A chit-chat with "Sorrow"

A chit-chat with "Sorrow"

A Poem by Nima.Hope

Hope wins!


An old depressed man

Came to me last night

With his injured face

Like he came from a street fight

Dusty coat he had

Stared at me like a mad

I asked:

Have we met before?

He said yes

We met this morning

I said that can’t be true

He laughed and looked at the park

“You were sitting there thinking,

I came to you and you smiled

Then you went back home

To complete your tasks ASAP”

“I saw Hope in my dreams

Wearing a black suit

Fully shaved and stylish”

“That was me

He and I are like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Whether you want to see me or him

We come to you in your thoughts”

“So even now you call yourself Hope?”

“Young man, I must say nope

Now I’m sorrow

Weak like a rope that’s narrow

I’m not as strong as you think

I’m like Titanic

Not impossible to sink”

I looked at him amazed

“So hope is stronger than you?

“Sure he is, even I’ve come this long

to tell it to you”

the division bell rang

it was 9 pm

and “Sorrow” was gone

There is hope even in sorrow

Always seek advice to be borrowed

At the end of the night

There will be light

© 2022 Nima.Hope

Author's Note

Please leave a review, to improve this poem. Regards

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Even in our deepest sorrow, we can find hope...I remember a couple years of being right on the edge, just looking for a reason to get up each day and get through it...
I had many conversations with myself like this Jekyll and Hyde conversing...
I sat on park benches and wondered if I had any more room to retreat before I just blew like Dally in The Outsiders.
I like the conversation with the the self that you give us here....I like poems with dialogue that remind me of one of my favorite Beat poets, Robert Creeley...
He saw more with one eye than many can see with two.
nice work here Nima.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

Your story reminds me of my uncle Freidoun, he is 70 years old and he told me that when he was in Ok.. read more


now that is the kind of poem i like to read, nicely written piece

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thank you Quill.
We come to you in your thoughts”
“So even now you call yourself Hope?”
“Young man, I must say nope
Now I’m sorrow“

Nima, your classically written allegorical tale here is profound, resonant and so well-penned. The almost mystical vignette you present us with speaks volumes. The dialogue, language, imagery, rhyme and first-person narration are greatly effective. The Dreamlike mood conveyed, seamless storytelling and graceful flow are mesmerizing. Yes, people, visions, warnings, come to visit us unexpectedly. As you imply, they are sometimes filled with meaning and portent-though filtered by our receptivity and interpretation at the time. Are the messengers from above? Your writing illustrates that they often come when we are at our lowest points. Your last lines of hope are uplifting and inspiring. Excellent and memorable write.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thank you very much dear Annette for this thoughtful, deep and very kind review, you've made me humb.. read more
Annette Pisano-Higley

1 Year Ago

You are very welcome Nima. I applaud your promising talent.

1 Year Ago

You are very sweet dear Annette, thank you very much.
A very nice write with wisdom spoken from the heart. And I so agree with the powerful line, 'Always seek advice to be borrowed. ' A strong piece of poetry Nima. Thank you for sharing your art with us.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thank you very much Carlos for your kind words, I appreciate this review. Wish you the best.
Hi Nima, I always love poems about HOPE...I wrote one I called Hope many years ago and recently posted it.
I see you asked for reviews to improve your poem and I see no reviews with any suggestions.
I only see praise...
I loved your thoughts in this poem...Did you want your poem to rhyme? What type of poem did you want this to be? Meaning did you think of a form you might like to follow..or??
I loved the use of dialog...
Thank you for sharing,

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thank you Lisa for your kind words, I actually wanted my poem to be a little rhythmic so I used rhym.. read more

1 Year Ago

I bet they are the same in Persian as in English...
I see the rhymes you used...
Lovely sentiment and thought expressed.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thank you Winston.
There is always a chink where the light can get through, but whether or not you choose to seek it is another matter.

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

A really true sentence came from a wise mind. Thank you Stella for stopping by. Have a wonderful day
Stella Armour

1 Year Ago

Hi Nima, well it is raining .... but never mind i will still have a wonderful day ... wishing you on.. read more
Nice work NIma. The story spins itself like an unexpected spring morning sun breaking through the clouds. I don't think you need help improving this little gem.

ken e

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thank you very much Ken for your kind words. Actually English is not my first language and I don't k.. read more
A lovely poem of hope Nima. We all need that when the chips are down and we have reached rock bottom. I admire the way you use dialogue here. It is most effective. Very much enjoyed the read. Have a good Sunday.


Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

As a Persian, I hadn't heard of the Idiom you used here Chris and I learned a new idiom from you. Th.. read more
Chris Shaw

1 Year Ago

Thank you so much. I will remember Friday is your holiday Nima and I am pleased that I taught you so.. read more

1 Year Ago

In Iran holidays are very much, We are fun-loving people(not all of us actually), happy day!
dear Nima… poetry and dreams give us Hope… as Emily Dickinson said in her poetry… “Hope is the thing with Wings”. Sweet dreams.. Always, Pat

Posted 1 Year Ago


1 Year Ago

Thank you very much for your kind review Pat, have a wonderful day.
Patricia Wedel

1 Year Ago

“Hope is the thing with Feathers” is what Emily Dickinson really said…. hugs, Pat

1 Year Ago

Emily was absolutely right, many thanks.
Even in our deepest sorrow, we can find hope...I remember a couple years of being right on the edge, just looking for a reason to get up each day and get through it...
I had many conversations with myself like this Jekyll and Hyde conversing...
I sat on park benches and wondered if I had any more room to retreat before I just blew like Dally in The Outsiders.
I like the conversation with the the self that you give us here....I like poems with dialogue that remind me of one of my favorite Beat poets, Robert Creeley...
He saw more with one eye than many can see with two.
nice work here Nima.

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

Your story reminds me of my uncle Freidoun, he is 70 years old and he told me that when he was in Ok.. read more

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10 Reviews
Added on September 3, 2022
Last Updated on September 3, 2022



Vienna, Austria

A Literature Lover, a bookworm, a music lover,mostly piano fan. I have been involved with poetry since I was 7 but now I've started to publish my poems in a website. I really admire you commenting o.. more..

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