Dark Thoughts, Dark Dreams

Dark Thoughts, Dark Dreams

A Poem by Pakino

A poem about a phase in my life that I experienced. Which in some ways is ongoing struggle. Hope you like it



Dark thoughts, Dark dreams

Flow into me like a vine tree

Growing slowly from the tip of my finger tips

Consuming my skin like locusts

Dark thoughts, Dark dreams


I wonder aimlessly confused

Unaware of which place to choose

I fall deeper into dark

Reality and fantasy blur

This is the norm

Dark thoughts, Dark dreams


Hope is it false?

Friends are they fake?

Love is it constructed?

Family is it misguided

Dark thoughts, Dark dreams


A ray of light shines on my heart

Shattering the thorns that lay on my finger tips

A genuine light a warm light

I stand up and look at the sky at the

Dark thoughts, Dark dreams


My mind lighter

My heart pure

My cup now empty is ready for more

Light is it bliss?

Or is

Dark thoughts, Dark dreams

A fantasy?


I thread on both sides

Dark and Light are my allies

Together, I am complete

Separate, I am weak

I walk a long path

Treacherous and rough

I do not know what lies above

Perhaps only anger and angst


With a smile I walk

Prepared to walk the miles ahead

For I am Light and Dark

And nothing can hurt me


© 2008 Pakino

Author's Note

little sensitive plz this poem means something to me. Feedback welcomed

My Review

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This is very well written! You have wonderfully pieced together what is hidden within us all.

Posted 16 Years Ago

It shows that two totally opposite things are needed to make one person. It's very good, and if I had a working printer, I'd print it and add to my favorite poems that I keep. Keep on writing! I'll read it.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

It's very good. It shows that you are both parts just as we all are. Darkness and Light in some way become irrelevant to our actions. In truth they are the moral compass to which neither side could be without the other. You define them well. We all have the darkness and the light. The villain and the hero. The ruthlessness and the mercy within us, just that some are more prepared to walk the hard road.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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I really loved this! In particular this stanza grabbed me:
Hope is it false?
Friends are they fake?
Love is it constructed?
Family is it misguided

That was pure brilliance. You summarised exactly what people can ask themselves during their lifetime. The structure and repetition of "Dark thoughts, Dark dreams" was used to perfection. Plus you managed to incorporate a psychological moment that I've only really seen to great lengths in Gwen Harwood's poetry.

Posted 16 Years Ago

This is a really well written poem hun, and you have done a great job, the emotion is real and you can feel it all the wy through.
Keep writing.

Posted 16 Years Ago

Beautiful and really creative.
You must have alot of emotion, it is shown with in this piece....
Very enjoyed.



Posted 16 Years Ago

I like it soo much.
I can sense when one day you just sit down and ponder about life,
Which seems so unsatisfying.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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17 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on May 3, 2008
Last Updated on May 6, 2008




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