No Need to Explain

No Need to Explain

A Chapter by Carl Taylor

With the memory of now gone friends still echoing in their united thought, The Being and His Heart both wanted to waste away. To distract their thoughts The Being and His Heart decided to explore the physical extremes of nature for the nothing to fill them up. After coming out of their own door in the sea, they walked up the sea cliff while the mist of failed attacks of waves on rocks danced around them. You might be wondering how they are walking up a cliff, well they need not explain. 

© 2008 Carl Taylor

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Walking up a cliff.
Past the passing of time's tribulations.
The nature of nurture not being in nature, sometimes,
but here they are.

(inhales a deep breath of sea air)

(bows to poet)

thank you.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 2, 2008


Carl Taylor
Carl Taylor

Houston, TX

First off I do not get to read a lot of other people's work, just a forewarning. It is cause I am studying aboard in France next year, so I am brushing up on my french and trying to get an english cre.. more..

Judy Judy

A Story by Carl Taylor