeps me out the most lol. I am a big scaredy cat so this story really gave this man a fright lol. This piece is very well written and was a fantastic experience. I have not critique to give on this piece it was done well.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thanks! Haha sorry for scaring you :)
Malister Mikey

9 Years Ago

Its okay lol I'm a chicken.
Macabre...undoubtedly and I loved reading it. A simple and interesting second person narrative...As I completed reading this story I realized that my love was for the tour that I took more than the story...

I am absolutely new to this forum but still couldn't stop me from writing what I felt

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you very much!
Well this was very creepy imagery....

I LOVE it. Yay horror and gore! I was thatweird 6-year-old kid who liked Halloween and Scream and the Exorcist

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

So was I, girl, we should totally start a club! :) Thanks for the review! :D
This was really cool! A big deviation from what I usually read from you.
You have a present and furture tense thing going on here and it's really working. However, there are a few instances of passive verbs that should be present. If you need, I'll point them out.
The part where you describe the breastfeeding lady might have a bit more impact if you somehow word it to let us find out that the baby is not dead and feeding on blood towards the end after the her physical description.

This was really cool and it was interesting to see something vastly different from you.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Hey, thank you! Yeah, I'm revising this story in general so it'll be updated and edited with all of .. read more
Quite macabre.. yes.. quite. An interesting style that is unique, I like the use of the second person narrative. Not easy to pull off, however I believe you have managed it quite well. Great setting and mood depiction, your description is vivid without going over board.

Although there is nothing wrong with the ending, I found it didn't quite capitalize on the rest of your story. I apologize though because I can't quite give you what I feel is missing because I am unsure of it. Still a very good piece you have!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you! Yes I didn't quite know how to about ending it so I'm going to be tinkering with that whe.. read more
I love this! I mean, i may have nightmares, but you are so good at creating settings: i feel like i am really walking through the red hall

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Oh noooo, sorry about that!! Hahaha but thank you for the review! :)
Rebecca Leigh

9 Years Ago

Haha, its ok, i love being scared, and it takes a lot for me, so well done, my friend :D

9 Years Ago

Thank you very much!:)
It's deliciously macabre and definitely puts me in a Halloween frame of mind! Most enjoyable and I'm happy you shared it.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Thank you very much!! :)

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22 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on October 7, 2014
Last Updated on October 8, 2014
Tags: Halloween, Horror, Gore



St. Louis , MO


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